Bev - Round 2

Yeah, its coming Friday to Wales!!
Glad you enjoyed the meal out Bev. Post some pics of your haircut please.

I cant get into my regular to get my hair cut for Friday, I have left it too late, so I must try somewhere else on Wed or Thur. It badly needs cutting.
Yeah, its coming Friday to Wales!!
Glad you enjoyed the meal out Bev. Post some pics of your haircut please.

I cant get into my regular to get my hair cut for Friday, I have left it too late, so I must try somewhere else on Wed or Thur. It badly needs cutting.

Glad that you phrased it that way Mary and needs cutting badly!
I had my hair done today too, roots highlighted and a nice trim :) Looks like were all on the same wavelength, getting it done just in time for crimbo!!! :giggle: x
Glad you enjoyed the meal! Hope the 'do' went well too! :) xx
I am well and truly "blonde" now. My daughter put in lots of find highlights and it looks good. We've left the underneath of my hair my natural colour, which is a mid brown. I also had about 2-3 inches cut off so it's just resting on my shoulders now. I really like it. I don't always like my hair after a new "do" but this I do. She did a really good job. Like you said tanya, I think everybody wants their hair done in time for xmas.

Well mary, if you're getting the snow on Friday we should be around the same as you, what with us being in the west too. Great! Hubby's worried about getting the xmas shop done next week, he wants to do it on sunday just in case we get snowed in. Hope we don't get anymore snow, I really do need to be able to get to work next week, we're really busy!
It looks like it might be coming to us on Thursday now, but fingers crossed they have got it wrong Bev.

Glad you like your hair doo, I still have not been able to get an appointment, so I might just trim my fringe myself, use the straightners and tuck it behind my ears, as I am going to grow my layers out anyway.
At least if I can't get an appointment I can just get my daughter to trim mine at home. It really did need a colour and good cut though. I always trim my fringe myself too.

Watching the weather last night, it doesn't seem that we're going to get anymore snow just yet. So glad!! I really love the look of snow but the trouble it brings! I live at the top of a really big hill, which they don't grit all the time. Watching a car with its wheels locked and sliding down sideways the other week made up my mind that I was not going to attempt it! I don't mind if it snows right over christmas though. At least then I will be home with everything in and not need to go out! A white christmas would be lovely. I don't ever remember one of those.
Bev does the weather warning not affect you then? They reckon 5-10cm snow here... I can't see it happening though!
Bev, that would scare the s**t out of me too, watching a car slide sideways.

We live in the Afan Valley, right at the top of the mountain, so my brain goes into overdrive when I see or hear of snow when I am in Cardiff in work. I have had a few narrow escapes re getting up the mountain road to get home in recent years.
SSSSScary!! :( xx
According to many different people, we are due some snow tonight and tomorrow. I think we should have a few snow showers over the weekend too but really hoping it's not going to be too bad. I always used to love snow but now I just don't like it anymore. Looks great but ruins all your plans!

Was planning to do my last big xmas shop on wednesday night but hubby's a bit worried about the snow and thinks we should do it on sunday instead. That's too early for me though. I think we'll just wait and see what snow comes and let that decide.

No badminton club tonight because of the threat of snow. If we were to go and then it snowed while we were there we would never be able to get up the hill home. No more club now until after the new year.
Stupid snow warnings hey! :mad: :smiley1842:
Yeah I know what you mean Bev - well gone are they days when I would think OOOO GREAT!! SNOW!!! :D ... Now I just think 'Oh God!'

Already your plans are disrupted and it hasn't even started!! :( xx
Can't wait for weekend! Need the break this week. Been really busy and could do with the rest. Snowing again here now. It's not sticking so far though, so that's all right. Walking in after work so hoping it wont be too heavy for that.

Me and hubby are going late night shopping on thursday, haven't been so far this year. Just for a look around and any last minute bargains. I love the atmosphere shopping at this time of year. There'll be lots of stalls and the road is closed off so that will be lovely. Last day of work for us both on thursday too. I only have 5 days off over xmas but better than nothing.

Hope everyone's staying safe and not too snowed in.
Bev, hope you are coping with the snow and generally miserable weather. It disrupts everything. Hope you get your shopping done. Enjoy the week, despite the snow!!
We are totally clear of snow down here. It's a bit icy in the mornings and it was -4 when we left for work today. No snow thankfully!! North Cornwall and Devon have been badly hit though. Hope it doesn't come down this far now.

Started physio yesterday for my left shoulder. She thinks I've done something to the deltoid muscles and the rotator cuff. Going back again in the new year, just have to remember to do the exercises she gave me between then and now.

Doing our big shop tomorrow after work, it will be busy but it has to be done. Then on thursday late night shopping. Really looking forward to that especially as we have no work the following day on xmas eve. Love having xmas eve off work!
Bev, is it your racket arm? I had to have a cortisone injection a few weeks back cos I had a bursa caused by my walking stick being an inch too long. You don't notice these things at the time until it's too late and you've done the damage!

Hope it feels better soon and make sure that you do your physio, set a time and stick to it. I have hourly exercise to do at the moment as well as the sessions in a hydrotherapy pool and it's a real chore but things don't get better on their own.
It's not my racket arm thankfully! Not sure how I did it and really glad I went to the docs to try and get it sorted out. She said basically its the bone at the top of my arm rubbing on the bone of the shoulder joint. Ouch!! I mainly get the pain when raising my arms so no more flying lessons for me!!