Bev - Round 2

YAY!!! !:party0049: Well done to your daughter :)
Enjoy your gym session tonight Bev xxx
YAY! I'm really happy for her - AND you .. I bet that means Mum the taxi driver can have a break now!!

I think you're all heroes the way you go running, to the gym etc in this horrible weather and in the dark ... I couldnt do it! x
You're right Jan, no more ferrying around by us, thankfully! That's all you seem to do as parents isn't it?

Went gym last night and the session was OK. Didn't push myself particularly hard cos I was tired before I started. Will be going again tomorrow and will try a little harder I think. My elbow is almost back to normal now so don't mind pushing it a little more. The big test will be next thursday during my match. Hope it holds out!

Having cheese sandwich for lunch and fishcakes for tea (I think). Not sure what to cook this weekend, haven't even thought about it. Might do chicken stuffed with philli and wrapped in bacon and of course I have my orders for more homemade coleslaw. It's so much nicer than shop bought and very cheap to make too.

Weather is going to be windy and wet today, not nice. The waves were crashing over the promenade on the way to work which is never a good sign. Hope it's better over the weekend for us all but I doubt it!
My daughter's gone to Plymouth for a shopping trip with friends today. She called me to say she thinks she's got chickenpox! She's never had it before either. She said her back's covered and she's feeling hot and sweaty so sounds like it to me. Will check it out when she gets home later. Typical isn't it, if it's not one thing it's another. Great way to celebrate passing your driving test!
Awwww no!!!!!! :eek: Chicken pox!!! Still, i bet she carried on shopping instead of coming home! :giggle:
You're right Tanya, she carried on shopping and has only just got home. Not sure if it's chickenpox though. Her back has lots of spots on it but not sure if they are pox or not. How do you tell? The doc said they start off red and then turn to blisters. I'm not sure. Think she should stay off work this weekend at least, just in case. She's come back with lots of shopping including a bright pink handbag by Paul's Boutique (never heard of it myself) and says it's brilliant and a bargain from Primark. If you say so! Bought her boyfriend a SuperDry t-shirt for xmas which is nice. Be going to Plymouth myself in a few weeks, can't wait.

She's just come downstairs in a sleepsuit she bought today. Basically it's a babygro for adults. You should see her! She looks so funny! She loves it. Bargain for £8 from Primark again. What a burk!
Oooh I know the pj your on about - well good I want one! Lol

Yes, best if she does stay off work just to be on the safe side! X
Bek said those babygros were going like hotcakes. They have them for kids too. They even have them for men in army colours. My hubby would never wear one. What a sight that would be though!
Yer my brother works in there an told us the other day they've got em in for men - after mum had already bought him a lovely pink one for Xmas!!!! Lol

I bet they are well comfy though!! Xx
I've heard of those pjs too and want one, imagine how snuggley they would be under jeans and coat when the weather turns -0 and you have to be outside.

Congrats on her driving test and hope she isnt too poorly with cp, its nasty in adults.
Hope your daughter's okay Bev :eek: xx
We came back from town and my daughter's gone to work. She must be OK. I bet she's just been sweaty and got a bit of a spotty back. If she had chickenpox she really wouldn't feel well. Glad about that.

Bought some bits online for hubby and girls for xmas just now. Got my mum some nice pjs too. Slowly getting there now. I've left it really late this year. Usually by now I would have loads of pressies sorted but not this time. Really cutting back this year on what I get people so not that much to buy really.
Gosh, Christmas is creeping up so fast. I have not had a second to think about it. I really will have to tackle it in the next couple of weeks. You must be delighted to have made a start with some of your presents. It is great when you have stuff got and some idea of what you want to get people. I think everyone will cut back a bit this year. We are all getting a bit more sensible now. Thankfully!!!
Cutting back - me too!!!! x
I did a bit more today, I got my Sons girlfriend those all in one pyjamas at Primark, she is a right freezer. Funnily enough when she was here around August, I mentioned to her that I would love to get her something like that, as she sits around with shawls etc, and is always cold, so I was glad to see Primark have them, just like big baby-gro's.
Also got my daughter one of those slankets (I think that's what they're called). It's like a blanket with arms in. She's always cold so the pjs and that will be great for her.

She definitely doesn't have chickenpox. Checked her back again yesterday and lot of the rash has gone. I think it may have been a heat rash of some kind. She's fine now.

Had spag bol for tea last night and it was lovely. Haven't done it for a while. For tea tonight I might have another omelette or a jacket potato and coleslaw. Not sure yet.

Over the next 3 weeks I have 7 sessions of badminton. 3 matches, 3 club nights and a tournament. Hope I can manage all that. Really looking forward to it but don't want to overdo it. We'll see!
Blimey girl you'll be as fit as a fiddle with that lot!!! :D

Glad DD didn't have chicken pox :) xx
I'm sure you'll manage it Bev! :) So your elbow all better now?x
Elbow all better now. Think I just overdid it that night. There weren't so many players there that night and I did play a lot.

Just got daughter's boyfriend a box of Heroes for xmas. Half price at tescos at the mo. I always do him up a box of loads of choccies and a bottle of vodka for xmas. Seems happy with that! Feeling quite organised now that I've got a few more bits in.

Think I'll have omelette for tea tonight after gym. Lovely! Have egg and cress sandwich for lunch. Having an egg day today obviously.

Loving these lighter mornings. I'm at work by 7 most mornings so arriving in the light is so much nicer. Quite creepy here in the dark.