Big Boys Need Love Too!

i just want to get away somewhere HOT. me and OH are saving up for a 'proper' honeymoon once we are married so we can go somewhere lovely and shiny :) part of me wants to book a cheap week in tenerife or somewhere just so we go somewhere other than york for the weekend, ha. but we'll just have to see. i love the sun and the sea and the sand... argh. you're going to have me looking at holidays again...

well the scales are showing downward movement again. i was up twice to wee last night, ha. so the water drinking went well throughout the evening. not so much sleep as a result though, ha.

at work again today. i'm trying to work out how to do something difficult. i don't know how and it's really hard :( guess i'm going to have to get googling...

abz xx
Hi guys sorry i havent been on, ive been really busy.

Abz i know im going into sales mode lol but have you thought about greece or cyprus for your honeymoon? they're the countries where the hotels are in that we work with. I work for a hotel marketing company (although not really on that side of things) and we represent the Le Meridien in Cyprus and Out of the Blue Resort in Crete. Cyprus especially is a really popular choice at the wedding shows because it's an all year round island, easy to get to, and the money you save on the flights compared to long haul you can put towards a better hotel. Something to think about anyway :)

Taz, i'm really sorry hun. *hugs*.

Guys ive been so bad this week haha. Last night we had chinese, i had boiled rice and some chicken and veg in oyster sauce - didnt eat all of it, and also some prawn crackers. I weighed 13st 6 again this morning but also i know my totm is nearing & you know...usual toilet problems. Anyway tonight im meeting my friend for food at a beefeater because she hasnt seen me yet for my bday. Fingers crossed. Ill be happy if its a sts tomorrow lol. Ill probabaly officialise fortnightly weigh ins anyway...

Hi guys. I know I said I wouldn't be here tonight but OH has bad tum & thought it better to leave it til the morning to go away. I rang the B&B and they said we could stay Sunday night instead and as I don't have to be in work til Tuesday OH is taking Monday off. So here I am - grounded for the moment x
Taz - Keep your chin up hun. It can't be easy - sometimes it's just too much isn't it. Think of all he was when he was alive. Did he make you laugh sometimes? Think of a funny story that reminds you of the person behind the illness, then smile with him. Sometimes things just aren't fair! You have had SO much lately. Take care x
am i actually the first on today? lol. that's incredible as im on late due to a meeting...

yeh abz it's capsis. the cheapest is definitely le meridien out of both of them, it's just highly unfortunate that they're website isn't that great lol. im just trying to think whether we'll be getting any brochures in soon so i can send you one. hmmm... not sure. Are you planning on attending any wedding shows hun?

had an ace time with my friend, she bought me a gorgeous red purse from accessorise and some chocs from thorntons AND a box of maltesers :s haha. ive brought the thorntons into work hoping theyll be eaten. ive had one, theyre 71 cals each!! In terms of what I ate, I had a starter - prawn cocktail, my main was grilled salmon with jacket potato and salad, didnt finish the salmon or the spud. then we waited a while and i had fruit skewers for my pudding.

in terms of WI, considering that in just over a week i've had frankie and bennys, nandos, tapas, indian, a wedding, pizza, chinese and been to a beefeater, i think my 1lb loss is amazing! indeed, the scales said 13st 5lbs today :) will change my tickers, yay :) xxx
Morning everyone. Gosh I'm pleased it's the weekend. I was only in work three days but they were busy and bonkers.

I need to tidy up because my cousin is coming over to discuss refitting my bathroom and kitchen at some point today and I haven't done any washing up since Monday night.

Going for a curry tonight so wish me luck as I try to resist eating loads and instead swerve the bread, minimise the rice and focus on some thing reasonably healthy.

Hope you all have relaxing or fun weekends.

Claire x
i am working again today. gah!! had a bit of a hob nob misnomer last night so am getting back on the straight and narrow today... am also really tired despite plenty of sleep last night. i just don't seem to have any energy after reintroducing carbs, and mainly wheat into my diet again. i really am beginning to think that i have an intolerence to gluten. when i see my cdc on tuesday we're going to talk about cutting it out...

abz xx
Hey hey ladies, Wow I just spent an hour reading all y'alls comments. Loads happening I can see....

Gem, Sorry to hear the festival was a bit of a washout but I am glad you got a chance to have a good set and show off your talents even though there weren't tons there.

Taz, I hope you are feeling a little better now. I loved having laryngitis years ago, but that was only because I liked the honking sound I made when I tried to speak. I thought it was funny. But at least you have some free time to relax and chill out, like gem said, you've had a lot to deal with lately.

Abz...well you are doing well and I would say SSing might not be the best thing as it wasn't that great for you last time. I don't mean weight wise but how you felt. Although hippocritically enough...*LOL* I was thinking I might do it for a couple of weeks once I have the baby ( if I am not able to breast fed) to give myself a little boost on the weight loss then go back to slimming world again.

Elle, Those measurements sound great, but I am sure my thigh is a LOT bigger than your good on ya.

JAWS: Well I read you all were talking of teeth, and my OH has a bit of a jaw issue. First of call because of the jaw thing he only had one set of teeth for his back once the baby ones fell out he didn't get any more. He only has 4 in total two on the top and two on the bottom and none in the middle. But the funny thing was it took me 4 years before I realised the teeth weren't there. ( and I kiss him you know)=-) He has all his teeth and so when he smiles you would never know. But he can't bit down the front either. So no sandwiches and he struggles with anything you use the front teeth the grip or break down. So no opening packets with his teeth. *LOL* He was meant to get his jaw reajusted because he comes out of joint, so he can touch his bottom teeth to his nose ( which make him look my a gurner- which is UGLY) and I hate it when he does it...he just tries to wind me up. *LOL* Anyway they were mean to sort out the jaw and short out the muscles but it meant breaking his jaw and reseting it and he wasn't keen on the idea of a big metal face He never bothered.

Me: Well I have been busy running around cleaning...doing some cooking but have had NO ENERGY to do anything in great detail. But Today I was determined to do something more as I have gained so much in the last feek weeks I hate it. So I rearranged LU play room so that he has more room and he seems to love it. I have cleaned the house and the kitchen and am doing laundry, but have a headache now so thought I would rest.

It's my own fault for gaining. I haven't been following the diet. AT ALL. Not that I have been stuffing my face or anything, but I am not having proper meals. Plus I am eating later than normal as I feel sick often. I have put on 10lbs...and I am gutted. I worked so hard and now it is on....I need to find a way to get it off. I thought about more drastic stuff...but then I rememered I was pregnant. *DUH* Anyway, I just need to get back in the swing of's not that I want to eat crap or anything, but at the same time. I want sweets, and things...or spinach dip from the US which is made with mayo ( but I did you light) and sour cream, which I would have used half fat creame fraiche but I didn't have any....and formage frais tastes bad in it. I made some last time with extra light mayo and extra low fat fromage frais and I had to throw it away cuz it was YUK!!

Anyway, I will do my best to try and get into the swing of things...It doesn't help that I have NO engery to any exercise and all I do is cleaning and tidying and playing with LU. Anyway, well I am trying to atleast even if I do eat crap to at least eat my fruit and veg too....and not eat so much fatty stuff if I can. But I think the late eating isn't helping much.

Anyway all...I will try and keep up to date with this a bit more. Take care all.

Hey girlie girls!

Well i am finally up and running!!

Computer fixed, internet sorted life should be great, but nooo! Dirty nasty students! I have got freshers flu, again! Every year i pick the sodding thing up, only i get the cheast infection to go with it, lol. So been bed ridden since Thursday, feeling better now, but still not 100% so not going to class tomorrow as i don't wanna give folks the last of my germs, that and it hurts to talk, laugh, sneeze, walk, cough, bend down, concentrate and even my hair hurts (Seriously!)

But i will stay home, clear my room up which has gotten really messy these last few days whee i have throw things over my shoulder when i have been crawling into bed lol.

I made contact with my CDC aswell!! I should have gone for my meeting at 11am on thursday morning (Julie is her name, she sounds lovely) But the whole me dying put a stop to it, so going to ring her again tomorrow and set up another meeting ASAP so i can get started now the freshers stuff is over with.

Hope your all ok, and not causing to much trouble, and if you are, i hope its alot of trouble!
good morning guys :)

tyn!! great to see you again. sorry you're ill. i used to get it every year too because i worked at the uni. i don't now and i'm hoping i avoid it, although my mate did come to visit last night having been off work for a week with it and she still wasn't top notch, so hoping i haven't got her lurgi...

taz. hope you are feeling better today honey?

jenn!! great to see you again honey. take it easy. you seem to be trying to eat healthily and things and that's all you can do :) can the doc not give you a healthy eating regime for while you are preggers to help you lose weight? i'm sure i've read threads about it on here so there's plenty of people in the same boat :)

i don't want to ss again, but i am thinking of dropping down onto the 810 plan which should see me in ketosis again. to be honest, the hormonal grumpiness hasn't lifted that much. i still get mood swings. and if i'm going to be horrid whilst losing weight i'd rather get it over with as soon as possible rather than being slightly less mad for a couple of months extra. still eating lean meat and veg with my three packs though. i'm going to discuss it properly with my cdc on tuesday. i don't think she'll want me doing ss again either. and i don't really want to, so i don't think there's any worry of that happening :) i do feel like i've started again though and have lots of enthusiasm for it again, whereas i couldn't be bothered any more before. a few short months to christmas and i hope i could be moving up the plans towards maintenance by then!! woo. ha. wish me luck guys. still a couple of holiday lbs lingering, bloody squatters, but most of them have gone ready for my weigh in at 6.30 tomorrow night. so fingers crossed her scales won't be too evil (why do cdc's scales always weigh heavier than your own?)

tyn. good luck for your first meeting :) dead excited for you :)

right. i'm going to toddle off for now. i've made myself some hot water flavouring stuff so am going to slurp that, then have a coffee :)

abz xx
Yay Jenn and Tyn!! You came back for a bit! How we have missed you :)

Jenn - you should get back on here more often, we'll soon kick you back into shape! Dont worry too much about the gain, the most important thing is to NOT GIVE UP. Hope everyone's ok, including the little baby growing inside you lol.

Tyn: Bahahaaaa, i never had fresher flu :p You poor thing. Great news on the CD front, get on more and let us know how it's going.

Abz: Moooorning! You need to do whatever you're comfortable with. And keep going with the enthusiasm, your holiday weight is dropping off! How's your day going so far?

Taz: hope you're feeling ok chick

Gem: are you back from your trip yet?

My weekend went quite well, even though i had a meeting on saturday morning. i'm a massive west brom fan (i have a season ticket) and we beat fulham on saturday yay! and then some family friends came over (who also go football) for dinner and i had a couple of profiteroles and some maltesers... *ahem*. then yesterday the whole family went out for dinner. foodwise, at the pub it went well but then later at my aunty's house i had a bit too much fruit flan (although i later realised it was half fat, phew) and some crisps *ahem* (the baked ones). Anyway, at the pub there was a guy that came with his girlfriend and sat immediately to my left on the table next to me. I knew i recognised him, i just didnt know where i knew him from. anyway, it finally clicked so i turned round to my dad and mouthed "THAT'S JAMES MORRISON!" No, lol, not the singer. he's a west brom player, and very good one at that. You could definitely tell how well off he is, partly because of the clothes he and his girlfriend were wearing and partly because of the wad of fivers he left as a tip.
oops, didnt mean to send that yet lol.

here he is in action! woo!

twas all very exciting...

And then me and some family member went online and found cheap tickets to dublin so we're going for two days 15th/16th december. YAY!

Scales said 13st 4lbs today but i'm not holding out for it to stay the same, i reckon my body will catch up with the weekend at some point lol.

LOL Elle,

I just had a freak out until I read the rest of your sentence. *LOL* I LOVE JAMES MORRISON, the singer not the footie players. hahaha. So there I was reading and the I shouted " OH MY GOD!" and OH was like what...and then I said nevermind. False alarm. hahahaha.

Yeah well 10 lbs is 10 lbs but I am trying to be more careful. I was better yesterday and has some bran flakes for breakfast with a banana and an apple, pasta salad for lunch, but then I had some spinach dip with some doritos ( not many as there were only a small amount left in the bag). But OH went to the store and got me some little nibbles....naughty nibbles. He does that when I am PG. He got me some roses and a big tin of choco chip buscuits. But luckily, I only had a few cookies ( which were a little larger than the size of a 50p coin). And 4 choclates. And for dinner I had a good for you macaroni and cheese. . He is makeing me a large pot of meatballs with extre leans meat and home made I can freeze them and have them ready for whenever I need/want them. And I can make the pasta fresh at the time. He loves cooking when I am PG. It's like he is on a mission. So he gets as much veg in as possible. So they should be ok. On a red day with wheat pasta. And I will be having a nice salad with them too. I got up late this he was nice enough to make LU his breakfast so i could ge my shower and I finally have my first midwife appointment today. Which by the way I had to chase up cuz no one bothered to contact me. Which is rediculous as I nearly 11 weeks now. Last time they saw me straight away. Anyway, I should be getting a dating scan soon. And I may very well go through bupa, if we can afford it as at least I would ( i hope) get better care than I did last time. Anyway, I did get excited today when I got on the scales it is said I was 18.12st....then it said 19.2 st then it said 18.6st then 18.12, and I thought...something is soooooo wrong. Maybe the batteries were going so I weight more than that NOW. But when I brought the scales downstairs and then they worked fine. but at least it looks like i have lost 1 pound...*LOL* but then yesterday I was working like a loony. I am determined not to gain so much weight as last time. So I am starting back on my wii fit 3 days a week when LU is at nursery, and if I eat my bran flakes in the morning it seems to be helping give me a little energy to do things. And just try and stick to SW a bit more rather than doing what I want... cuz that is the problem...and OH normally would say something like " oi cheeky, is that on yout diet? Or and hwo many syns is that? " keeping me on the straight and narrow, but when I am PG he lets me have whatever I want. So I am sure it doesn't help. But he just says look jenn have what you want...cuz otherwise you are going to keeping wanting it and will eat more of it just get what you want but have a little. Which is what I am trying to we shall see.

Anyway, today is going to be ok. I have to go and exchange LU x box game ( his first) which was a gift for sleeping in his bed and filling his calendar with stickers for the month,but when he got didn't work so i have take it back. Plus I have to go to morlings and see if I can find a violin bow, as my other half is going to teach me how to play. LU is very interested, and I have always wanted to learn. So we shall see. He used to play at when he was younger and was so good he used to go to the Royal Northern College of Music at the age of 8. He was almost genius...on the viloin score, but once his favourite teacher stopped...he lost his love for it as his new teacher was a jerk, so he stopped. But he taught me the scales on it yesterday and i was well impressed with myself....took me only 5 minutes...and seeing as it is by ear I was even more impressed. Anyway, I have to clean too and tidy up as I didn't finish it all yesterday and I am still doing laundry. plus I need to do the dishes before OH starts cooking. And I have my midwife appt. at 3pm. So, not much time to what I need to . Anyway how was all ya'll weekend?

Abz...I know what you mean. I think if once I have the baby, two weeks of CDing might not be too last time I thought I would be doing it for 8 months or so...but two weeks I can do just as a kick start. last time I lost a stone in that time...I will just have to be careful as it could trigger another PG so...don't want that so soon. *LOL*
Oooh wow i'm incredibly in awe of your husband Jenn he seems to know how to do a lot of things. I'd love to find someone musically talented, who can cook and do amazing things on the net lol...

I think with pregnancy you have to go with the flow of what your body needs, although its not an excuse to go overboard like my mum did when she was pg with me. apparently she was eating bucketloads of junk. but she blames that on me giving her cravings lol. Actually once in one of my PE lessons at school the teacher told us something about baby's growing fat cells in the womb and however many they acquire, even though they can shrink and expand they can never get rid of them. Even though i didnt exactly understand how on earth that could work, i did use it against my mum when she went on about cravings haha.

Arrrrrrgh totm pains :(Boohoohoo. xxx