'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

Today was dead chuffed when someone did a double take at me and said "have you lost weight?" I confess I said "no" cos I didn't want to say I was on a diet but I was really pleased - gave me a lovely warm glow.

Hope you are all having a good week and that the weight is sliding off. xx

Yeah its definately better than a gain! Thebest thing is people noticing, I didnt tell all my friends I was doing it (Bit scared of failing at first) and the other day one of my friends looked at me and said I was looking great, Had I lost weight? I confessed to her that I'd lost nearly 1 and a half stone and she was so over the moon for me, made me feel so good!

thank you. im a bit down this morning over it all, it's just so hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, feel like i fail at everything i do. xx

I think its impressive you gave CD a go, I would never be able to do it.. far to scary! But it is a big life choice to live a CD life, if its not the diet for you then im sure you will find one that does suit you.
Take it from me SW is actually really fun, Ive tried lots of different things over the last couple of years and this is the first time its sticking and im lossing the weight.. and I dont even feel like I really miss out on anything..I just eat a hell of alot healthier and get the odd treat here and there.

Maybe we should all celebrate our losses for march now were in april! Just had an add up and in march, 5 weigh ins total loss of 16 pounds :D
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Didn't quite start at begining of March but lost 11lbs - wo0t.
Colly, sorry you've had such a rotten time recently, but I think you are really brave to be starting Slimming World straight away. I hope it goes really well for you. :)

In April's challenge, can we build in that we all have to give ourselves, each week, one treat that is not food related? Food always ends up my treat and I'd love to find out other treats that work, plus, it'd be nice to have something nice to work towards each week too. Maybe others are already doing something like this? Just an idea.

I love this idea - My treat for my last 1/2 stone off was a kipling bag - secondhand on ebay for £10 - but I've wanted one for ever. My 3stone treat from hubby is a biggy - golf clubs, and my 5stone will be golf lessons. It sounds a lot, but when we added up how much we would have spent on wine and coffees out, plus Valentine's and Easter presents, the difference is not too much - scary. I have also treated myself to "free" rewards also. Hubby took kids out for the morning so I could have a long lazy bath and read my book without interruption - that was lovely!

I am now only 3lbs from my Easter goal of 3stone off and really pleased - I never thought I'd make it this far. Last night I even went out with the people from work without eating and just sat enjoying my coffee and water - I've never been able to do that before. This is the first time I've really dieted and been proud to admit it, not ashamed. Telling people has given me the motivation to carry on - that and the fact that I fitted into my size 24 jeans last night! :D

I'm really hoping that everyone on here has a lovely day and does well on their diet, whatever it may be. It is reading your messages and knowing I have support that has got me this far, so thank you!! :)
having a bit of a rough time at the mo-

details are in my diary but basically i'm not going to be carrying on with cambridge.

although this isnt the reason i stopped, last night i had to ask my other half to take a big jar i was trying to put away off me cause my arms couldn't take the weight. so i think this is the best choice all round really.

my oh texted me yesterday saying he was absolutely miserable and couldn't carry on. something sort of clicked in me saying "this is ridiculous". at the end of the day he's my soul mate and i can't stand the thought of him being unhappy over something so stupid as a number on a scale. thats not to say we wont try to lose weight together. there's a slimming world group about 2 miles away tonight so i think we should just jump in with both feet and try that instead.

i got a big upset regarding dieting this morning too, i don't want to make that so public so am away to rant about it in my diary. :(

hope everyone is well xx
well done. Often when i find things difficult i ignore the problem and eat without thinking. You recognised somehting wasnt working and saw a different way of reaching your goal- well done.
I know I'm like, totally late to this thread, but I'd really like to join in if that's okay?

I have a lot to lose (ie, 7ish stone) and I've lost 23.5lbs in March following Weight Watchers, but fully expect that to slow right down for April.

I'd like to lose 7lbs this month, so I shall put that down as my goal!
I know I'm like, totally late to this thread, but I'd really like to join in if that's okay?

I have a lot to lose (ie, 7ish stone) and I've lost 23.5lbs in March following Weight Watchers, but fully expect that to slow right down for April.

I'd like to lose 7lbs this month, so I shall put that down as my goal!
what an amazing month you had! well done! how are you finding weight watchers?
Colly, sorry you've had such a rotten time recently, but I think you are really brave to be starting Slimming World straight away. I hope it goes really well for you. :)

I love this idea - My treat for my last 1/2 stone off was a kipling bag - secondhand on ebay for £10 - but I've wanted one for ever. My 3stone treat from hubby is a biggy - golf clubs, and my 5stone will be golf lessons. It sounds a lot, but when we added up how much we would have spent on wine and coffees out, plus Valentine's and Easter presents, the difference is not too much - scary. I have also treated myself to "free" rewards also. Hubby took kids out for the morning so I could have a long lazy bath and read my book without interruption - that was lovely!

I am now only 3lbs from my Easter goal of 3stone off and really pleased - I never thought I'd make it this far. Last night I even went out with the people from work without eating and just sat enjoying my coffee and water - I've never been able to do that before. This is the first time I've really dieted and been proud to admit it, not ashamed. Telling people has given me the motivation to carry on - that and the fact that I fitted into my size 24 jeans last night! :D

I'm really hoping that everyone on here has a lovely day and does well on their diet, whatever it may be. It is reading your messages and knowing I have support that has got me this far, so thank you!! :)

Well done Nikki! i know its completely wrong of her to say, but sometimes I think like Kate Moss- nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Not that I agree at all with not eating but when you know your eating is under your control in a healthy way- it just feels good! well done on the jeans- is fitting into their fav jeans every girl's dream?!!!
what an amazing month you had! well done! how are you finding weight watchers?

Thank you! It was a pretty insane month, I've never lost that amount of weight in a month before; I've always given up about 2-3 weeks in with excuses.

I'm absolutely loving it, truly I am. I had sausages and oven chips for tea tonight and it was delicious - I love the fact I can have these things (and I always pick the low fat option now).

Well done to all those who have lost this month and a big encouraging cheer for this month! :D
I know I'm like, totally late to this thread, but I'd really like to join in if that's okay?

I have a lot to lose (ie, 7ish stone) and I've lost 23.5lbs in March following Weight Watchers, but fully expect that to slow right down for April.

I'd like to lose 7lbs this month, so I shall put that down as my goal!

Thats amazing!! Congrats on your losses, and I hope you reach yout goal this month :)

Well done Nikki! i know its completely wrong of her to say, but sometimes I think like Kate Moss- nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Not that I agree at all with not eating but when you know your eating is under your control in a healthy way- it just feels good! well done on the jeans- is fitting into their fav jeans every girl's dream?!!!

I use that same motto! I think if you mean it in the right way, it makes sense. I look at chocolate and think yeah there yummy but being lighter will feel even more amazing! :)
i've just done my first 8 miles in my fastest time. :)It was tough, I wanted to quit. I had planned for 9 but 8 just about killed me.
Ok this better look good on teh scales on tuesday!!!:confused:
I can feel it in my back of all places.
hope i don;'t hurt tomorrow

Good for you! wow,thats crazy long. The pain will be worth it im sure :D
That's a brilliant distance - I've done next to no exercise today apart from a lot of walking around town, but I've got a headache so just want to relax tonight.

Went for a salad at Pizza Express today with my Mum and Nan, went for the Pollo salad with doughsticks but no dressing - 9.5pts :)
That's a brilliant distance - I've done next to no exercise today apart from a lot of walking around town, but I've got a headache so just want to relax tonight.

Went for a salad at Pizza Express today with my Mum and Nan, went for the Pollo salad with doughsticks but no dressing - 9.5pts :)

how could you resist pizza? that is definately one of my danger foods. I cannot have a slice of pizza, i must eat a whole pizza, often large. I now try to avoid them completely
Pizza is my completely danger food too - the family have been banned from it whilst I am sole source. That shows such great motivation to go to pizza express and eat healthy - well done. :)
how could you resist pizza? that is definately one of my danger foods. I cannot have a slice of pizza, i must eat a whole pizza, often large. I now try to avoid them completely

Pizza is so scrummy. But then pretty much anything greasy and fatty is a temptation for me cos I'm so used to eating it! Pizza, enormous Chinese takeaway with egg fried rice and chicken curry, fish'n'chips, Indian food :drool: ...the list goes on. I've avoided all of them so far (it's particularly hard when someone else is eating one right in front of you :(), although I cook my own Chinese stir fry's etc with lots of veggies and try to make sure they're never over 450 cals per meal.
Pizza is my completely danger food too - the family have been banned from it whilst I am sole source. That shows such great motivation to go to pizza express and eat healthy - well done. :)

Forgive me if this sounds stupid, but what is 'sole source'? Cooking everything from scratch? I've never heard of it :eek:
I do like a good pizza, especially the Fiorentina ones! But I figured I'd only feel guilty if I had one, and I've been doing so well! I could have had a whole pizza for 13pts but I would have left myself slightly short for the day. I managed to avoid having a glass of wine, fortunately neither my Mum nor Nana drink so I wasn't that tempted. They have leggaga (sp?) wine there which is supposed to be about 100cal for a small glass but it was more expensive than the others, so I just had a diet coke!

I'm happy today as I managed to get my dog-bitten pedometer from WW working again. I'm hopeless with gadgets but a bit of tweaking and it seems to be fine. Hurrah!
Hi guys
IS anyone worried about Easter Sunday? I am at my parents now, there are Easter Eggs everywhere, we are having a 3 course meal tomorrow. I want to enjoy it but I am really worried I'm going to eat way too much and mess up all teh exercise i've done this week.

A good thing is I'm babysitting tonight so no out and drinking!