Big Meets Bigger

I tell you what though, makes me wonder if that sleep apnea (spelling?) is what my mum has :(
I've watched both of the first two programs. The Greece family have something in common with the American sisters and that is they are in denial of being bigger than they once were.

I myself think of me as being smaller than I actually am, and because of this avoid mirrors and photos etc. It's taken a long long time for me to admit that photographs are a reflection of my true size and I really must address my problem.

For years and years I have hidden behind the 'I am happy just the way I am' attitude but I think I was trying to fool myself more than anyone else.

These programs are very enlightening and raise a lot of adverse health issues rising from excessive weight.... I just wish the families involved were offered help if they wanted it to change their lifestyles.
Just watched the second one on iplayer i am shocked at the ten year old girl the parents need locking up and she needs taking into care poor girl :(
Big meets bigger again..

I'm sure there was an original post about Big meets bigger, the show where big Brittish people are sent away to other countries to see more than morbidly obese people to understand where they're going with their weight.

Just wanted to say I watched the latest two episodes and it's just such a shame what it has done to people's lives. I felt awful for the young lads ex-girlfriend and him of course with their break up. Sometimes it's hard to admit that when it comes to a relationship if someone has given up on themselves, which he clearly had then you can really struggle to love them the same way. Physical attraction, whether people like it or not, is a part of being with some one. It makes me glad I realised I was giving up on myself and turned things around because as much as it didn't matter how fat I got if I couldn't love myself and get back to a healthy lifestyle what chance did my OH have.

Another big part of the programme is the health scares they show. In Greece there was an eleven year old girl who weighed near as much as her parents who were into the 20+ stones, her BMI was well into morbid obesity. This was just such a horror to watch at the parents continue to kill her with love, especially after seeing other people losing limbs and suffering horrific ulscers (I think that's what they were) all over their bodies.

As gross as the show is in itself if you need motivation then this is the shock factor you may need.
I love this program I think it's the last one tomorrow night:( But what iritated me about last weeks show is how they (the brits) kept blaming proverty for their hosts being overweight. Not frying pasta, frying meat in so much oil & drinking all that fizzy pop would have been a start to healthy eating.

It's such a shame about the greek girl, her parents really should do something about it, but as they're overwight themselves, not much chance of that, poor girl, I don't think she's a long life ahead of her is she continues.

But love the program & can't wait for tomorrow nights:D
Im watching tonights episode... Oh my word could either of those two be any more ignorant?
The sight of that ulcerated leg being eaten away by infection because of obesity should be enough to spur anybody to lose the weight it turned my stomach! I had to turn it over.
I have been in Germany for the past few weeks and just been catching up on the iPlayer to help me get back into slimming mind set and my gosh it has helped. Only seen America and Greece so far but that poor young girl, when she was talking about her friend my heart just broke :( She knows no better, and it is so sad that the parents feel no responsibility about her situation at least, even if they are in denial about their own.
and Greece so far but that poor young girl, when she was talking about her friend my heart just broke :( She knows no better, and it is so sad that the parents feel no responsibility about her situation at least, even if they are in denial about their own.

Completely agree, felt so sorry for this poor girl.