Bigfatloser's Diary


Full Member
So...I have been truely inspired by a lot of the diaries on this forum and I am starting my exante diet today so thought hey....why not write my own!!!

So a little about me, I am a 23 year old nurse with a very busy social life and a number of failed VLCD attempts behind me. I dont want any of my friends to know what I am doing so I also need to try and work around that as I go along...

I currently weigh 14 stone and my ultimate goal is 10 stone. I am hoping to do this by July for an event.

So today is my first day and I am sipping a banana milkshake as I type. I have decided to split all of my shakes and my tesco bars into two to make 6 small meals per day. I am also happy to throw in a WS meal if I am struggling as from previous experience if I do not do this it will end up in a binge and I will put on everything I have lost!

So heres to the first week, and hopefully quick ketosis!
Hello and welcome. Here's wishing you all the best of luck with your journey. Take care and keep strong xxx
Thank u :) and I see you have recently started too! Good luck on your journey,here's to two skinny minnies in a few months time!!!
Defintely that would be nice hey!! I did start it last January and was doing OK until Sept but had to stop for medical reasons so am now here to continue my journey to skinny-dom! Being on here certainly does help and the support is really lovely.
Yes the support on here looks great, and I am hoping it will get me through 4 months of dieting!!

I have so far had 1/2 shake and 1 bar so still got 1 1/2 to go, I am starving and already thinking about having a low carb meal however that is silly I know as I have the rest of my shakes to have which is probably why I am so hungry.

I live with my parents still as I am saving and although my mum knows about the diet my dad does not and really disagrees with any form of dieting that isnt basic eat less move more so I am unable to make the shakes infront of him. This makes it extremely difficult as I do not want to start an arguement in the house, he is going out in 2 hours so my choices are either wait until then to be able to have my shakes or have a low carb meal.

This will not be the situation every night and to be honest I have not been very organised today but now I am panicking that if I dont get something inside me soon I will binge!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, could do without this stress on day 1!!!!
Okay so I failed on day 1 :( had a tuna salad, babybel,cheestring and sum fruit,on the upside atleast it wasn't n e thing too bad.

I am determined for tomorrow to be a 100% day.really want to have a big loss this first week to get me going on my journey n keep my motivation up!!! I know that if my dad hadn't of ended up staying in all evening I wouldn't have broken the diet atall so I know I am able to do's to another attempt at day 1 2mra x
Bad news still I am afraid, I have still not managed to start my exante journey.

I know from previous experiences that I need to be 100% in the right frame of mind to be able to succeed in this journey.

So as of tomorrow I am doing it 100%, I am at the point right now where I am sick of food, not bothered about nights out with my friends and just want to be thin!!!

So heres to tomorrow and this time I will succeed!!
good luck for tomorrow, dont beat yourself up and keep on keeping on x it took me months of will I, wont I, to get to where i am today. i have been on it since tuesday and i have found that yes i have sneaked a bit of chicken here and there, i am not going to fall off the wagon!! if sneaking the diet is an issue may i suggest that you get a shake maker ( i found one in poundland today!!) keep it in your room and dad need never know x good luck hun you will get there x