Binge Eating Disorder **Long post and food mentioned**

This is true and up to date. I went for treatment for bulimia and they were lovely, but refused to treat me whilst I was dieting. I was on CD at the time and felt in control of food.
They told me that it is more to do with their belief that if you are prone to ED's then dieting will potentially make it worse and you need to stop dieting completely, like KD said.
So I was told to choose between CD and losing weight or ED treatment. I chose CD because I was at a point where I didn't care if I was alive or dead if I stayed that weight. No amount of treatment would have made me feel as good about myself as CD.
I have been trying to develop a healthy mindset towards food whilst on CD, but think the real work will come afterwards as I work up the plans and onto maintenance.
So for me CD was a great thing and has helped me around food, not made it worse :)

Umm. I did a lot of research into BED, and I think the majority of professionals will say that you cannot begin to 'recover' until you stop dieting altogether.
I'd agree with Watergirl... I felt so low, so sad, so out of control, that only something like CD that gave me back some control, was going to help. I thought the weight was the important thing at the time, but it wasn't about that at all... I worked that out pretty fast... and interestingly I lost 2 of the 4 stone I lost on 810, so I was working with food as I went.

I understand the advice about not dieting, but CD was the right way for me & opened the door to facing & tackling the BED. And I imagined at first that this would involve therapy & lots of soul searching, but advised by KD I focused on changing patterns and actions rather than digging too deeply for reasons behind it all. It worked... or seems to be. I don't know how, but I am grateful... to KD, to CD, to minis, all of that.

It might be different for you lisa hun, about deciding whether to do CD still or not, but maybe your gut feeling will guide you. Whatever you choose to do, we are all here for you, you know that. Big hugs.

Everything everyone is saying is making perfect sense to me. I'm interested in having a look at the books mentioned, hopefully they'll explain a bit more about BED.

My heart is telling me to have another go at Cambridge, but my head is saying I won't be able to do it. I just can't seem to muster up the willpower to stick to it. Before I nibbled- now I'm worried that nibbling (which would be bad enough on its own) would turn into a full blown binge/cheat because in the back of my mind I have a reason or and excuse to do it. I feel like giving myself a big slap and telling myself to get a blooming grip- but the prospect of 6 months without food to hide behind scares the bejesus out of me- BUT, I've got a good few weeks worth of packs left to use up, so I might as well give it a shot.
Hon, if I can do it, you can. I bet many of us would say the same. If you want to, give it a go... but pep talk yourself first so you know you are going into it 100%. Turn the logic on its head - surely now you know about the BED you have MORE reason than ever to want CD to succeed? Because as KD says, you want this to be the LAST diet ever. So... no nibbles. At all. No excuses. No kidding yourself. Take charge... in some ways, surely knowing that BED is lurking is a relief? (You are not greedy or weak, but battling head-stuff). BUT you can take control of it. You can call the shots. And SS with its ketosis can help... 100%, give it all you have and see what unfolds.

Agree completely with Katy. The prospect of no food for however many months scared the hell out of me. Now it's the eating that scares me! (not that that's a good thing, but I know I'll overcome that).

With the support of everyone on here, you can do it.
This thread could not be more apt for me today, had my 3rd WI and STS. Had several forkfulls of food through the week, not drunk enough water. CDC reckons its more fluid retention than not being in ketosis cause have lost inches. Just so p'd with myself, its the habit of eating/picking that reared its ugly head, i didn't want to but couldn't stop. Never really been honest with anyone about my binge eating habits, including myself. Only as i came to the decision to do this diet did i admit to my other half how i felt out of control in my eating, because he was questioning why i had to do this as opposed to traditional diets. I too am hoping that if i take food out of the equation, i can be more successful with loss, then relearn how to eat healthy. Saw amazing reviews for the Gilian Riley book on Amazon so intend to try that too.
I'm sure that the majority of people who have been overweight long term can relate to the binge eating disorders. Its so refreshing to be able to meet others who are brave enough to be honest about it, and feel that you can support each other without shame or embarrassment. So thankyou everyone, this post has helped me also gain some perspective, and kick myself up the bum. (sorry for long post!) Good luck to all on your journey xx
Just wanted to say, Butterfly, this can be a turning point for you if you allow it to be... see what is happening, face the facts, choose to be different. Sometimes our lowest points can be the times that push us forwards into better patterns, new futures. Use the tough times... the only way is up.
