Binge eating :-/


Full Member
Hi all. So I made a decision to come off plan for a night out drinking tomorrow night and a date last night (which really wasn't worth coming off plan for!). I accepted this but planned to be as good as possible, well that's completely gone out the window and its turned into a binge! I KNOW I'll be fine getting on it on Saturday as there's no other events coming up until October and I'm fully focused (believe it or not) but knowing I'm not able to be on plan is destroying me/my eating . It's like cramming everything in I know I can't have but I actually have no desire to be eating. Why am I doing this?!
I can't come off plan. I've lost weight on VLCD's before, a lot of weight, but as soon as I slip up I slip up big time, and usually eat more than I would on a regular pre-plan day. In my mind I think, I know this vlcd will work if I've broken it then I might as well get all the bad stuff out of the way now and go back to it tomorrow. Only tomorrow takes a year to get here and then I've ballooned up. This time, i'm really hoping if I can get to my goal weight I'll be able to restrain myself as I wont be thinking of the months of shakes left I need to do. I hope :s.
I think that's exactly me. I know I can't have it on plan so cram in everything 'naughty' while I'm off plan. Silly as I didn't even enjoy half of it and now I'll be facing a gain on Wednesday! Serves me right I guess!
One thing I'm trying to do, is find 'safe' cheats, that are more likely to keep me in ketosis. In an ideal world I wouldn't cheat at all, but being realistic... I will... and at least then I wont think screw it and end on a big bingy thing.
I am totally the same. I have been trying to get back on plan all year, interspersed with appalling binges, and am now really big again, ashamed and despondent and confused. With me I know it's carbs and alcohol. If I have either I end up triggering a binge. But it's difficult to re-commit to my low-carb lifestyle of a couple of years ago without the reward of being slim. So I've kind of given up this year.

Having said all that, I'm startling sns on Wednesday and planning to stick to it 100% and get back to being slim. I hate only having two pairs of trousers that fit :-(
Good luck getting started on Wednesday spanglymum! Luckily Saturday I got back on it fine (apart a killer headache) and have stuck to plan. I think I'm fine if I've got no social plans but if I know I'm coming off I go all out! No plans until October so far that mean I'll have to come off so hopefully I'll be ok. Fingers crossed!
I think another thing that helps, is having small achievable goals. My goal weight is 108lbs lighter than my start weight.... I know a lot of people here are around the same or more. Its just not the same as losing 10-20lbs, its a long term commitment... and that's hard. Mini goals personally help me stay on track a lot, having something achievable to aim towards seems a lot more realistic than looking long-term. Last night I had some wine... I didn't even think of the diet, and after I was like 'oh ff I'm not suppose too do thattt' and part of me was thinking oh well, if I done that I might as well have this and that as well... but I want to reach my 3 stone lost, that's my next goal... and as long as I stick to things in twelve days time (2 weigh in days time) I should be there. Twelve days is nothing. Do I want to really want to jeopardise that now? nopes.
Somehow managed to get away with only going 0.75lb! Perfectly happy with that, was expecting a lot more! Been on track since Saturday so that probably helps! Back on my way now :)
Well done for getting back on it again. I'm now on day two with the dreaded carb/caffeine withdrawal headache. Ack. Am powering through though! I will do this!! (and so will you)
Great that you're back on track! I'm an 'all or nothing' kind of lady. I lost 9 stone on a combination of LL and SnS without cheating once and I don't think I would have been able to do it if I had even accepted that coming off plan was OK. I went through birthdays, Christmas, work events, eveything you can think of. I stuck to plan and still thoroughly enjoyed myself at those events. I think if I'd allowed myself time off I would have had real problems.

Everyone is different though and it's about what works for you. I'm back now to lose a stone. Over the last year I have learnt how to maintain (so tough as there isn't much advice around) and now I want to lose the extra stone I'm carrying. I'm a huge believe in VLCDs.
Funny how different things work for different people! I can't imagine coming off plan too often would work for me to be fair but I think once in a blue moon I can do :) I have a holiday in October so will be off plan for that and hopefully I can get back on ok after such a long break! Hope everyone is doing well :)