Bit Stuck


Gonna do it this time

I've been hovering around the same weight for a while now and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm taking 3 tabs a day before meals as usual and am eating about 1500 - 1600 calories per day but its just not shifting. I joined the gym a week ago thinking that would help but no. I feel really good getting the exercise but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. I've been 5 times since last Sunday and have been working out on both weights and cardio exercises for about an hour.

my diary looks kinda like this.

Bkfast - Porridge (250 calories)
Snack - special K bar (90 calories)
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and toast (370)
Snack - Fruit or another Special K Bar
Dinner - Fish Pie (376 calories)

I nibble on fruit and will probably have a couple of treats during the day but never go over my calorie allowance.

I'm not worried yet but am getting that way.

Any ideas?

Have you noticed your clothes getting looser ? As you exercise you replace fat with muscle and it weighs more than fat , also are you still eating the same since starting the gym if so your body will need more "fuel" to burn if you don't up your food intake a little your body will start storing more to fuel your exercise.
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I'd go along with Eric, though it sounds a bit soon, after a week, to have done a lot of conversion of fat into muscle. I would, though, recommend measuring your waist, or your particular problem areas weekly or fortnightly and see if they are decreasing. I've already said this on another thread, but I've lost very little weight in the last couple of weeks, but in the last month my waist measurement has dropped 2.5" (I was in a rush today and forgot to put on a belt and have had to keep hitching my trousers up all day!), so I'm still feeling pretty good about the diet, and it's keeping my motivation up.

Try to enjoy the gym for its own sake - even if it isn't giving you the dramatic weight loss yet, it is undoubtedly doing you good in other ways. I've been using the gym twice weekly and the Wii Fit daily since the New Year (the first time I've really stuck properly to an exercise plan in a long time) and psychologically I feel much better. I feel more cheerful and upbeat about life and that's keeping me motivated to lose weight too. Physically I'm noticing I can climb stairs much more quickly and am less out of breath even if I run up them. The only down side is that overdoing it at the weight I am tends to remind me the next day that I'm not a teenager any more - my knees and stomach muscles tend to complain!
Are you eating enough calories (taking into account your exercise)?
I'm not sure to be honest. I looked at that website everyone talks about (can't remember the name) last night and it says I should only be on 1224 to lose 2 lbs per week so at 1500 I'm over thats even with exercise. To me that sounds a bit harsh I'm not honestly sure I'll manage to cut back that far.

I've decided to keep a food diary for the next two weeks until I go back to see the GP and see what she says. It might also help me see where I'm going wrong.

Thanks everyone for your replies.
Hi, I assume it is my fitness pal you are talking about? I am taller than you but about the same weight, according to them I am allowed 1270 calories per day BUT if I input that I have exercised they then add those calories on to my allowance if you see what I mean, bringing me up to 1500 or so depending on what exercise I have done. Be aware that they don't allow for exercise until you input that you have done it.
If you try posting a day or 2 of your food diary here we can have a look and see if anyone can come up with anything.

KB x

the same thing happened to me when i first started out, it took me weeks before i started seeing results and it got quite frustrating for me, but after that everything started falling into place. so dont worry just keep eating healthily and continue with the exercise and just dont think about it, one day when you check the scales it will be moving into the right direction.

hope things gets better for youxx
Don't forget if you are on xenical you are only absorbing ⅔ of the calories that the fats in your food add to the total.