Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Hi BL, sorry to hear you sounding concerned. I think it also has something to do with the moon and the change of the seasons and the dark winter coming our way.:cry:
I know it'll be hard for you for the next month - don't forget I'm only just down the road. Don't be a stranger x

Ya know what hon, it has been so hectic, I COMPLETELY forgot last night was Monday!! Did not even realise until about 8;30, that I missed group!!! :break_diet:

Will definatly remember where you are - and we have the 14th to look forward to!!

THanks doll.


Thanks everyone. :)
Hey BL - sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish and things aren't as great as they could be for you :(
Just sending my best wishes to you, and take it easy on yourself - sometimes a little hiding away, chickflics and bubble baths is just what we need - just don't do it for toooo long, you'll end up all wrinkly :D xxx
Thanks Lucy. ITs not horrible - just a bit overwhelmed by a lot of stuff, but it is calming down. I know what with work, the weeks will fly by.

He's been a sport - he brought me home lat night a Brad Pitt DVD box set, some other DVDs, and 4 pashminas. I think he is trying to say he is sorry he is going without me. lol Its not his fault though - and I am glad he is going, its another step closer to getting our land ready for building.

I guess with all the stuff I have had on my mind, it just felt overwhelming and I needed to have a pity party.

It affects my eating too, so once he is gone, I can be in a better place, calm and organised. Looking forward to that.

Anyway - thanks so much.

Nothing wrong with a pity party every now and then - I indulge too - probably a little TOO often though! :p

Your OH sounds great, and it must be just as hard for him going without you, as you being left behind - but at least he's leaving you with Brad for company - if you have to have a stand-in for a few weeks, you could do a lot worse than Brad ;) :D

Take very good care of yourself :) xxx
Just popped in to say hi
Hope you're chilled out now it's so cold bbrrr
I'm looking forward to the progress pics of your home you are very lucky as i've said before your OH is one in a million I know a month without him is a long time but it's a months work nearer to your dream & i am sure he is going to get all your friends working with him
Keep warm safe & well
HI RC! Always nice to hear from you!! :)

I am lucky - my man is one in a million, and while I miss him and am envious, I know he is there working towards a very important goal for us. Bless him. I spoke to him this morning - was good to hear his voice.

We just bought 2 more acres of land, and he has just signed the deal with the Title COmpany so that is very exciting. We now have a total of 7.5 acres of beautiful California Mountainside. :D

Did you see the video of our last trip there where wil built our workshop? If not, I will send you a link. I cant remember if I posted it here or not?

How are you these days? Been riding much? My bike si SIRNed at the moment. Just as well, too flippen cold to be on it!! I am not ashamed to admit I prefer to be a fair weather rider!! lol

You couldn't ride your bike anyway - not in those boots !!!
Love the latest pic. FMs.
Yes I did see the last progress vids thats a huge plot now you are going to have to fill it with animals & live like the good life

I've just put the sportster away for the winter but i'm going to do the christmas teddy bear run on the tiger cub it's now finished it's only taken me 8 years!!!! I'll post a picture soon she's very pretty

Troubled times. They still can find us.

Well it has been a while again since I have put anything in my diary. I have been wanting to for days, but just didn’t really know what it was that I wanted to say. But I knew there were words rattling around inside that needed to get out. And it has taken weeks to finally push their way out. And, as in true form from a previous life, I have been doing my best to stuff them.....though, thankfully – it is not entirely as easy as it once was. But sadly, easy enough. Now it’s time for damage control.

For weeks, I have felt extremely stressed out. For a variety of reasons. Some I cannot help, and others I could help, if I could exercise more self control. Money. That’s the one I COULD help, if I would just stop shopping. Money, makes my body react – jut thinking about money makes me feel almost ill. And I have spent so much recently, just feeding my nerves really. There was the initial need for a new wardrobe. That’s understandable. Then there was the honeymoon period, where it was such a joy to shop, that I went a bit crazy. Understandable. But now, I am spending money – or was – (I have gained control of my senses again – for the moment anyway)– but I spent a lot of money while hubby was away. I did not need to. But i did it to make me feel good. Seems at times, for me, its food or spending are the only things that bring me comfort – even when I know both are the wrong answers.

There have been other life stresses – trouble with my brother, and worry about my mum – missing my mum, etc. That is an ALWAYS stress.

I have learned without a doubt, that stress is my worst trigger, and it is extremely powerful. I always thought depression, boredom and loneliness were my biggies – but its not. Its stress.

My body has been feeling as if its falling apart, full of arthritis. Every single day, there is a part of me that is in pain. And I am f*cking sick of it. If I am honest. Sorry – don’t often use that word here. But if the shoe fits – buy it! Lol no, that’s not it! But it’s awful to feel 16 at heart, finally have the body of a younger person but to be riddled with an old person’s disease. It just gets to me, and now, I can feel the warning signs in my “good” shoulder, that it is swiftly approaching the point of no return and will require surgery. Some might think surgery is my hobby. I have already had about 9 surgeries on my knees, and they are both candidates for knee replacement surgery. So there are at least two more to come. My shoulder will make 3. And then any elective surgery on top of that. Taking into consideration previous surgery, I have had to date 15 major surgeries. Knowing I face at least 2 more, likely 3 - plus the “fun” ones I want (everything lifted after dieting)– well, it just feels a little crappy to me. I am tired of hurting. It is affecting my life, and I am having a pity party. I am lucky – I do KNOW it could be much worse – and I KNOW we all gotta get something. But chronic pain – day in and day out – well, it gets too you now and then. And I am not a sissy – I have a high tolerance for pain – so for it to get to me, then it’s pretty bad. (When I was 19, I drove a car, climbed a cliff, went to work – all with two broken knees despite I could not walk – just to demonstrate :D)

I have now wound myself up into a proper bad case of psoriasis on the bottom of my feet. Its ugly. It’s painful. And it is depressing. And it is spreading faster than they can treat it. So now, my days are spent literally hurting – from head to toe.

At times, I feel my heart racing in my chest, for no reason. Just stress.

I need to sort it out. It is affecting my eating. I am giving in more then resisting and saying “sod it – I will sort it out tomorrow. By no means, is it a disaster. Yet. But it is very upsetting. On one hand, I feel as if I am on the road to losing the plot – on the other hand, I know I won’t. Ever. But I might do some interim damage before getting my sh*t together. Its very upsetting.

Why all of a sudden is stress my enemy??

I have done a lot of “mirror chats” and thoughtful walking.

I know a bit part of it is for 8 years, I have felt torn. Torn between my life in America, and my life here in the UK. I am daily constantly terrified my 92 year old mum, will be gone before we finally move back to the states. I constantly feel regret at having chosen to start life here in the UK. Was only meant to be 2-3 years max. Then get back with plenty of mom time. But it will be 9 years next year. I am missing so much time with her.

I realise, I have two feet, each planted firmly in different countries – unable to put them together to stand whole. Does that make sense? I feel like I have never, and cannot completely relax into my life here. And I feel like my life there is tugging at me. I feel like I am giving everything 75% and nothing 100%. I suffer for this. Hubby suffers for this. Mom suffers for this. Health suffers for this.

And when I should be as productive as possible to get back to the states – I get overwhelmed, it all feels too big, and I grind to a halt, and start neglecting what is important to me.

It is also the anniversary of my dad’s death in a couple of days. 16 years. It is always hard this time of year. But add that to everything else, and well, I am just feeling a bit fragile.

I just needed to get this off my chest. I need support and encouragement. But I am finding it difficult to ask for. So instead, I spend my time in denial.

Not liking this at all. Not one bit.

So, there is still, much work to be done. Always knew there was, and would always be. Just sad to have it all kind of sneak up an suddenly slap me in the face. L

I need help guys. I’m in trouble. L It’s difficult to ask for it. Everyone always is so kind and generoud, telling me I am inspirational, etc., but I am really, at the end of the day, just someone else who has a struggle, probably forever, on her hands. L

I need to go – been doing this at work....and it is a fair huge ramble, so thank you if you made it this far.

Hi There
I have been reading your inspiring diary and sad to see the last post of today you have written about your struggles -
I just wanted to say re your itching and health problems it sounds like you are overly acidic and need to alkalise - I am a Nutritional Microscopist. I would say read up on Dr Robert O Young if you dont know him already - his work is amazing for weight loss and health... At the end of the day fat cells are created by our bodies to store acids away from our vital organs.
I wont go on - but really alkalising is the way to go forward! once you begin alkalising your thoughts will become clearer too - acid thoughts are also not good for us...
all the best - x x
My heart just aches for you reading that BL, so so sorry you are going through so much physical and emotional pain. Reminds me of something Dr Phil once said about losing weight only solves your weight problems, the other problems will still be there. I know how much of a strong and determined woman you are, even if you don't feel that way right now. I can't change what is happening, but wanted you to know I am thinking of you and sending big virtual hugs your way x
Hugs BL. You are torn in two and I can't really appreciate how bad it must feel to be so far from your loved ones in their latter years. My mum is just down the road, but I still ache for my Dad who died young and has missed so much of my life and that of his grandchildren.

Have you considered making the move to the US sooner than the current plan? Perhaps working for some months and then heading to the US for some months to spend long periods of time with your family there.

As to the money, we tend to have addictive personalities. Can you seek help through one to one counselling?

Personally I have replaced an addiction to food with an addiction to internet surfing. I recognise this, but can only cope with dealing with one addiction at a time. When I tackle the surfing I will need something else, but I need to direct my addiction better. Maybe painting or writing or exercise or gardening.

Your health is important too. Look after yourself hon. Have you got the right meds?

I hate to hear you so down about everything. You give so much of yourself on here and have helped so many folk get through tough times. If we can help you a little its a privilege.

BL darling, my big hugs to you, I have been worried about you, but knew you would let us know what was going on in your own time. I can only be here for you as a friend to listen, and offer advice where I can. But yes, each person has their own battles and crosses to bear.

TI is right in that we all have addictive personalities in some way, shape or form. I know where you are at with the shopping!!! However in June/July you were so happy and channeling it all into cooking and things, could you not try a bit of that again in these miserable months, some nice preserving and things? My other thought is this, and I only say this because I have been down this road myself, but perhaps you should try and see a therapist of some nature, it sounds like you have a lot of unresolved issues that you need to delve into to reach some kind of peace with them. And sometimes it just helps to talk to someone unrelated who has no emotional involvement, and this brings it's own sense of clarity and peace. Sometimes our cross get's very heavy and we need to ask other's to pick up the burden, and as your friends we all will. It is a very brave step and the first one on the road forward. And remember, like in abstinence, just take it one day at a time and be kind to YOU!

Big hugs to you my friend, and if you ever need a chat you have my number so give us a buzz.

:grouphugg:Not much I can say except we all have stresses every day & on some days they all seem to strangle us but we have to live with them & hope to sort them out

I am sorry the pain is bad again do you think the stress might make it worse?

You will get home OH is doing so well can you fit in a break over the christmas shut down not sure if any cheap flights last minute are available over the holidays

Oh yeah & money's :cry:

Thinking of you & hope you'll be feeling better soon
something Dr Phil once said about losing weight only solves your weight problems, the other problems will still be there.

Indeed! That really is no surprise to me. Ya know, none of us are silly people - we know that, right? But, things have been really just coasting along, and all of a sudden it just felt like it suddenly got on top of me, and <poof!> the coping mechanism takes the night off! Of the morning - or the whole day sometimes! :D

I'll sort it out. There is no way I would let this beat me, but its sometimes overwhelming how difficult maintenance can be. And how quickly in can cross the boundary, without thought - and I have been doing that a lot lately - thats nerves. For some reason I feel very nervous.

I think I just really need a holiday - some down time. I am off the week after Christmas. Due to a new job and bad office politics with theold manager, I have not had a holiday since May. I need a break - and if I have not sorted my head out by then you can bet that will become my priority.

Well, if any of the above makes sens to you guys, then you are doing better then I am!! LOL :D

Thanks Gemma, I appreciate your kind words, a lot.


I am by no means beaten, just being really challenged and bullied by my rebellious child I think. They win some, I win some. But they won't win all!! :D
Hugs BL. You are torn in two and I can't really appreciate how bad it must feel to be so far from your loved ones in their latter years. .

It's horrible. Horrible. In many ways, I so regret leaving her. I miss her terribly, and I know she is sad I am away. I am the daughter. And the youngest. It was always just sort of accepted and understood, happily, I would probably look after her. My ex and I had planned to - it was just the way it would go. So I suppose I feel I let her down. That I abandoned her. My 2 older bros are there (but don;t get me started - that is part of the stress I am under. One bro is bad bad news, and things are not good. So I am sad about him, feel I am losing him, and am angry as hell at him. Its a horrible feeling to feel you are left with no choice but to disown a sibling who you always looked up to and idolised.) See - i said don;t get me started. Thats a biggy. :(

ANyway, yeah, it is hard. I love my mom - and it does not feel natural to be here. And her there. It feels wrong. No matter how hard I have tried, it has never felt right, if I am honest.

Have you considered making the move to the US sooner than the current plan? Perhaps working for some months and then heading to the US for some months to spend long periods of time with your family there.

In a perfect world, that would be a 'better then nothing' solution - being able to take time and go dor some months. But we are BURIED in debt. (again why I really say I shouldnt laugh at my shopping. It is a problem. ) But - lets be clear - lol, it is not my shopping that has us in debts. It is years of credit card use....lots of trips to the states have added up - my crap salary for 4 years - lots of major home improvements, etc - and yes, our share of toys.

So, we are only now starting to get slowly to grips with it - with m new job I am making more money - so it helps, but that is not feasible for us unfortunately. We are really concentrating on all spare money going to building - which is of course key to moving home. We need a house. lol

As for going back earlier then planned....we are already late - by 5-6 years. The plan was to be here 2-3 years. Do up the house and go back. We got off to a great start, but Then my health got so bad, not knowing what I had, but constantly hurting, I became less and less able to keep up with the DIY physically. So the DIY slowed down.

So we need to get our house done, we need every possible penny we can squeeze out of it. But we had a flood in 2005, and it was a year of living hell, we became completey and utterly de-motivated. One thing added to another, and feh - well, the calanders tick over and nothing gets done.

We are ITCHING to get back = the moment we can, we are gone. I don;t mean that bad - I love it here, and I have made some wonderful friends - but - I miss my home.

WHat a whinger I am.

Sorry - sheesh. I think after being a lone for a month, I have needed someone to talk too!! LOL

Sorry peeps - it helps to get it off my chest though but it must be boring as hell and probably confusing as hell to listen to me prattle on!!! :D

As to the money, we tend to have addictive personalities. Can you seek help through one to one counselling?


Yeah, I think it is approaching that point. Will start asking for some reccomendations down here and in the new year will take that on. I think it wil be helpful.

The good news is, most of what is troubling me, is new stuff. And that really truly is a relief - its not THAT old stuff AGAIN, ya know what I mean? So I think it would be very helpful.

As for health - the rain has been hard on me. And the cold. I must admit, and now adding the shoulder to the mix is, well just a bit depressing. At least I am balanced.

Now both shoulders have issues, as do both knees, as do both feet. I don;t do anything by halves. :D

I hate to hear you so down about everything. You give so much of yourself on here and have helped so many folk get through tough times. If we can help you a little its a privilege.


THANK YOU <<<<<<hug>>>>>
BL darling, my big hugs to you, I have been worried about you, but knew you would let us know what was going on in your own time. I can only be here for you as a friend to listen, and offer advice where I can. But yes, each person has their own battles and crosses to bear.

TI is right in that we all have addictive personalities in some way, shape or form. I know where you are at with the shopping!!! However in June/July you were so happy and channeling it all into cooking and things, could you not try a bit of that again in these miserable months, some nice preserving and things? My other thought is this, and I only say this because I have been down this road myself, but perhaps you should try and see a therapist of some nature, it sounds like you have a lot of unresolved issues that you need to delve into to reach some kind of peace with them. And sometimes it just helps to talk to someone unrelated who has no emotional involvement, and this brings it's own sense of clarity and peace. Sometimes our cross get's very heavy and we need to ask other's to pick up the burden, and as your friends we all will. It is a very brave step and the first one on the road forward. And remember, like in abstinence, just take it one day at a time and be kind to YOU!

Big hugs to you my friend, and if you ever need a chat you have my number so give us a buzz.


Hey girl...:)

Thanks a lot.

Ya know, I think right now the less stuff I am cooking and playing with the better. I think I want to just kind of step back, and really re-get back to basics. I thnk I need to do that to refocus. I seem to have lost my routing. Messed a bit too much with it, just gone a bit too far and before it goes any further, I need to just step back. One day at a time. I think for now that best for me. Will try to find another non food related diversion! Maybe I should clear out this entire house so we can actually have some room to DO some DIY, if god forbid we actually got on with something!! LOL.

Thanks a lot Jez.. :)

:grouphugg:Not much I can say except we all have stresses every day & on some days they all seem to strangle us but we have to live with them & hope to sort them out

I am sorry the pain is bad again do you think the stress might make it worse?

You will get home OH is doing so well can you fit in a break over the christmas shut down not sure if any cheap flights last minute are available over the holidays

Oh yeah & money's :cry:

Thinking of you & hope you'll be feeling better soon


Well, stress certainly doesnt help to be sure. But its mostly the cold and dam and wind that have been wreaking havoc. This too shall pass. Sooner then later I hope. ;)

Onward and upward they say. I guess its about time for another challenge anyway....maybe life was getting too predictable and I just got complacent. So, time to wake up, take the blinders off - and do what I can do.

Thanks hon.

I am really sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the moment. You have been such an inspiration to me on my LL journey and my heart really goes out to you at this difficult time.
Just remember we are all here for you and things will get better. I agree totally with the stress thing though, I find it really difficult at this time of year, I am always really stressed at work and never organised for Xmas and worry about that.Now I can feel things getting out of control, still haven't got over my obsession with crisps I have discovered which is really disappointing.
I hope you are feeling better soon and send you lots of love and hugs,
Milli x