Bostik's Finally Doing It :)

You mean turbo charge? I hated him for that too but somehow still found a tiny bit more to give!
Oh bloody hell thats it! Flipping turbo charge!
Started week 6 day 3 (25 minute run). I just wasn't getting into it at all tonight. Ended up stopping and getting on an exercise bike. Bit annoyed. Try again on Wednesday. Dunno if I am getting bored of running. Was so annoying hardly burning any calories on the bike though compared to running!
Sometimes you get runs like that Bostik, where your not really enjoying it and can't wait to stop.
Yes running is a fab calorie burner, nothing seems to come close for me. I do get slightly annoyed when I have done a 60 min workout and think, I could have burnt that in 30 mins running!
Maybe it just wasn't a good night for running and you'll be alright next time. Do you listen to music while you run?
Shaz - I swear! Almost half an hour on the bike and it was like I just felt lazy lol. 100 cal burn according to the machine. Hardly broke a sweat.

Caroline - I actually listen to podcasts. I find running quite boring so need something to keep me entertained lol. I'm not one to just wonder off with my thoughts or anything like that so like really struggle with basically running and doing nothing for 20-30 mins.

My legs felt quite stiff and just not right yesterday. Was even annoying me on the bike. Try again tomorrow night :)
No I can't either, that's why I was going to suggest music. What do you think you've done to upset your legs?
Yeah, started out with music. but that was getting me bored too. So podcasts seem to be the better option. Something I can concentrate on a bit more.

I dunno. I think I was just tired. Just before I went to the gym I fell asleep for about half an hour. Not been sleeping good recently so obviously tired. Think it was just that. No energy!

Got kettlework core week 1 tonight :)
Done Kettleworx core week 1 a little while ago. Was a lot easier than cardio! Also, very very glad I bought an exercise mat. You're on the floor a lot for this one and I was lazy first and didn't get out the mat. For the second set I did and it made it so much better cos my back wasn't killing me!
Core is definitely better than cardio! I really like core, it's my favourite. I did Wk2 resistance yesterday though, that bored me a bit to be honest. On the whole it's all pretty good though, Wk2 cardio is easier than Wk1, promise!
Happened again with C25K. But this time I made sure I ran 10 mins before I stopped. Think I am just bored of running! Cos it's not that I can't do it cos I've done a 20 minute run before. I just sorta find it a long period of time if you get me? Just running and listening to my podcast. Done the 5 minute walk, ran 10 minutes, 5 minute cool down walk and then got on the stepper and bike for a bit. Gonna keep trying though. And do at least 10 minutes each time. Hopefully, I'll get back into it just by keeping on having a go. But if I don't, I am okay running for ten minutes and then doing other stuff. That ten minutes makes me sweat! Also, might work on speed for that ten mins instead? Will see how I do next time :)
That's a shame Bostik. Have you thought about listening to an audiobook? Might interest you a bit more?
Another option is to stay off it a week an see of your enthusiasm returns. Seems a shame not to finish the program, your so close :)
Oh hun, sorry to hear your struggling. Maybe like Shaz suggested, you need a wee break from the running. Perhaps take a week off. Your so close to the end hun. :) xxx
Shaz - I know! Just got the 25 minutes, 28 minutes and final 30 minutes to do. Really annoys me! I'm gonna keep trying and will get there even if it takes me the year lol.

Caroline - ooh I shall have a look!

1.2lbs off for me this week! TOTM "gain" is finally gone!
Great loss, well done!
I can't believe I am so close to 11 stones. Feels so weird thinking about it like that. 23lbs til a normal BMI.

Yesterday in the gym I got changed in the disabled toilet and there was a full length mirror. Was standing in front of it in my sports bra and knickers. And it was the first time I looked at myself pretty much naked and could tell a huge difference :)