Bread ProPoints

Hi, :) I know it's 2 propoints for a slice of any kind of bread, if I take the crusts off is it then only one propoints? :confused:

I don't think all bread is 2pp a slice. I use WW wholemeal and that is.

As for cutting crusts off I think you would have to weigh it.
I agree that not all bread is 2pp, cause some have more or different ingredients.
Does it come with a label that gives you the info you need?
Like protein, fat, carbs, fibre per 100 grams?
Cut off the crust, weigh the rest of bread slice and run it through the calculator or post the info here, and I'll run it for you :)
don't forget some 2pp bread goes up to 5pp for 2 slices.
I have WW White Danish and it's only 1pp (though - as I only discovered last night - it's 3pp for two slices lol) and it tastes lovely xx
ohhh wish i was closer to a mns!! anyone have any other low points bread, i find ww danish although nice very thin and unfulfilling....
oh right lol, thought i'd missed something :D
i bought warburtons small wholemeal loaf and worked it out and it is 3pp for 2 slices!!

only got it cos they had no ww bread, quite pleased x
i eat nimble bread and thats 1pp a slice
jojogall said:
Hi. My leader told us about 'a lovely little loaf' from M and S called golden wholemeal that's ONLY 2pp for 3 SLICES :)

I bought that bread and when I put it in the calculator came out as 3pp per Slice?! Are u sure that's the right name for it... Thanks :)
some bread is 3pp a slice, i bought one ages ago that was ..