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My friend is looking at doing JUDDDING but is breast feeding. I don't see a problem with it.....what do you guys think?
No I actually don't think this will be suitable for her! Quote: "Studies have shown that most healthy breastfeeding women maintain an abundant milk supply while taking in 1800-2200 (or more) calories per day. Consuming less than 1500-1800 calories per day (most women should stay at the high end of this range) may put your milk supply at risk, as may a sudden drop in caloric intake." She should look at eating a diet of as 'clean food' (non junk) as she can with plenty of fruit & veg and keep to 1500-1800 cals until her Baby is weaned. If she does light exercise such as walking alongside this intake she should lose a steady & healthy 1lb a week.
Thank you Jilly. I will pass on this information. I was thinking more of the pre-maintenance phase of the plan so she would have a slight defecit but still able to enjoy her up days. Many Thanks :)
I agree with Jilly, breast feeding can be challenging enough without the added worry of getting enough nutrients for both the baby and the mother. Weight loss will happen faster once she has weaned the baby and routines are easier to maintain She could maybe discuss this with her health visitor for more advice. Sam
Yes, they do. I'm not advocating dieting and breastfeeding. Just stating a fact. That the nutrition or lack of of the mother does not prevent it. Nature is like that. Survival of the species necessitates it.

I did SW while breastfeeding. You were allowed extra dairy. Yay

I also trained as a breastfeeding peer supporter so I know a bit about it.
I breast fed 3 kids until they were between six months and one. I followed SW and lost weight. I felt the better I ate the better quality my milk was and the more content my baby x starving and breast feeding not good really...we have a choice .. Mummies in Africa don't x
Also, it's clear not everyone's seen the recent advert about mums in Africa having to feed their babies on flour and water because they are under nourished and unable to breast feed.

Slimming World would be the perfect diet for a breast feeding woman as you get plenty of healthy fruit and vegetables, however fasting, event intermittently will mean either the woman or her baby will be even more deprived than this diet is supposed to make you... if that makes sense?

*tucks away soap box*
Also, it's clear not everyone's seen the recent advert about mums in Africa having to feed their babies on flour and water because they are under nourished and unable to breast feed.

Slimming World would be the perfect diet for a breast feeding woman as you get plenty of healthy fruit and vegetables, however fasting, event intermittently will mean either the woman or her baby will be even more deprived than this diet is supposed to make you... if that makes sense?

*tucks away soap box*

Makes total sense x :0) SW was great for me and my babes ;0))
I can tell you that when I attempted to live on lettuce and very low cals I had three very grouchy babies. I was also very very tired. So I know that eating well is beneficial to baby and mummy x
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Very good article and a subjective one! It appears to be aimed at those who are under pressure to fast for Religous purposes and in no way recommends or advocates fasting whilst breastfeeding. It also mentions adverse biochemical changes and that that there may be future adverse effects.
This article also in no way justifies or excuses your very inapropriate and specific reference to starving African Mothers. Millions of African women & children die of starvation annually...millions of babies never make it to childhood never mind to adulthood-yes they really thrived!. subject well and truly CLOSED!