bug me :D

How is everyone doing so far this morning?

I need to stay awake!!! Hubby and I were painting the kitchen till late last night (have another viewing this evening) and then Jessica was awake on and off....that makes it 3 nights this week, with only 4 hours (at the most) of rest!

I don't feel hungry, just not as inspired as I have done recently....weigh in tonight to!
weigh in for me is in an hour
after three weeks of AAM/790 including an entire week of binging where i put ON 7lbs!
if i have stayed the same or lost 2lbs i will be happy - if ive gained i may beed to be bugged when i get back as i know illbe thinking 'wtf i may as well eat today and then restart tomorrow'
will keep you posted
DONT YOU EVEN DARE THINK THAT WAY. There is NO WAY i'm letting you let the team down!!
You will be in ketosis a day sooner if you continue today - now up your water intake! Go get sum sparkly water as a treat (can be quite different from plain water all the time).

Good girl, i'm sure the gain will just fall off, and good luck xxxxxx
How is everyone doing so far this morning?

I need to stay awake!!! Hubby and I were painting the kitchen till late last night (have another viewing this evening) and then Jessica was awake on and off....that makes it 3 nights this week, with only 4 hours (at the most) of rest!

I don't feel hungry, just not as inspired as I have done recently....weigh in tonight to!

Hey darlin,
Woke up with a headache - for some reason i think i'm dehydrated yet i'm drinking 4litres a day. Goin to try and finish my first 2 litres in the next half hour, and get in 6 litres toay (gunna join me on the challenge?)

Huge good luck with your WI, can't wait to rea your result! xxxxx
Come on MJ!!!! Keep sipping that water!!!!

Consider yourself bugg'd!!! (ps, I could say consider yourself buggered now could I?)
I might be bugged!!!!!!!!!

Mine is probably the same story as everyone else on here.. I AM A SERIAL DIETER - A VERY BAD ONE!!!!

Doing WW at the minute, but getting sick of it, had a really good week last week points wise and lost half a pound!!! Half a bloo*y pound! can you beleive it... It could have been a different pair of earrings couldn't it!!

I have a weeks worth of shakes in the cupboard. Did try on Tuesday but only lasted till dinner time. Reading the posts has got me thinking again. especially the bit about being 20 pound lighter in January 2008, at this rate I think I will be 1 stone heavier if I keep going as I am.

Dare I pledge to start tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or am i setting myself up to fail again.........

Hi Hun....

Don't think about all the other times when you have fallen off the wagon...just concentrate on the future.
If I gave up everytime that I had a binge, I would most certainly be the size of a house!!
You are after all only human...yes, we do give into temptation, but as long as you pick yourself up and climb back on board, it will come off!!!

I used to get disappointed with WW too!! Sticking to it religiously to have either gained or stayed the same wasn't for me!!!

Good luck whatever you decide!
bugbugbug xxxxxx