ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

I love medium to Claira. Drink drink drink hun it keeps the hunger at bay lol. Have a good evening xx.
Hi girls hope you are all well, good look Claira honey your doing great and ignore the blips who cares babe xxxx

Love the diet I made a lovely smoothie today with tropical fruit juice and two scoops of this stuff i have to add, I put a banana and some strawberries in too and wow it was heaven but god i was stuffed after it so yep I think im going to enjoy it.
thanks luv, played my sister online on scrabble and chatted on phone at same time. have done day 3, so off to bed now. cant wait to weigh on saturday, glad matt hid the scales. hopefully in ketosis. xx
Hello girls, I lost 3lb at weigh in today 1lb more and I would have got my 8stone and been under the 200lb. Never mind, next week will have to do. 2st 11lb to go to get to goal and I can't wait, I never been this close before and I am getting into size 14 tops. I feel fab :D
welldone zoe. i cant believe how far youve come x
will you stop at 161lb, or is that just where you want to be then reavaluate. nearly time for another star xx
victoria, im sorry luv i have skim read all posts, but must have missed your new diet, what are yopu doing and why, is it to do with when you were poorly, sorry to make you explain, if you already have xxx
Hi Claira, I have been that weight before and I am a size 12 at that weight but I will see if thats still the case when I get there as I have had the 2 girls since last being that weight and my shape has changed so wether I will need to lose a bit more? I will wait and see but I hope not.
you dont have much to go now, you will at goal before me. you already look great so i think you'll fab at a size 12 x
i have been looking through the book at the foods today and made a weekly diary for the 1000kcal plan i hope to be on this step in january the food looks lovely, i love egg and toast so hopefully i can have that for breakfast everyday lol.
feel good today, still hungry, on day 4 and cold but slightly in ketosis so thats good, even resisted celery. so fingers crossed. i am getting desperate to weigh, but not desperate to climb in the loft with the spiders.
hope everyone is having a good day. xxx
Morning girls

Everyone seems so positive, its great inspiration. Went to new CDC and had to collect a form last night to take to GP's, for permission to go back on to CD. But when I called GP to see if I could just drop it off, the receptionist was adament that I'd have to pay, from £30 - £130!! I'm stunned, the diet is expensive enough.. CDC said that as i'm on medication, I would need to get it signed, thinking now that I'd wait til I'm off it, as its only pain killers anyway..

Broxi, that 3lb will come off in no time. Claira you are doing well and Witchy, your diet sounds good, Zoe.. you're the inspiration to all of us.

Not a good start as thought i'd be collecting my shakes etc last night. So back to the low carb for me, until the exante comes through (only ordered a week).

Wishing everyone a good day xxx
Morning girls,

Thanks Claira and Nikki.

Nikki, that's terrible that they want to charge you for a signature, my doctor never charged me, I just made an appointment and went to see her and took the form with me.

Claira, well done on getting to day 4. You are doing so well hun and imgaine how you are going to feel when you weigh yourself in a few days time. Do you still see a cdc?

Hope everyone is well xx.
Morning Nikki, hope all goes well at the doctors and they sign the form for you-without charge. Let us know how you get on xx.
hi girls,
nikki, can you ask your cdc for 2 shakes a day and do the 1000 plan you wont need docs sig for that , then come down to 810, then ss+ then ss. if that helps.
i am on day 7 ss. i see my cdc most weeks. she is coming with me when i go on cdc training course. just weighed with her and im 12st 7lb. so its coming off again. need to be 11st 10lb really xxx
Well done Claira, I am so pleased for you hun xx.

Nikki, how did the doctors go?
Evening girls, I painted my living room today and I am slightly aching but hoping it burnt off a few calories lol. I might go and have a nice soak in the bath I think.

I went to the cinema last night and saw New Moon which was fab and reccomend to anyone who liked the first one. Hope your all well this evening xx.
hi girls, i loved the first twilight, cant wait to see the second.
hope everyones ok, mayce catch you all this evening xxx
Hi girls hope you are well.

Ok being the flake I am, ive decided to come back on CD i feel safer, i just cant seem to manage to eat all the calories which is weird for me, so starting again tomorrow but going to do 100% for a few weeks. so which me look. Liking my new body shape though feeling muscles I never new I had and have just blown up my JJB Bean, its ace you just lay on this inflated thing and rock and it gets your core muscles fab for your tummy, aches like hell but its easy so I do that on a night with weights and do the gym in the day. Im not stopping training and if i need an extra shake if i burned too much off then I will do.

have a great weekend girls
witchy that sounds good. how is everyone this evening. xxx
Witchy it's ok to change your mind, it's whatever works for you hun.

Hi Claira, you up to much this weekend? I would have been putting my decs up this weekend but I am having new carpet fitted next Wednesday so have to wait until thats down. I am so excited, my living room is going to look lovely as we have decorated and will have new carpet and then with the decs up it will look lovely. Anyone else putting there's up soon?
hi, i have been sneaking the odd christmas ornament up here and there. matt wont let me put the tree up yet, but he goes away on monday for a weeks training in new job, so im gonna put it up then, i cant wait this year, im a real kid at christmas anyway but now that charlies nearly 3 its even better, i cant wait to play with all his new toys and games lol.
im really pleased its my proper weigh day today, matt just gave me the scales and they say im 12st 5.6lb i was 13st 4 at the beginning of the month, and had a few more wks fannying around, i dont think im on track for 11st at christmas, more like 11st 4 if im strict at ss. but anything is better than my 11st 13lb lowest. im feeling posotive again,
and i cant believe ive dropped from a 39in waist to a 36in waist in 1 week, and my hips from 43in to 41in.
my lowest was 34in waist and 38in hip. so nearly there, this is the measurement that gets me into a 12 comfortably. but should make me about a 16 according to the measurments.
does anyone else find measurments strange?
sorry so long im rambling lol
have a good day, im going to watch the new ben 10 movie today with charlie and matt xxxx