ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hi all butterflies, sorry haven't posted on here for a couple of days but am really struggling (middle of 3rd week) and am starting to pick. Didn't want to discourage as everyone doing so well but im getting fed up already!!! I always get to this point (3rd time of doing cd) and im on ss+ so am getting my meal in evening. Oh well, will go to bed and try again tmw. Sorry bit negative tonight. :wave_cry:
Well how are we all tonight Butterflies? Congratulations Broxi on your wi - another 3lb you never have to see again!

I survived my first day back at work. Haven't got computer access sorted out yet, haven't got a permanent desk yet, they haven't sorted out what I'm actually going to be doing either... they've only had a year, lol! It was good to see the old crowd again - I had been popping in to keep in touch all the way through and bringing the baby with me, so it wasn't too strange to see them all.

I didn't struggle with the diet at all today - I was so proud of myself. They have a water machine that dispenses iced water, so I just kept filling up my bottle - and kept nipping out to the loo. Took a bar and a tetra with me. This diet gave me a full lunch hour to look around the shops - just downed the tetra in no time :)

I feel good, na na na na na na na, I know that I should, na na na na na na....:cool:

Off to read some of the other posts from today - hard to keep up!
Hello all.

Shopaholic, I love your bubblyness tonight, its ace! Glad you're doing well today. Asa, sorry hunni to hear about your day, perhaps that early night to bed will sort it out and push away the cravings too. Broxi, good on you today, that must have been hard, hat off to you to have just sat there and watched, lol.. Your friend must have been giggling. Glad you had a great day too. Witchy, good on you with you pampering session, I really must do more of that. Carolyn, nice to see you back and am thinking about changing to ss+ again after my weekend away. Have heard that there is no real difference in the weight loss.

I hated my day today, well the end of it anyway, too much to go into, but my BF was good as support so that helped. Really wanted to eat, but didn't so glad about that. Chucked alot of chilli in my veg soup and that chased that idea away, as my mouth was burning after and spent the next 10 mins with ice on my tongue, sucking it, lol. Oh well we live and learn. x
Hi Carolyn and Lynda, Sorry to hear you're struggling Carolyn. Just think how much damage you'll do everytime you cheat. Everyday you stay on is nearer your goal. I struggle big time too but so far I'm managing. Can't say I feel great about not eating though.

Lynda, it must have been hard going back to work. But sometimes routine and adult company can be nice. Great you stuck to diet too. I find it difficult at workcos there's no fridge so tetra or bar gets quite warm but it's just another cross to bear! It will all be worth it when we're slim xxx
Hi Nikky, the cravings can be terrible can't they? Good idea about the chilli though- I'll try that next time. Have you tried the veg mix thing? i think that will help me a bit with my cravings as it's really good. I'd feel scared to go up a plan cos I'd be scared my eating would get out of control again. Let us know exactly how you get on please x
Good evening all!!

Nikki - good trick with the chilli - I think I will add some to my next soup!

Broxi - well done on sticking to the diet tonight!!

I came home from work and fell alseep!! I do feel quite drained today!!

hello all, hope your all well, im really really really pissed off. not rhe diet had a ding dong with my mother who has her head stuck up her own xxx. sorry had to let that out. went out for dinner with my sister, and had my soup, they were a bit rude about making it , but they did x
im nearly at the end of week 3, really happy with diet, but cos im upset could sooo easily go and be bad. i wont cos i love you guys and you keep me strong, and i have to show you all a skinny photo by christmas xxxx
sorry my turn for the downer xxxxx
Hey Asa, I'm here!!! Sorry been at work, then college all day.

I know how you feel, I was tempted too when I saw people had counted May's loss but like Broxi I think I'm going to stick to weight loss in June only - its real, even if I do fail challenge I'll feel properly proud of self if that makes sense...

Weight feels like its stuck today. I think I'm maybe not drinking enough water and the husks just aren't doing there work for me (if you know what I mean :eek:)

Still, I feel glad to be doing something abut my weight and I keep imagining myself getting back into my bike leathers or swishing around all think like... does the trick for me xx Hope you've all had lovely days...have missed so much postwise!!
Hi Claira,

So sorry that you had a run in with your Mum. I am finding strong emotions are hard on this diet, as they make me want to 'treat' myself!!! It sounds the same for you!

I am really proud that you have managed to stick it out today though! Well done for that!

thank you, xxx
im acing from the toning tables today aswell, dont know if im use again, will see how much money is left after hols, couldnt do my situps today hurt to much, but ran around a shoe shop with charlie for an hour trying to get him sandals, and i mean ran, little monkey, thought it was fun,
i feel better after my rant lol xx
My cdc suggested my strong emotions nithing to do witht he diet. I begged to differ...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


That is a little bit odd of them to say that! However I guess everyone can be different! I would have been mad too, as I know that is what has lead me to this place (treating myself) - and know I need to learn to have the emotion and not stuff my face lol!
Claira - you really are the excerise lady!! lol. Get you running!

I have no idea how you do it, I fee so drained today!

And with that - I am going to have to log off, as I feel so weak, and need to get into bed!!

Night everyone xxxxxxxxxxx
night night luv, i will need energy tomorrow, i havnt done any housework for a week hehehe. might curl up on the sofa all day tomorrow with charlie and gym evening, bugger the housework x
You're so right. I thought it was a little, what's the word, assuming... of her. I've noticed a big difference in emotions since starting.

(Didn't really get mad. I was just being silly - lack of sleep methinks...)

But deep down I know I'm just facing up to stuff I didn't know I was feeling. Hope I can manage my feelings better and learn on this diet. Like Broxi I'm doing lots of reading, I just need to make sure I apply it.

We're lucky to be able to be grumpy, sad, happy, manic or whatever on this forum...I think everyone is so used to me being cheery that they're a little taken aback by my changes at the moment... Has anyone else noticed differences in their relationships?
i feel more inlove with my partner, and more empithy for my little boy,
also about the june challenge. i way daily, bad girl, so i weighed on 1/6/09 and will weigh last on 31/6/09, i will add to ticker daily, so i can see it creaping up xxx