Bye Bye Bingo Wings!


Full Member
They aren't even so much bingo wings these days, rather something that could be used to fly a passenger plane home, infact when I wave I'm rather worried about them taking a wall out! Needless to say there's a whole lot of other bits of me that if stood on one of those vibrating plate things could knock down a few walls - anyone thinking of doing a bit of remodelling at home!?! ;)

I've been on so many diets over the years, but my love of chocolate and cake always seemed to get in the way. I did have some success on Slimming World about 2 1/2 years ago though. I lost 4 stone in 4 months and loved the freedom the plan gave me to eat what I wanted and best of all never go hungry, like with every other diet out there. So I'm back on the SW wagon again and have been since Monday this week. I can't get to meetings so will be doing it at home and lurking on the MM's forums for hints, tips and recipes to keep me going. Through the forums I've found a wonderful blog that is packed full of great recipes, the latest of which I'll definitely be making soon - meatballs in tomato maple sauce for 2 syns anyone?! I've also been writing my own recipes down so keep your eye out for Shrinking Mums Recipe Book in the recipes forum, I've added a few old favourites and have been adding new ones over the last few days as I've been adapting recipes to fit in with the plan.

I know I've got a long way to go, but I'm determined to get there before my 10 year old daughter is too old to want me to be active enough to run around playing with her and my baby boy gets too fast for me to chase after him.

Wish me luck!
Good luck with your weight loss! I look forward to reading more of your diary don't forget to update :) x
Day 4 and the chocolate cravings have started! I would have a diet hot chocolate drink but it's like drinking chocolate flavoured water and it really doesn't hit the spot, may have to treat myself to a bar of chocolate later or even some of those crunch corner yogurts so I can have something nice after dinner that doesn't make me want to go out and stuff myself with a huge 250g bar of chocolate all in one go! (told you chocolate gets in the way of my diets!) I've definitely chosen the wrong week to start a diet what with the jubilee celebrations as I'd normally be baking up a storm in the kitchen with my daughter and although I want to make things with her I won't be able to resist them if they're in the house! Anyone got a spare ration of self control they can lend me?
I may have "accidentally" eaten a cupcake while I was out earlier! Baby is teething and driving me utterly insane with his constant whining - yes I know it's probably hurting him more than me but all I have heard all day long is this incessant whining and crying and it's been driving me insane. Made me feel a whole lot better though!

Oh well at least it satisfied my sugar craving I guess, plus I have a lovely dinner of parmesan crusted chicken with jackets and salad to look forward to tonight, which should hopefully get me back in the swing of things again.
First week and I'be lost a pound. I'd normally be quite disappointed with that but I've had plenty of treats this week and not done any exercise. The baby has been teething and I've been feeling quite down and treating myself to a few lunches out with friends and a drink or two was just what I needed.

Fingers crossed I'll do better and feel better this week!
Have had visitors so actually managed to forget to weigh myself on Monday! Luckily haven't been out to eat with them other than a quick lunch one day so I'm hoping the damage to the diet won't be too bad - it shouldn't be after all as I've been pretty much ok the rest of the time. Really do need to fit some exercise in at some point but the baby seems to have other ideas at the moment - as does my ever expanding ironing pile!
I've completely lost my way already and just can't seem to get back on track. I've been in an absolutely horrific mood for the best part of a month or two, not helped by a stressful trip abroad with a baby, a ten year old and my partner for a family wedding plus numerous visits from family. I feel exhausted, not by the baby surprisingly, he's an angel (thankfully), but by everything else and it just seems easier to grab any old thing and ram it in my mouth for breakfast and lunch, or have nothing at all rather than stick to something healthy during the day. Dinner is probably the one meal where I get it right because I'm pre planning exactly what to eat before I go shopping. I should probably do the same with breakfast and lunch, but it only takes one thing to change during the day and it leaves me with no time to eat so I just don't bother or grab what I can - if I liked fruit and veg it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm not a fan so I can't just grab something healthy like other people do.

I actually just came on for the first time since having my son 6 months ago and it seems my hormones are settling down, I no longer feel like a ball of anger or misery, so that's a start, I'm just hoping that along with the calmer me my motivation to exercise returns too. I felt so good about myself after having the baby, my stomach was so much flatter than it is now (not that it was ever flat in any way shape or form, let me assure you) for a start and I had confidence in my body for the first time in about 15 years, I'd just had a baby, sure my body wasn't perfect but I felt good about myself for the first time in years yet 11lb heavier and that's all changed. It's not like 11lb is even a lot when it's added to the rest of me, if I was a size 8 yeah you'd notice, but on me, my trousers might feel slightly tighter but somehow it seems to be making all the difference and I feel awful.

I don't know what it's going to take to pull me out of this mood, but I hope it happens soon!
3 weeks on and I'm finally getting back to the non hormonal me, I'm still not 100%, maybe I have a touch of PND. T be honest it wouldn't surprise me, for a start I live over 1000 miles away from friends and family so I'm pretty isolated and never get a break from the baby (lucky he's such an angel, but even so 5 minutes to myself every so often would be nice) so I guess coupled with the fact I had it with my daughter, that would make me a prime candidate to suffer from it again! But things can only get better as they say!

I started SW again today and so far I've had:

Breakfast: Cheese on toast (HEX A & HEX B)
Lunch: Tuna salad & a yogurt
Dinner: Will be chicken with pasta with Philadelphia sundried tomato and basil light stirred through which is 2 syns per 25g I believe - so probably 2 - 4 syns today for me.
Have woken up with a bounce in my step for a change and got my SW ham and cheese quiche straight in the oven so it's ready and chilled for lunch with some salad. Needless to say I'm rather impressed with my organisation and even the little one let me get on with it without complaint!

On the menu today is:

B - Toast (HEX B) with Nutella 4 syns
L - SW Cheese and Ham Quiche (HEX A) with salad
D - Pork in a creamy sherry sauce (see my recipe thread for the recipe and comes in at 1.25 syns per serving) Yogurt

Am waiting for the little one to go to sleep in an hour or so before getting the wii fit out and doing a bit of exercise while I get the chance - blimey did I just volunteer to do some exercise?
Today has been good food wise, I've behaved and had:

B- Toast & Nutella 4 syns
L - Tuna Salad and salad cream 2 syns
D - Fajita pasta 1 syn

I've made a Spanish tortilla with bacon for lunch tomorrow (and probably saturday too as it's quite big) which is free plus HEX A and I will have that with a salad. For dinner I'm attempting to make jerk chicken for the first time - lets hope I don't burn the roof of my mouth off! I got some cereal earlier too so I'm not just eating toast for breakfast but then I'm at a bit of a loss for what to have for my HEX B instead.

The baby isn't letting me exercise at all, 45 minutes he was asleep for today in which time I was trying to clean the house so tomorrow we'll be going for a walk in the morning and hopefully having a swim over the next few days too, although how much exercise for me swimming is while holding a baby is minimal, but at least we'll have fun!
So this weeks weigh in is likely to be a disaster thanks to coming on again today, I wouldn't mind but I've been so good this week and now I'm likely to not lose anything anyway - brilliant! Started the day off by stuffing two mini pain au chocolats into my mouth, haven;t a clue how many syns they are but am assuming they will be my daily allowance!

For lunch I just snacked on ham as I wasn't very hungry and tonight I'm trying the Andalucian meatballs from the new SW mag.
Hope your ok, you know you've had a good week food wise. It might not show this week but it will catch up :)

You'll have to update about the meatballs, might try them next week! x
The meatballs were gorgeous! In the mag they said to have them with several dips but I wasn't too keen on the flavour of the meatballs at first so whipped up a sauce with a bit of red wine, onions, peppers, garlic, tinned tomatoes and a ton of sweet paprika and it went really well with the meatballs and actually made them taste a hell of a lot nicer than they were. Do you have the recipe or would you like it?