C25K .... Overture and beginners please!

Well I've got to week 5 run 2 and hit a big block. My third attempt this week to achieve it but on the 2nd lot of 8 mins I get to about 5 mins and first two attempts I fainted and last one my chest was so sore from breathing! Any advice? My first 5k is in 7weeks so need to keep at it :-/
Rainbowbear said:
Well I've got to week 5 run 2 and hit a big block. My third attempt this week to achieve it but on the 2nd lot of 8 mins I get to about 5 mins and first two attempts I fainted and last one my chest was so sore from breathing! Any advice? My first 5k is in 7weeks so need to keep at it :-/

Drop back a week or two? Try using protein shakes n have one before u go out? A light snack on ur walk part? X
Well I've got to week 5 run 2 and hit a big block. My third attempt this week to achieve it but on the 2nd lot of 8 mins I get to about 5 mins and first two attempts I fainted and last one my chest was so sore from breathing! Any advice? My first 5k is in 7weeks so need to keep at it :-/

When do you eat before..... Maybe have some carbs before you go out for energy.... what about a banana!???

Thanks time2go and also deezer; I do eat something light before I go out; usually a jam sandwich as I heard the mix of complex and simple sugars and carbohydrates good for running. Also a good thing for my kidney disease :)

Did repeat week 4 but after doing another one of the sessions I got bored as it wasn't a challenge and body felt like it could happily do more. Shall maybe have another shot tomorrow! :)
Hi everyone im currently on week 6 of the nhs couch to 5k.podcast.. Not going to lie up until week 4 my legs were aching, but just push on through. Never thought I would enjoy running, but I must say its grown on me. So much so I bought a running track cd for motivation. Muscle tone has definately improved along with a little weight loss (7lbs). Well 3 more running weeks to go and then I might aim for 10k. We can do it guys..its just a.matter of getting over the runners wall. X
What time of day do you do? I did thus a couple of months back and have up so easily? Is it as easy as you all thought?
I do mine after work at about 3.30pm, and have a peice of fruit before to give me energy. Get it out.of the way then. Tried a few times during the morning, but im not as motivated
staceylou18 said:
I do mine after work at about 3.30pm, and have a peice of fruit before to give me energy. Get it out.of the way then. Tried a few times during the morning, but im not as motivated

How far are you into it?
staceylou18 said:
Hi everyone im currently on week 6 of the nhs couch to 5k.podcast.. Not going to lie up until week 4 my legs were aching, but just push on through. Never thought I would enjoy running, but I must say its grown on me. So much so I bought a running track cd for motivation. Muscle tone has definately improved along with a little weight loss (7lbs). Well 3 more running weeks to go and then I might aim for 10k. We can do it guys..its just a.matter of getting over the runners wall. X

I am pushing through because I know that if I stop now then my legs will never stop aching. Just SO frustrating!

I did my first week 3 run today and those 3 min runs were agony. Pleased to say that I didn't quit and did run the entire 3 mins each time.
It does get easier.... keep going!!!! : )

I always run in the morning..... Find I'm more focussed.....

Just push on through my muscles were so sore in first few weeks, its completely normal. but its worth it when you can run for 2omins with no break. even the simple things liking running for shelter when the rain starts im able to do. Keep at it x
I cannot believe how psychological it is! I have two routes I now run. A 3 mile and a 6 mile, my 6 mile I need to turn off my 3 mile route at a certain point n if I go out with the intention of running 6 miles, the whole way to the turning point I actually argue with myself about whether to do it or not. I convince myself I am not able. But as soon as I turn that corner, bam! I am fine! So keep at it fits, c25k got me running!! X
I now run 9.5k, doing a 10k run for charity in October and I used c25k to get me here. I'd never have done it otherwise. I was out this morning and had a little laugh to myself remembering those beginning weeks when the though of jogging for 5 mins straight terrified me! Now I'm going for an hour! I must admit I'm slow but I'm not worried about speed, just stamina.
Keep at it everyone, it gets easier I promise. A great running cd helps no end.
michmick said:
I now run 9.5k, doing a 10k run for charity in October and I used c25k to get me here. I'd never have done it otherwise. I was out this morning and had a little laugh to myself remembering those beginning weeks when the though of jogging for 5 mins straight terrified me! Now I'm going for an hour! I must admit I'm slow but I'm not worried about speed, just stamina.
Keep at it everyone, it gets easier I promise. A great running cd helps no end.

I am sooo slow lol! X
Just completed week 6 run 3..i ran for 25mins such progress since week 1...the first 15mins were pure mental hell but once I got over the runners block I was grand :)
I cannot believe how psychological it is! I have two routes I now run. A 3 mile and a 6 mile, my 6 mile I need to turn off my 3 mile route at a certain point n if I go out with the intention of running 6 miles, the whole way to the turning point I actually argue with myself about whether to do it or not. I convince myself I am not able. But as soon as I turn that corner, bam! I am fine! So keep at it fits, c25k got me running!! X

It really is psychological! I think I'm starting to get the better of my head :) I ran just short of 5k this morning. If I'd realised quite how close to 5k I was, I'd have run a bit more to get a 5k time. This only happened because I revisited W5R3 last week, determined it would not be a barrier to me building up my running distances/times.

I graduated C25K last year, but then lost confidence, and I think that's all it was. It's got a lot to do with believing you can, rather than assuming you can't. I made myself run with RunKeeper this morning, so I had 'proof' I could run for that length of time, and at that pace, and cover that distance. No arguments. It's there in black and white.

Hopefully I've reached a turning point, because I really WANT to run, and run for further than 5k. It's been so good for my mental wellbeing, and the endorphins really, really do kick in when you've achieved something you never imagined you could.
Just completed week 6 run 3..i ran for 25mins such progress since week 1...the first 15mins were pure mental hell but once I got over the runners block I was grand :)

Isn't it just the BEST feeling! I really don't know how C25K 'works' in such a short space of time, but it's amazing what we can achieve if we give ourselves the chance. I'm proud of myself today, and it sounds like you're proud of you too! Love it!!
cjnvgn said:
It really is psychological! I think I'm starting to get the better of my head :) I ran just short of 5k this morning. If I'd realised quite how close to 5k I was, I'd have run a bit more to get a 5k time. This only happened because I revisited W5R3 last week, determined it would not be a barrier to me building up my running distances/times.

I graduated C25K last year, but then lost confidence, and I think that's all it was. It's got a lot to do with believing you can, rather than assuming you can't. I made myself run with RunKeeper this morning, so I had 'proof' I could run for that length of time, and at that pace, and cover that distance. No arguments. It's there in black and white.

Hopefully I've reached a turning point, because I really WANT to run, and run for further than 5k. It's been so good for my mental wellbeing, and the endorphins really, really do kick in when you've achieved something you never imagined you could.

You just took the words right out my mouth! Was gonna advice on runkeeper. I use this now and just do my own thing! Jeep going with the c25k, u know it works xxx