Calculate how many calories you need to stay in bed all day and not gain weight!

Whoops! Keep posting after email notifications and not reading to the bottom. Duh! :D
Hi Taz! Yes they are hun. I have two full sleeves and one day will have a full back piece and foot and leg work. It is a massive addiction though so I may end up with more (although would not go below my wrists or above my neck). :)
I know what you mean, I have 8 and I want another
Wow, I can have 1784.5 calories a day and stay the same weight? That's amazing!

So does that mean I'll burn 1300+ calories a day just lying in bed on CD? :O
Hi Poppy fantastic thread, i just worked out what i have been doing wrong all these years, I always heard on the telly "women should eat between 1500 and 2000 calories a day" i though (stupidly) that it just depended how greedy you were lol. Worked out that i should be eating 1550 calories a day and hubby should be 2200 a day. I used to eat the same as him and HE'S put on 2 stone!!! Anyway definetely will be using this when i get to maintenance. Thanks
Taz - go girl! There's no such thing as too many tats. The more the better IMO whatever the rest of mainstream society thinks of us painted ladies. ;)

Hiya Tubs - yes on a VLCD like CD you should still lose weight if your on SS, SS+, 810 or 1000 even if you're doing nothing (amount depending on your weight and your calculated BMR). Although the loss will obviously be slower than if you're even slightly active.
Linda that's great! So glad I was able to help you out with that. Good luck with reaching goal and maintaining it hun. :D
I remember a late night bout of feverish googling a few months back, when I was trying to find some info on slow/slowing metabolism. I hit a site that said your calculated BMR could be diminished by as much as 20% due to a metabolism slowed by, amongst other things, dieting. Wasn't quite sure what to make of that - is that 20% before or after the Harris Benedict equation? Before, I suppose. Either way, bit of a scary thought. :sigh:
I remember a late night bout of feverish googling a few months back, when I was trying to find some info on slow/slowing metabolism. I hit a site that said your calculated BMR could be diminished by as much as 20% due to a metabolism slowed by, amongst other things, dieting. Wasn't quite sure what to make of that - is that 20% before or after the Harris Benedict equation? Before, I suppose. Either way, bit of a scary thought. :sigh:

BMR reduces according to your new size. But there is also an adaptive component that reduces it further when you reduce your calories by cutting down on food (either officially dieting, or just healthy eating)

In extreme cases, it can reduce as much as 40% (but that is very extreme and over a long period).

When you go back to maintenance calories the adaptive component will gradually increase again. The speed at which does will vary.

The HB forumula is based on when the adaptive component is back to normal.

We are all different, but the HB formula is surprisingly accurate for most people give or take a hundred or so either way :)
Poppy, Thanks for this great info it is going to be sooo much help. I have already worked out where I have been going wrong and what my daily goal cals should be.
R x :thankyou:
Well it says for me 1562.65, nice to know I suppose, thanks, gona work it out for my hubby now too :)..
mines 1405.9

so to actually lose weight i should reduce that intake by 500....
905 calories?!
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here is the Harris- Benedict equation in more detail
It is important to familiarise yourself with your actual metabolic rate, that is the rate at which your body utilises and burns calories. The only way to lose weight is to burn MORE calories than the amount you consume. Once you understand your bodys metabolic rate, you will be one step closer to achieving your weight goal- be it loss, maintenance or gain.

There are a number of ways which you can calculate your Basal Metabolic rate (BMR) and Active Metabolic rate (AMR). To calculate your BMR you can use the popular Harris-Benedict equation:

Lets Calculate your BMR:

655 + (9.6 x wt in kg) + (1.8 x ht in cm) - (4.7 x age in yrs)
Example: you are 165 lbs (75kg), 5'4" tall (64in) and 32 years old
your BMR is : 655 + (9.6 x 75) + (1.8 x 163) - (4.7 x 32) OR
655 + (720) + (293) - (150) = 1518 calories
note = kg = lbs divided by 2.2, cm = inches multiplied by 2.54

Your BMR indicates the minimum number of calories that your body needs each day in order to function while at rest, such as heartbeat, breathing and blood flow. That is how many calories your body needs to simply operate for 24 hours without exerting any extra energy.

Your AMR is defined a your BMR plus the added calories you need each day to support basic movement and activity. Because your AMR varies based upon your level of activity, it will be higher the more active you are. To calculate your AMR, multiply your BMR according to your activity level.

Extra light = 1.3 ( cooking cleaning ironing driving standing etc)
Light = 1.3 ( golf, walking 3 mph, child care, housework)
Moderate = 1.6 ( cycling, tennis, dancing, walking 3.5-4.0mph)
Heavy = 1.9 (football, climbing, aerobic classes)

Referring to the BMR example lets calculate your AMR
Your BMR is 1516 calories and your activity level is moderate
1516 x 1.6 = 2426 calories.

Now that you know what your basal and active metabolic rates are, you should know how to apply them to your daily life. In order to maintain your desired weight, your daily calorific intake should equal your AMR (+/- 100 calories). By consistently eating more calories than your AMR you will store these extra calories as fat- whether or not they originated from protein, carbs, fat or alcohol, you will end up gaining weight.

If you want to lose weight, then in order to do so both safely and effectively over a prolonged period of time, you should eat enough calories each day at least equivalent to your BMR. However if you take in significantly fewer calories than your daily calorific requirement for an extended period of time then your body will lower its metabolism and begin to conserve energy for survival and essentially cannibalise its muscles.

phew--- hope this helps guys.