Calling all LTers!!


Gold Member
Oh guys and girls,
what a disaster I am!! Lost 15lbs my first week back -amazing yeah? but it didn't stop me from cheating the next day on a huge scale and remaining off for almost a week!! I can't bring myself to look at the scales but I guess I put all 15 back on :(

I really need to shift these pounds, I wake up every day miserable with my body, moody with my bf cos I'm just so down in myself. I want to lose weight so badly WHY oh WHY am I letting boring old stupid food win over a gorgeous wardrobe, self confidence in my appearance and a great sex life ;)?? I'm turning into a 23year old frump, still on maternity leave I've stayed in my pjs more days than I'd like to admit cos I just feel so horrible in clothes!!

I need to get going again tomorrow and keep chipping away, hopefully cheat free cos "the cheats don't work, they just make it worse" so I'm really needing all the motivation you lot can muster right now.
Come on you can do it. I had a bad day yest & back to it today. Don't let all that hard work of 100% TFR go to waste.
Get back on the LT train and book a one way journey - and don't get off again till you get there!!! xxx
I had a patch like that when I was near enough at goal a few years ago but I let life drag me down again. So here I am back again with a new fiance whose being uber supportive and I feel like this time I WILL achieve My Goal :) ... I also have a wedding to slim down for ;)