Cambridge Buddy August 2012

I lost 2 pounds at my weigh in last night. Little bit disappointed as I was hoping for more, but that now means I've lost 11 pounds in two weeks which is nothing to be sniffed at. I could never have lost that much doing any other diet.
Going to try to up my water to 3 litres a day to see if that makes any difference
Hi Happy H, I was exactly the same last week my 2nd week and I was soo good all week. It really got me down and I cheated over the weekend and had a few drinks and a protein meal I feel even worse for that as a serial weigher I can see that the scales are not moving! Stick with it is my advice I'm sure next week will be better
arrghhh having a nightmare have started eating things I shouldn't!!!!!!! Really need to get head back on it don't want to put the weight I lost back on help!!!
I've eaten rubbish to he honest feel bad for it. Need to stop and get back on it I only have half a stone to lose
Thanks for the advice mad as feeling a bit demotivated. I'm sure that if I stick to it this week I'll have a good loss to make up for last week. Moving house this weekend so should be temptation free - unless we end up at the pub on Saturday night!!!