Camping Food Ideas


Hi everyone! I'm a newbie to the atkins diet, did it for a couple of weeks a few weeks ago and got on really well with it, then I came off the wagon and feasted on carbs for a while, undoing all my good work :( I'm now firmly back on the wagon, but I'm very worried as I'm due to be going camping for a week and I've got no idea what I'm going to eat. We won't have a fridge, and we'll be miles away from any shops. Usually I'd eat fresh meat, salads, cheese, ham & eggs, but obviously the lack of refrigeration facilities is going to make things difficult. Does anybody have ideas for foods that will keep and that don't need refrigerating? So far I've stocked up on tins of tuna, sachets of mayo and mini peperamis, but I can't live off those all week!

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Ooh that's a difficult one with no fridge but they do say you shouldn't keep eggs in the fridge anyway so you will be ok with them. Maybe become a label detective and check out cans of frankfurters, corned beef etc. I get my son that sort of thing for his fishing trips. Will you have a cool box? I remember some sites doing exchanges on the frozen blocks, just take yours in and swap for frozen ones for a small fee.
When we're on the boat, I do try to keep a fairly well stocked larder cupboard - we do have a fridge, but there isn't always a shop to buy fresh stuff. So the answer is tinned food, mostly.

And, hmm, don't peperami need to go in the fridge?

Eggs of course, tinned frankfurters and corned beef, as has been said. Look in the tinned meats section - there will undoubtedly be other things you can take along. Hardboil some eggs before you leave.

For veg - tinned spinach is very useful, also tinned green beans. Tinned ratatouille is incredibly useful, I've always got several cans of this in the cupboard. Don't forget mushrooms, you can get them in tins as well. Have a look in the tinned veg and see what is available. Also, sauerkraut - Sainsburys do one in a jar, in white wine which is really nice - be careful of the ones in vinegar as some of them have quite a bit of sugar added. Check the labels. Also pickled cucumbers are good - again watch out for added sugar.

Don't forget snacky things - porky scratchings and macadamia nuts are good. If you can find jerky or biltong that doesn't have sugar in it or MSG, then that's another idea.

Something else that occurs to me - shirataki noodles, also called zero noodles. I have not tried these yet, but hear good reports of them. Most importantly for you, you don't need to keep them in the fridge.

Pesto in a jar - stir in pasta sauces in those little pots perhaps, check the carbs though - pasta sauces in a jar, again check the carbs, some of them are quite low, others are not ....

Tinned sardines with chilli - tinned mackerel in oil - sardines in tomato sauce.

Tinned ham.

Make sure you've got enough veg - it always seems to me that veg is what makes a meal.

I don't know if those longlife yogurts are available without being loaded with sugar - and I also have not sorted out anything out with regard to cheese.

Hope this helps a bit, anyway!
I think (?) you can can keep Mattesons smoked turkey without a fridge...

Good luck and let us know how you get on!
Yep matte sons smoked pork sausage doesn't need a fridge x