can anyone help me?


New Member
hi you dont know me but, i am a 14 year old boy and ever since i hit puberty at around 12 i have developed a pair of man boobs. i hate them, it is horribly embarresing having them and i want them gone. i have tried dieting, went to the gym for 8 months, personal training, cardio but none of these worked. and i was just wondeirng if anyone has any good advice for me?
Hi moonburst,


The condition you have described is common enough in young boys...

The programme Embarrassing Illnesses covered this only the other week and it said that most young boys grow out of it.

Gynaecomastia (more commonly known as ‘man boobs’) is a common condition where tender breast tissue grows under the nipples. It is usually caused by an imbalance of hormones during puberty and usually disappears without treatment within a couple of years. ‘False gynecomastia’ is when men and boys develop breasts as a result of too much fat on their chest, which is usually helped by losing weight, through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.

Source: Channel 4, Embarrassing Illnesses, Health, Gynaecomastia, Conditions, Man Boobs, Breasts, from

The best advice I would give is to go to your doctor and talk it over with him as I am sure your doctor wil put your mind at ease.

Love Mini xxx
I saw that too Mini.

Moonburst, as you are only 14 and still developing I wouldn't try to do anything about it yet as you will most likely grow out of them. Are you generally overweight? If not then you will probably lose them in your next growth spurt, if you are then losing weight may help a little but I would go see your doctor if it bothers you x