Can anyone tell me what's happened to me period?

nikki mc

Quick question, been doing sole source for the past 6 weeks, 1st period came no problem but i was due on saturday and am ultra regular and there is no sign of it ? Have most of the symptoms, tired EXTREMLY moody, head snapper offish. Did a pregnancy test yesterday and it isn't that either. Quite honestly it's doing my nut in. If anyone has any advise i'd be most grateful.
Thanks for replying, I feel seriously muderous so that tells me that it's just around the corner, my family have gone into hibernation while they wait for meltdown!
CD is notorious for cocking things up big time Im afraid, you may be irregular for a while, it also makes you more fertile, be careful!!
Hi Nikki

My first period came as usual too but after that they were all over the place and they are still a bit less predictable than they used to be and I finished last October! I think VLCDs are a bit of a body shock and it takes a while for your hormones to adjust...good luck!
my TOTM is over a week late... and shows no signs of making an appearance. Definitely not pregnant... so can only assume it's CD's fault... :(
when the body is surviving on such a small amount of calories it prioritises the essential functions of the body and so this can knock out the cycle somewhat. My first cycle came on time in my first week, but the second was just less than a week late, and I have a feeling that the next one is going to be early because I feel like I am ovulating already things may change but its looking that way so far
I've only just had my first period since starting CD, and i'm on my 7th week.
my periods are a bit out of sync but i hope it reverts back to normal afterwards as i'm losing weight to start my next IVF cycle. Has anyone else noticed they don't get cramp anymore? I always used to get really bad cramp first 2 days but now i sail through my period without hardly a twinge - is it maybe the increaed water intake - i'm not complaining mind you!!
Shazzy, I too have have much less cramps with period since starting CD, kept waiting for it to creep up on me but it comparatively speaking was a walk in the park.

This has happened to me before when I was ultra healthy with my diet and came off caffeine :)