Can I take supplements?



Im about to restart total solutions but I want to know if I can still take supplements? I take fish oil capsules and a multi vitamin (I know this isn't needed on exante but I'm gonna still carry on with what I take). The fish oil is the main one as it's full of fatty acids.

The mutlivitamin is ok but I'd email Exante and ask them about the fish oil one as it may affect ketosis.
Ketosis isn't so much affected by fat as by carbs, I have had to take "oily" supplements for my health which I cannot do without. And I reckon I've been fine having them. It all depends a bit on why you are taking them. Do you just think it seems like a good idea and you want to try it? Or do you regularly take them because they really benefit your health already? Coz if it's the latter, I'd prioritize my health. But by all means, email Exante and ask :)