Must do it this time
Im On Ss+ And I Have Abit Of Chicken And Was Just Wondering If I Could Use A Little Salt On It Or Is It A Total No-no??
Thanks For Any Replys,
Elaine X
Really???even The Smallest Amount???/
Wouldn't like to encourage you to try it, even the smallest amount. Don't think I've ever come across anyone saying you can get away with X amount of salt so I would say until you speak to your CDC don't try it.
Ok Thanks For The Advice Kelly,i Have To Confess Though That I Have Used It For A Little While And Now I Know Why I Have Only Lost Little Amounts The Last 2 Weeks Running,cdc Away This Week But Got Weighed In The Gym And It Was Another 2lb,this Is Probably The Cause Of It,do You Think???could It Have Knocked Me Out Of Ketosis Aswell,
Elaine X
Not sure about ketosis I'm afraid, do you have any ketostiks? I'd lay off the salt, at least for a couple of weeks purely to see if your weight losses go up.
Ive Just Made A Mental Note To Myself Not To Use Salt Again,i Was Buying A Pre-packed Chargrilled Chicken And It Needed No Salt At All,but Flaming Tesco Are Nit Doing It Any More So I Started Cookingt My Own And Thats Why I Use The Salt,well No More I Tell Ye,
Thank You For All The Advice Your A Star,
Elaine X
Salt is a definate no no! It ultimatley slows down kidney function, which means that the liver is busy processing all that urine instead of burning fat.

Thats Sealed The Deal For Me Now Thanks Girls Its Much Appreciated,
Elaine X
Good luck with the no salt, I was a terrible salt addict pre-CD. Could you try some herbs maybe instead or a little grinding of black pepper?
Erm, no! I would seriously consult your CDC before attmpting to try anything than those items suggested in the CD books.

Pre-packaged foods mean additives, which usually means salt...
Stick to the guidelines in your Cambridge booklets or you risk slower weight losses & dropping out of's not worth trying things if you risk undoing all your hard work.
Sounds boring, but ask anyone, it's the best way for the diet to work properly !

Salt definately makes you retain water (which adds weight on the scales in many cases !), so avoid it at all costs !

Good luck with your weight loss journey !!!
i asked my cdc if it was ok to have the pre-packed chicken and she said it was fine,its just since ive been cooking my own chicken that ive been using the salt,i never used alot of salt before cd but i couldnt have my chicken without it,id actually rather have nothing than saltless chicken!!!