I did a few different things when I was craving food:
Fantasy Food - where you imagine what you would eat in some detail down to feel and smell.
Play with your Packs - make crisps and muffins, use the mouse, make ice lollies, sponge puds, split the packs and make mini muffins, add ginger have lattes etc.
Go to Bed - early nights were ideal on two counts 1 - you can't eat and 2 - you lose more weight if you get plenty of sleep
Clothes - Buy an oufit that will fit you when you lose a few lbs. Put it next to your fattest fat trousers and know you'll be wearing it in 10days or so without the food. I wore the same suit trousers but in smaller sizes. I'm an inverted pear (polite way of saying big chest) I started in J Taylor size 20 and finished up in Next stretchy side fastening 6.
Blog - I spent 2 years figuring out why I was overweight, why I ate in response to certain things etc. I think that only by knowing these can I stop them happening again. I'm actually a life coach, but never took on clients with weight loss goals as I felt a fraud. I'm hoping to do so now!
790 - If all less fails go to 790. In theory the losses are just a bit less than SS. But the great thing about SS is the time it goves you away from food. I always felt weight loss was a bit like saying to an alcoholic just the three margaritas a day and that if I could just stop eating it would be fine. The time away from food helps you reassess what it's doing to your life.
Sorry it's such a long reply!