Can you mix and match days on exante?


To all you exante gurus - can i mix and match days on exante?

Im thinking Total solution a few days and then maybe working solution if I get more hungry on some days?

Apologies in advance for all the questions - im new to this and need to lose weight fast!
Hehe. I kind of answered this in your other post. I think a lot of people use this mix and match approach. There's man plan, simple solution and others as well which i am going to try. It all just depends on the individual- how much weight you want to lose, how strict you can realistically be with yourself :) despite what people think I've found the diet really flexible! Just completed to total solution days after a week of eating low carb real food and feel fine getting back on the wagon :) x
I do TS where and when I can, but it's not always feasible. Sometimes I'm going out and need to have food, some nights I have college after work and I'm out the house 8am - 9.30pm so I'd be miserable on just three packs. I do whatever suits me and try to keep the carbs down xo