Can you remember what you weighed at 18 years old?

i'd crashed dieted down to 10 stone 7lb..... was 13stone... and had to lose weight to get into nurse training x
Lol Pete, I know exactly what you mean by 'only' :D

Angie - Ohh those dreaded thoughts, I think I frightened myself into it
I was about 7st 7lb at 5ft 1 (if only I could weigh that much again!)

not sure at 18 years old but 15 years old I was 15stone 2 (did project at school were we had to record height and weight on board at front of school and remember it to this day) and at 19 and meeting my husband i was 18 and a half stone..

cdc norwich
Ohhh, I remember those projects... I was the heaviest in my class. :( Never forget the shame of it! Damn Projects!
I can't remember exactly but I think I was about 12 stone a bit more than now,but not a huge amount!
Dunno exactly but arpound 81/2-9stone and a nice size 10 at 5 foot 4. I'm aiming for anything under 10 right now. X x x
I was about 10 stone at the age of 18 :) Was a very healthy weight for my height.
I was 11 stone 2 lbs (and 5ft 5in). I know exactly cos we had to write our weight on the application / health info for uni and I was embarressed cos it sounded like loads (although I think - looking back at photos - that I looked good!)

I always looked like I weighed less tho. Wish I weighed that now!!

Not sure, but that was the time my weight got out of hand, because I had left home, and had freedom, and felt alone too.
What i do know is, Iam less than I was then, and probably the smallest i have ever been in my adult life and really does take some getting used to.
only a year ago for me lol!! was 13st 2-7lbs!! then i fell off the ww wagon haha!! smaller than that now though thanks to ll!!!