caws diary

Glad to hear that you're having a more chilled out week.
If it is yeast at least you can still have flatbreads :)
Hope that everything goes well :)

Thanks Pink, tbh I do still have things that affect me but I feel if I'm aware of the consequences then I can be prepared !!

Take care Caws - don't let it get to you - that's so rich coming from me isn't it (((Hugs))) x

Thanks Gem, I've got some such good friends and we're not usually all stressing at the same time so there's always someone that brings you up and we all end up have a good laugh !! I am thinking of you and your 'situation' and hugs right back x
Thanks Caws x
Well I'm been very lazy and haven't anything to report weight wise.

I started a new placement on Monday, which I'm enjoying - it's a day surgery treatment centre and I'm in theatres, which is interesting but I'm abit concerned about how I'm going to write an essay on management of care when all the patients are sedated or unconscious and I'm not really involved in the pre-assessment or post-op care !! I actually scrubbed up and 'helped' in a hernia op and the surgeon was lovely, showing and explaining loads. The main fly in the ointment is the 7.30am start four days a week. The theatre manager over-ruled my mentor, who agreed that I could start at 8.30am so that I could take Abbie to school and I'd stay a little later in the afternoon, so now she's sleeping at my mum's as she doesn't like getting the bus !!

Have been starting to get ready for Christmas, but just watching Jezza Kyle before going to the shops.

I have a day off today
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All sounds very intense and so glad you're enjoying it x
Well the girls have been off school since Tuesday and I've been off since yesterday. We've got just under a foot of snow and cabin fever is setting in. Walked to the corner shop today and then decided to dig the car out and go to Tesco's for abit more.

The main roads aren't too bad but the little roads aren't too clever. It's going to freeze tonight for sure so may not be going out too far tomorrow.

Haven't done any work for uni, which I'll regret in the weeks to come I'm sure. Have done hardly any christmas shopping but haven't got much money until the end of next week so I can see me having a rushed few days getting pressies for everyone.
I've not done a lot towards Christmas either Caws x
I know that feeling Clarri x

Morning caws x
Hi Caws,

I have loved reading your diary, think you have a much more active social life than me! Sweet girl, what is tiger bread? How hard is your course, and what made you decide to go to uni? Are you involved in the recovery room care at the day surgery place? What happens if the snow keeps coming for weeks on end? (I am Australian, new to heavy snows!)
Ooooo... can I step in her MF - Tiger bread is a wonderful delicious invention - it's a white loaf with a lovely crisp scaley crust that with a bit of imagination looks a little like tiger markings. Some people put a sweet glaze on the top which is yuk (my opinion) when used with savoury fillings but usually that doesn't happen x
Lol Clarri, I usually get things from about August/September but then can't remember what I've got and end up spending much more than I should on everyone (not that the girls mind but then I get cross because they don't appreciate half of what they get !!) They know this year not to expect alot but when you add up money wise what their presents cost it's still a couple of hundred pounds I'll have spent on both of them, some years it's been double that which is ridiculous !!

Anyway the snow is thawing and I can see grass now - still loads of snow about and not sure how icy it is but I'm going to pop to the shops for essentials - Abbie NEEDS nutella !!

Thanks for the rep minusfour, my diary is shocking compared to others and I don't write in it from one month to the next and very little of it is about losing weight, because I'm just not focussing on it. I will make the effort before too long though and am not going to go mad over Christmas (although I won't be a saint either ;) )
Woohoo, had some excellent financial news today - I applied to the uni for a hardship payment/extra grant type thing - had to give them loads of information, bank statements, utility bills, car payment/insurance stuff, bus tickets from the girls to and from school etc etc and I got an email today saying I'm getting a payment next week of just over £1000, I'm so excited :bliss:

I'll definitely use some of it to get some books though, and my mum has got me one for Christmas - £30 from Amazon and £40 from uni - bonkers eh ?

Hmm, tiger bread, I've never heard of a sweet glaze one Gem !! I like the french stick ones and put mozzerella and beef tomatoes in nomnomnom.

I'm doing an adult nursing course, am in the third year now so if all goes well will qualify next year :eek: I decided to do it because I was bored with my job, although I loved it (supporting older people with dementia to still live at home - had my own 'oldies' that I would go and see every week) and my youngest daughter was going to secondary school which gave me a little more freedom and independence. Couldn't do it without help from my mum though, who is a star.

So far I've been in theatre and on the day ward - I was in the recovery room today, although we only had 2 patients who had GA's, so I looked after both of them through first and second stage (then chucked them off home !!) Out-patients next week will probably be boring in comparison but it'll mean I've seen the full picture of pre-assessment, admission, procedure, recovery and discharge (and will have an essay or two to write in a couple of months)

The snow won't last for weeks and weeks - I live in the south east and we don't usually get any, or if we do it's a light dusting but our area was one fo the worst last week. It's nearly all gone now, so all back to normal.

Think that's all m'dear but feel free to ask away :D
Good news with the grant - I remember the joys of living on a grant with 3 teenagers at home, although there was another wage coming in we still needed my money and it was difficult.

Tiger bread - there is a shop in St Ives, Cornwall that makes tiger bread rolls. My mate and I bought tuna salad rolls and were appalled when a sweet taste came through. We went back afterwards and complained, thinking something had gone wrong at the bakery and were met by a "snotty" assistant who said that was what tiger bread was like and that they'd been baking it like that for years. My first taste of tiger bread was in Cornwall years ago and I used to buy the rolls in that particular shop (under different management) when my kids were little - this year is the only time they were ever sweet and I was convinced it was a mistake and was shocked to find it wasn't.

Have a good day x
I'm pretty sure that we don't have tiger bread here, like fig rolls these have passed us by! (Although I did find, and buy, a Galaxy bar at a speciality lolly shop in Melbourne last trip. The first time I read about such here, I thought it was a night club!)

That is great news about the money, Caws, it should help make life a bit easier!
Ah... a lolly shop - the Australian equivalent of a sweet shop. My kids were surprised when my auntie brought them lollies from Australia - you see in England lolly is short for lollipop - a sweet on a stick x
I've done quite abit of christmas shopping now, still haven't put the tree up - it's sitting in the lounge in it's box still.

I've got the busiest week ever coming up - I'm still at work every day and then tomorrow night I'm going to a proper bingo place for the first time ever, Wednesday evening I'm taking my mum and girls up to Bluewater, Thursday I'm going out with a friend for a curry and Friday I've got the christmas meal with the girls from the hospice. I'm going to need the weekend to recover !! I'm going to try not to snack at all this week and I won't have a dessert when I eat out, except on Friday.

I popped in to the uni library to print off some articles for my dissertation, so I'm trying to do little bits and pieces - my place looks like a tip but hey ho, can't do everything !!