caws diary

Loads of shopping done for me too - house a tip, no tree but making Christmas cards with my mate today so will be able to post them all tomorrow. Well done for getting ahead. Happy Monday Caws x
Well, I've shopped till I've dropped for the past couple of days but I've got all the pressies now and only need to do the last minute food shop to get the turkey and veg.

I've been out for dinner 4 of the past 6 evenings - including TGI Fridays, an indian banquet night and 2 christmas dinners. After christmas I really must make an effort now to shift some of this lard. I know I sound like a broken record but aswell as my very round tum, my chin and my arms are looking awful.

The girls were supposed to go to their gran's for a couple of days as she'd made them a hair appointment (hightlights/colour cut etc) for their christmas pressie but because of the snow didn't want to go out in it so they didn't go. Thankfully they've now gone to their dad's till Friday so I've been able to get all the presents out, check what I've got and start the wrapping. Backache here I come !!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas Caws x
Yes, it could well be the last Christmas off in a long time Clarri, although I'm sure wherever I work will have some sort of rota/skeleton staff system.

I had a lovely Christmas but was abit mardy as I was disappointed with my girls - I had to prompt them to say "thank you" after they'd opened their pressies - I left it and left it but it wasn't coming so I mentioned it. My pressies from them were under the tree and again I waited and waited for them to be given to me, which they didn't do so the stayed under the tree until about 11pm when, mardy again, I said to the girls that it was good of them to notice that they hadn't given me my presents - apparently they mentioned it when I was off getting dressed (after making a stroppy comment to Hollie for eating 12 ferrero rocher before dinner !!)

Food wise I have actually been pretty good - that's not to say perfect but when I weighed myself this morning I was 3lb less than I was two weeks ago !! I'm going to be careful this week and then next week have a proper plan to follow and get to it.
Aw, our kids dont half disappoint us when we have such high expectations eh. Did I ever tell you about the time Ted went to buy me a birthday pressie, under duress, and bought me a grave candle!!! He will never live that one down!!

Heya, well done on the loss, especially over the Christmas period, very impressive!
Best wishes.
Aw, our kids dont half disappoint us when we have such high expectations eh. Did I ever tell you about the time Ted went to buy me a birthday pressie, under duress, and bought me a grave candle!!! He will never live that one down!!


LOL Clarri, its not just the kids,when the girls were younger MrB forgot to do anything for them for mothers day-boy has he never done that again !!!

Glad you had a good christmas caws, kids eh?
Aw, our kids dont half disappoint us when we have such high expectations eh. Did I ever tell you about the time Ted went to buy me a birthday pressie, under duress, and bought me a grave candle!!! He will never live that one down!!


Lol, I gave the girls some money this year to get me a birthday present and let them loose in the shopping centre - they got some really lovely things and took some money out of the bank to get more !!

Heya, well done on the loss, especially over the Christmas period, very impressive! Best wishes.

Thanks alot there, it's the same few pounds that have been going on and coming off for most of this year tbh. 2011 will be a new chapter though ...

Glad you had a good christmas caws, kids eh?

They are good kids really, I suppose I hoped I'd brought them up to be more thankful and a little less selfish than they showed yesterday but they are young teenagers (and alot nicer than I was at their age !!!) It's also annoying that their dad gives them £50 and is the bees knees and I got them pressies that they really, really wanted.

Anyhow now for the downer that is New Years Eve (which I've never liked) I really am being a misery guts !!!
Well done on the loss - at this time of year too, very impressive. I'm with you on NYE - hate it.
Ok, so new year and (another) new start.

Cut out the rubbish, be more organised and less lazy. More fruit and veg, less picking because I'm bored and more exercise. New ticker done and a pound off at a time.

Today I had a late brunch of a luncheon meat sandwich and then went out of my sister's birthday and had (another) turkey roast dinner (only ate 1 roast potato) and sticky toffee pudding with a scoop of ice-cream. The pudding was a lump of sponge, which I cut into quarters and had 1 quarter !!! Unheard of !!

I also had 4 quality street but they should be gone soon and there's no more hiding in the cupboard.
Hmm, well today I've been very lazy and have been sitting around reading the Jodi Picoult book that I got for Christmas (House Rules). I had bacon, egg and mushrooms for brunch and haven't decided on dinner yet and am not hungry at the moment so might just have some soup and the girls can have something from the freezer.

I might make a curry for tomorrow.