caz weekly weigh-in

You click on the little tree below th epersons name if they have said something in their thread you would like to reward them for etc. I dont seem to be allowed to give it to anyone I have already given to once. This is a bit annoying because sometimes we are funny!! You have a rep power of 2 map and I think (but I could be wrong) the more rep power you have the more signature space etc you get.
I know Rach, its really frustrating isnt it? On the other forums with loads of memebers its prolly easier, but we are a special little bunch LOL
I have started recently to add a little comment so they know its from me...but it takes a while before you can send a second one...."you have to spread it around" suppose it keeps us reading and posting LOL! I find the CDC forum hard to get into...also I am subscribed to a few threads....have you read IceMoose's Tummy Tuck story....can send to you if you havent its like reading book its such good reading...poor guy been through the mill and back a few times already....poor guy.....
Oooh Bea, no I havent read that, if you can post hte link it would be fab!

I am not really going on CD forum as its just too busy! I prefer our lovely little forum!
Ah our lovely little forum !!!!! how sweet Elle xxx

It can be hard to get around the forums sometimes , i still struggle lol
They do like you to sread the rep points a bit which is good .
I have a little browse thru and just try to rememeber where ive been LOL
that sounds so bad !!! hahaha

Hope everyone is having a great weekend xxx
I like our little forum too! I do have a read through the other forums but i never seem to post for some reason!

I posted sometimes on the Century Club....its a forum with people with over 100lbs to loose....that was my starting point:eek: :eek:....some lovely gals on there - its usually much quieter than here! There is always something new to browse through here which is nice...
sorry girls - I'm not going to be posting much over the next while... so much going on. I'll still be updating my weigh-in and staying with LT for a while. That's not changing - but we're just starting building our house and i'm up to tonsils in work, so really won't get on that often.

Update on LT - I weighed in on Tues and only lost 4lbs this time.. Was a bit annoyed, cos it seems to be going very slowly for me. Although, I did recalculate my height and I underestimated my height by an inch, so that did affect my target. And maybe being not so far way from it is causing this loss to be slow.
I was bold then... in my frustration that afternoon, i had a sausage... so bold, and was annoyed with myself afterwards. But I've made a determined effort to go straight back on it and keep it going for at least another 2 weeks anyway. I want to do a refeed the week before the wedding I'm going to (12Sep), so I don't do too much damage at the wedding. And then will go straight back on for another month or 2. Won't tell the chemist though, cos they won't let me back if they know I did a refeed.
I think that sausage may have kicked me out of ketosis though (i know it's mostly protein, but god knows what they add to them!).. cos I've been feeling very hungry again the last 2 days. Anyway, I'm back after the slip, and this week I started back into hockey training, so hopefully that'll help reach target a bit quicker than if I wasn't doing anything...
thanks for all the support girls. Like I said, i'll prob be a rare visitor to the site, but want to keep updating, just to keep track myself too...
keep up the good work girls... ur all doing fantastically well!!

Aww Caz we will be sorry to see you go but keep up the great work!! Don't worry about the sausage it really could'nt have done that much damage and you are back on again with added vigour so put it behind you!! It's great that you have got back to hockey training and that will keep you fit if nothing else!! Come back and see us from time to time and let us know how you are getting on!! x
Aw Caz, look at how much you have lost in 3 weeks - nearly a whole stone! I know we would all like the weight to just go overnight, but as I told myself so many times - yes, it might take me 5 months, but on *any* diet or weightloss programme other than a VLCD it woud take me a year. Plus I would plateau and likely give up like I have in the past. So it might seem slow to you, but just keep on reminding yourself that this is the fastest way you can possibly get to goal....

Hope to see you back on here again soon :)