CD Bars....


Full Member
....I have a couple of bars this week. I have only tried the malt toffee one so far but it was quite horrible, is there a trick to make them taste a bit better? x
Lol I think you kind of get used to them! I by far prefer the crunchy ones, especially Peanut and Cranberry. I also like the chocolate chewy bar. Try them all and decide which ones to get again.

I know some people slice them up really thin with a sharp knife then stick them in the freezer for a bit, but this is more to make them last longer. Good luck! X
I have tried mint chocolate and didn't like it.
The peanut one was ok and I could get used to it.
The Cranberry one is my favourite but I'm not sure I would have one everyday as I much prefer the soups and strawberry tetras x
Ha ha ha same here i LOVE choc mint bars and really dont like the strawberry tetra
Haha I think it proves how everyone's tastes are different this diet. Had the mint choc bar today and couldn't even finish half of it!!
Love the malt toffee and penut and hate the rest lol x
I love the chocolate tetras and so far love toffee malt bar, chocolate chew bar, orange chocolate chew bar and the occasional mint choc bar. Still yet to try cranberry and peanut :)