changes to plans

The thread below this has been discussing what's going on x
SW plan has changed a lot since I first joined. I remember when fruit wasn't free it was a B choice. Looking forward to new plan, never did go along with unlimited carbs on extra easy.
So excited. I much preferred red and green but found it was never supported in group so I agree that I never really got on with extra easy
Ooo this does sound exciting! I like EE but missed having 2 HEB and it took a bit of adjusting to after using red and green before. Looking forward to trying out This new plan and seeing if my weight loss gets boosted x
I'm new but like to keep up to date I suppose that the only thing certain in life is change so we're in suspense at the moment...but like others have said if you are on a plan that is working for you then surely you can keep on making it work for you.
I'm looking forward to a new plan, always good to shake things up a bit and I can't wait to pick mine up at weigh in between xmas and new year.

One thing is that you can always rely on SW to keep us guessing! I love the way we keep getting dropped snippets of info at group each week!
Makes sense to cut out some carbs to me as lo g as its not too much like zoe harcombe or atkins...just a bit healthier than it was...will be interesting to see if low calories foods are removed from the plan as they tend to be full of sugar and carbs...
My consultant today said the fundamental weren't changing but we shall find out soon.

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Exactly what I've always thought- although I've followed SW on and off for 20 years I always wondered why, given that SW advocates a well balanced diet dies it allow low fat ie sugary stuff as well as processed stuff like pasta and sauces ( which I love!) and mugshots?!
Personally, it wont be a bad change for me to cut carbs due to having diabetes. Carbs are not really suitable for me as they raise my blood sugar so I do need to limit them.
I don't know if it is true but a Facebook group I am on are now saying certain fruit such as bananas will not be free anymore. Would be surprised at that one to be honest but thought I'd share
Bananas being free on SW was one of the main surprises for me ...most doctors advise eating them unless In moderation so it doesn't surprise me at all...some of the SW stuff seems unhealthy to me so I'm hoping the changes reflect the removal of these?...less carbs less diet food and low cal stuff and more basic healthy foods esp. protein
I think that people are getting confused between the main plan and the speedy one (don't know what it will be called) - the speedy one does limit carbohydrates, as I understand things, so bananas might not be free on that one.

Not that there is anything wrong with bananas!
I defo think now it will just be a revamp of success express for the speedy one, i for one wish they would do away with the third superfree with every meal. It doesnt stop me eating the whole plate and it doesnt cut my portion down lol just feel like i eat it for the sake and it costs a fortune !