Had nurse phonecall this morning. Got water tablet (only took 5 weeks to get there). As suspected the nurse was far more sympathetic to me wanting the fluid shifted so I could focus on the more correct weight loss numbers. Why cant all healthcare peeps take a holistic approach and make sure I'm setup for success.
Got the prescription picked up and did a bunch of running about for sis in law (she drove so can't complain haha).
Going to go and throw a bolognaise together and see if my bloods are okay enough for a wee drop of spaghetti with it

Have been super super low carb and sugar all day (high reading on my meter this morning) so hopefully levels will be in a sweet spot by now
Got the almond flour delivered today and got the rest of the ingredients picked up to make the scones. Will let you all know how I get on with them. Hopefully can make them in the next couple of days.
Need a lotto win and would have her knee sorted in no time. She's been on such a long road already (coming on 6 years now). At various points if they offered to just amputate she would have gone for it.
The mental impact has been immense.
I'm so mad at her old doctor. Basically he kept telling her that it wasn't dislocating, it can't be, despite she was pushing her locked out knee back into place. We fought every step of the way to get her the needed care.
Even her referral letter to the new doctor was incorrect. It stated that she re-presented to a&e after a fall that knocked her knee where in fact her knee dislocated causing her to pass out and fall in the bath, leaving her unconscious with a head injury and no feeling in her foot for 3 weeks.
He based his "nothing is wrong" on an ultrasound of her knee to check the viability of last surgery he performed.
He was going to discharge her without a 2nd opinion referral until I bought it up and he tried to dissuade me from seeing someone else.
Her new doctor listened to her and listened to me when I explained what really happened with how she ended up back at her old doctor etc. He also arranged an MRI within a few weeks. He asked her to loose weight as any surgery to fix or investigate etc would have a much better outcome if she didn't have the extra pressure on it and explained how the knee works with the extra weight etc. In all the years this was never explained to her.
Anyway covid hit, appointments were pushed multiple times and she was finally seen in aug this year by one of his team who wanted to see if she had lost weight (spoiler, she hadn't). He said they wanted to do another surgery and improve on the previous surgery. I said she was worried that she would be told there's nothing wrong. He confirmed again there were issues still and it needed to be fixed.
Fast forward to yesterday and when I said about her letter, I suggested I could phone them when she has reached her weight loss target and see if they could get her on the surgical waiting list before her new appointment
her response...
"But what if they say they won't fix it and nothing is wrong"
broke my frikkin heart.
The pain she is in all day every day despite the level of pain meds she is on is incredible.
That one doctor made her think that no one will believe her and her pain isn't valid on its own even thought the MRI has flagged problems.
sorry got all ranty there. Just infuriates me that arrogant doctors like that can get away with causing much mental anguish.