changes to plans

Hmm, it all looks interesting. I'm thinking about rejoining (after a grand total of 3 sessions I went to) as I'm almost at goal and need to get ideas about maintaining longterm and giving another plan a go for a while will help my enthusiasm for that and I feel like I've got my portions under better control so "unlimited" pasta/potatoes hopefully wouldn't happen anyway. I still have by books from earlier this year and had planned to follow Red days but I'll see what the new stuff is actually like, I suppose that's the benefit of having so many options available even if Red/Green aren't official any more, although if this new plan is as low carb orientated in general as its rumoured then it eliminates the need for Red really. Then again which plan I'm following a SE type system seems to work best for me for keeping me full without over loading on PP/carby "free" food.

They do seem to be stepping up their game as commercial product options competitors to WW as well as more thorough Eat Out guides etc
Most of them seem ok. Great to keep for emergencies.
From what my consultant said, I'm sure ee red and green are staying
But there is going to be a new plan which you can use for 2 weeks at a time to super speed your weightloss but it isn't as restricted as the success express. Apparantly it got trialled and the results are good!! :)
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From what my consultant said, I'm sure ee red and green are staying
But there is going to be a new plan which you can use for 2 weeks at a time to super speed your weightloss but it isn't as restricted as the success express. Apparantly it got trialled and the results are good!! :)
Sent from my U8815 using mobile app

Ooo hope so be nice to do that for 2 weeks after all food at xmas lol
From what my consultant said, I'm sure ee red and green are staying But there is going to be a new plan which you can use for 2 weeks at a time to super speed your weightloss but it isn't as restricted as the success express. Apparantly it got trialled and the results are good!! :) Sent from my U8815 using mobile app

This would be great!!
I'm still going to follow red days no matter what the new plan is. All will be revealed soon enough ;) to be honest even if they told us now I'm having a break from it at Xmas them get straight bk on it afterwards..x
Ooo looks interesting :) just a waiting game now :)
At group this morning during taster time I specifically asked my consultant "And what about the green plan?" She said officially there will be no green plan but nothing to stop me doing it as before. The idea is that everyone will do EE with the changes. Some fruits that aren't speed will be removed from lists eg bananas and 'protein' will be encouraged.
Wow quite a lot to take in but all for good :)
I know you can still do red and green days but why get rid of them in the books?? EE doesn't suit everyone x

They used to have seperate books for the red/green days
I know you can still do red and green days but why get rid of them in the books?? EE doesn't suit everyone x

I totally agree with you about that. There are two a`s and 2 b`s on red & green. Lots of people like them. What about veggies, will they not get the extra h/e`s. Seems strange to me. I know people can follow the old books but what about the new `old` members who have not got the old books and want to do red and green. Did SW do a survey on this I wonder.

They are trialing a new planner/diary on line. I usually use the diary and have tried the new one. It is ok, but not up and working properly.
On the online dairy you have a list of favourites, free, h\e syns etc. They took that off and I have had to redo all mine. A real pain.

Something exciting - I wonder?????????