Charliesworld - back to a size 12 journey

Just popped in to say hello. Wishing you well for your weigh in. Just draw a line under the last few days and see tomorrow as a fresh start (or even today;)) Good luck X:)
Thanks Jane :)

Well it's face the music day tomorrow. I'm just hoping I haven't put everything I lost back on as I have had a REALLY bad few weeks BUT I'm going to go and start again. I am going to give myself a November target just not decided how much is realistic for me yet. It's getting to that time of year when loads of things are coming up. I'm out tomorrow night with my girlfriends for a meal.

I have a plan of action though. I am going to stick to plan using around 10 syns a day all the days I have nothing planned. On the days I do I intend to have superfree food apart from whatever is on that day. So for example tomorrow I'll have fruit for breakfast and a vegetable stir fry for lunch and then enjoy my meal out (being careful but not counting syns). Next week I have nothing but the week after that is a school reunion meal and then of course we're heading into December where on top of the usual Christmas parties I have my sons birthday and my other sons christening. In the grand scheme of things these will only be a few days so I'm hoping as long as I'm sensible it won't affect things too much. I'm a little worried about Christmas as I don't want to end up putting loads of weight on and of course it's temptation city for those couple of weeks round Christmas and new year.

I will be 33 in March next year and it would really be a dream come true if I could be near/at target by then.
Day 1 today - I'm starting afresh!!

I've reset all my stats as I really am taking today as day 1 and starting again. I find it really demoralising looking at how much time I've wasted. Well actually it's not been wasted - if I hadn't been half following the plan I'd have put on loads of weight by now.

My shopping is coming later on today and my weekly menu is planned. I'm making that Baileys cheesecake (recipe on the website) tomorrow. Hope it's nice as I'll be able to use it for Christmas :) Will probably end up eating a lot of it myself but as long as I stick to one/two slices a day I'll be fine :) I'm not putting the sugar on either so need to work out the actual syns.

Todays plan has changed slightly from what I'd put yesterday. I'd planned to stick to superfree food as I'm out tonight for a meal but we didn't end up having what I'd planned for last night so need to eat it as it's chicken wrapped in bacon with salad. It's all there ready to cook and is free so I'll just have that.

Weather is looking good for today too so I should really get out and about with the kids and get some exercise. I had a bad night with them last night as the baby is full of a cold and was waking pretty much on the hour and the older one is terrified of fireworks so didn't get much sleep.

Weigh in is at 10 :(
Well weigh in wasn't as bad as I thought but I'm starting again anyway. Yesterday went ok I had a massive salad with chicken and bacon for lunch and a curry for tea (no idea how many syns).

I'm going to make an effort to get my 5 a day in this week (marked in red) so todays plan:

Quorn sausage
2 x satsumas
Vo8 juice (1.5 syns)
Carrots (5)
Cauliflower (6)
Slice Baileys cheesecake (4 syns?)

HeA - milk in brews, 2xcheese triangles
HeB - 2 x ryvita

My to do list today consists of getting food ready for tomorrow, cauliflower and broccoli soup, cheese topped bangers and mash pie (ready to put in the oven after work), cheescake (I'm really looking forward to this).
Good luck with your fresh start Charlie. Glad that weigh-in wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. Must say that I like the sound of the Baileys cheescake. Will be interested to hear your review of it.x
Hi Charlie

Just thought I'd do a quick post to say you're not alone!!! I too am trying to get back into size 12! Except my journey started 3 years ago! I got very close a year ago (have since put on just under a stone as after 2 years of being good I went off the rails a bit!)

Just stick to your guns you can do it :) but at the end of the day you need to accept that some times you need a cake or a glass of wine without feeling guilty!!! Just make sure it's not everyday :D

Plus set yourself little goals! For example 7 ish weeks til Christmas I want to lose 4lb in that time.

Oh thanks guys :)

So far so good and taking one day at a time. It does help looking at this whole food thing one day at a time. If I think omg I can't eat anything nice (i.e. fatty) for ages then it makes it seem like a chore but if I think about all the yummy food I have to eat today it seems so much better.

Baileys cheesecake was nice but there was far too much topping and not much base so will use much less yogurt, quark and Baileys next time to even it out a bit. It was very like quark with options mix I have as a dessert after tea but with a Baileys flavour - obviously not the same quality as a normal cheesecake but still a very nice low fat alternative. My eldest son liked it and dp liked the topping but he was working away last night so didn't get chance to try the whole thing. :)

Right well I'm on a green day today:

Magic porridge (HeB)
Brocolli and Cauliflower soup (this is yummy!!)
2 x ryvita (HeB) with 2 x laughing cow triangles (1/2 HeA)
2 x satsumas
Cheese (1 HeA) topped bangers and mash pie - loads of veg and beans in this!
Not sure about pudding but will make sure I use some syns
Milk - (1/2 HeA)

I'm feeling a bit nervous today. DP is working away until tuesday and although I am so pleased he has a job with so much happening over the last year or so with both our jobs it's always seems to be at the back of my mind that it could all go horribly wrong again. It's silly really - nothing has happened to make me feel like this. The childminder has just text too, my elder son that she looks after for me isn't too well so I might need to pick him up early. The younger one has been poorly over the weekend. Hopefully he'll perk up after some Calpol :(

I've just finished my lunch and feel nice and full. Really enjoyed the soup and it made a change having something with it. Normally I don't use a HeB at lunchtime but since I'm on a green day I thought I'd treat myself.

My mantra for today -
I lose weight easily and effortessly :D
Hi Charlie, hope everything is alright with you as you havn't posted for a while. Are your children feeling better? X
Hi Charlie, I've just been catching up on your diary as I've been away for a couple of weeks. Well done for getting back on track hun, sounds like you are really motivated. Keep up the good work and the weight will start coming off in no time. Hope your little ones are feeling better too :)