Cheating on LT

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I apologise profoundly for posting my cheat, guess I should of laid low & not confessed.
I am sat in tears (yes a woman thing or maybe the effects of LT??) as I came for support but feel a failure (nowt new there on the weight front). I did LT years ago & suceeded perfectly with no blips but unfortunately not this time.
Good luck everyone you are all so fantastic & I take my hat of to you all for such willpower & once again I will beat myself up for being that fat greedy useless pig that now weighs 16stone :-(
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Oh Jesus, what the hell has happened here? sexism and sexy talk! I dont come on here for a few and it all goes to pot!

Listen, Ive done TFR before and Im doing it again now. Ive never ever cheated and dont intend to.

However Im coming off it for 1 month for a bloody good reason: MY WEDDING. Most important day of my life and all that. I think Im justified.

Dont be so harsh on people who have slipped up along the way. Yes, it can be infuriating at times when people seem to not care as much as non-cheaters do that they cant overcome their cravings. But I find the people on here who cheat and who arent giving 100% quickly leave the forum because they were after a quick fix but werent prepared to take the consequences.

However, there are people who do slip for very good reasons. We dont know what goes on in each other's lifes much apart from the fact we are all overweight and using TFR to achieve health. There are people on here who are so desperate to succeed but slip up due to many different factors. These people need our support, not our derision, otherwise they wont feel welcome here.

Guys, you may think you have gone through your TFR journies with nothing but a smile on your faces. Im sorry, Im fresh out of medals for you but dont be sitting there all smug. There is an actual reason women moan more...due to the hormone fluctuations such an extreme diet causes. But I bet you've had your bad days and if any of you say you havent had the TINIEST little craving...well. Congratulations on achieving your goals, its very inspirational. But you have to remember people like you are the inspirations to those who struggle so instead of them when they need it the most.

Sorry for the rant but reading Kilobel's response really upset me. I know you've had a bad time and negativity is not what you need right now.

And as for a period equalling a nose bleed...well, I think if you imagine having someone repeatedly kicking you in the goolies for a week, you may be closer to that. Not to mention the hormonal changes, the spots, the diarrhoea (or sometimes constipation) and in my case the vomiting and fainting. You guys have NO idea.

*and breathe*
you need to write a book x
Hey Kilobel, you aren't a failure, please don't stop sharing how things are going with us, that is what the forum is about. I admire the fact that you don't give up and keep trying, that most definitely makes you a success in my book, not a failure xxx

I also don't think the guys intended to be harsh, if they don't mind me saying they are just trying to be clear about the commitment involved in TFR.
Thanks fattothin, perhaps I will.

I may call it 'The Psychological Ramifications of Pontification'
By Dr princess-of-power MBChB.

Personally, I just would like everyone to remember the reason people use this forum: SUPPORT.

Let's leave negativity at the door and remember we're all in a very difficult position.

Tara, I agree I dont think the guys actually intended to be hurtful and a valid point of the commitment required for TFR was made. However, some people arent always as positive and feeling strong about their TRF journey and need our help.

Let's all get along and get thin together methinks.

Laura x
Hmmm, but how many of you men have to constantly prepare food for your family, or anyone? The problem for a lot of women is, (or maybe just me) having to cook constantly for their kids, it would be a heck of a lot easier if i didn't have to go in the kitchen so much. I'm sure the willpower will come soon?
Im sure I would struggle if I had to cook for my man. Luckily he is doing it with me which helps no end. See, this is what I mean about support. I couldnt have coped as well as I have done with such a rubbish time as I have had recently without his support, my work colleagues support and this forum. This forum means a lot to a lot of people.
Chill Winston! lol I was'nt having a dig, im only playing, im nice really, you ask my mum.
Now on the other hand I dont wear that we have to prepare, taste, make, food and it might send us all over the edge.

A diet, which ever one you choose is about commitment and basically you must commit, for yourself and yourself only.

Now if you have decided to choose LT or or any VLCD then you have already made that commitment to you, moi, yourself..... AND NOTHING must stand in your way.

Just being on this forum says a a lot about each and every one of us, we all wanna lose weight and we will, so dig your heals in andgood luck to all xx
I know you were only messing! I was being sarcastic, lowest form of wit, but the most fun methinks.

Listen, I wasnt getting into a row...I just want to remind people that we arent all as lucky to have to focus a lot of us do have. Im sticking up for the so called 'cheaters' because can you imagine how awful they are feeling already without us pointing out they are 'rubbish'?

Do you prepare food for your family fattothin? I dont but I could imagine it would be very difficult, the smells, watching people enjoy...even if you dont cave in it must be awful to do it and I commend anyone who prepares food for their family and doesnt give in to temptation. That takes balls of steel!
no i dont prep food for anyone I have no family, freinds or people I know.... lol only kidding I know where ya coming from but all my point is, its is no.1
As a teacher I work with some some young people who do not take enough responsibility for their own actions. They are just kids though and thus their behaviourial traits can usually be excused. I know what it means to be a weak willed person - I allowed my weight to reach over 26 stone for fecks sake!

Fortunately I have found the strength and the will to do something about it - as have many others on this forum. I'm also aware that some people have bounced back after cheating (I remember both Vickie and Howdy admitting to going on the lash whilst on LT!) and others, including myself, have taken pre planned breaks in the regime and resarted (I had lost 6 stone when I took my break btw.)

Furthermore, it is not harsh to state the facts about the nature of TFR dieting - it's just the truth and if you can't stand the heat get outta the kitchen!

If you're struggling then read the testimonies of those who have succeeded. People like Gaz have inspired me bigtime. I remember he posted a similar post to mine several months back when I was a newbie. He told it like it is! So, cut the self pity, the whinging and the excuses and do yourselves a favour and stick with the programme. Done properly it is the easiest diet you could ever follow. You don't have to think about it, you just do it!

And btw my wife works shifts and this I regularly cook for my son and have never even nibbled on his food because if I did I wouldn't stay in ketosis and I wouldn't lose weight!!!

Finally, remember:

well, no one can doubt your commitment to it and its very impressive. But thinking outside the box and being a bit sympathetic wouldnt hurt sometimes :D
Scaz, I would like to reiterate I have never cheated, will never contemplate cheating and I have proven that this time and last year on CD...I am proud of my success and I am pleased to support others who struggle, its what I do for a living after all.

I see plenty of people who dont take responsibility for their actions as an adult. A lot of my patients are intravenous drug users and alcoholics who come in and wonder why their health is compromised.

Therefore I know ...very much so, how frustrating it is when people keep going down the wrong path. I sit there every day thinking 'you have done this to yourself and we have cured you. but when we discharge you, you're just going to go straight to the booze/drugs'

However, I cannot in all good conciousness say that to their faces. Because we have to offer all the help we can get for addicts.

We are food addicts. A lot of us are emotional eaters.

To tell people who are already emotionally battered due to their weight that they are whingers, or moaners and to imply they are failures will only encourage them more to head straight to the fridge.

The forum is a tool for the freedom of speech and that is great, but you need to consider how people interpret your opinions. Not everyone is as strong as you and telling them to get over it wont help them, Ive seen it far too many times to know that kind of 'encouragement' just doesnt work.

And I have NEVER cheated.
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Kilobel, I'm so sorry you feel that way, you are not useless, this is bloody hard work and you have done really well, I agree with you about this post, it's not one bit supportive, none of us need that told you so attitude and we all feel differently and experience different emotions and symptoms, keep going hun, you can do it! ((((hug)))) xx

Princess of power, well said x
re food prep, I cook for my hubby sometimes an have cooked bulk stuff for the freezer this last week, also I am a nanny to 2x 2 yr olds so food is constantly around, I actually am quite enjoying still dealing with food, thought I would have t keep away from it AND I even try not to dribble in their food ;o) and have certainly not eaten any!! Cannot believe it tho!
I can't believe I'm reading some of these posts! This is a forum for understanding and support, not criticism and judgement.

You're being very unhelpful, guys.
I'm not judging anyone. It's taken me years to find a diet that I've succeeded with. I just wanna reinforce the point that you cannot cheat on this diet. Otherwise you fail! Don't shoot the mesengers!!!
You may not be judging people butyou are not being supportive either! We all struggle and I think that being that we are adults and not kids in your classroom you need to credit people with realising they know you cannot cheat on any diet and have good results, we may be over weight, we ain't stoopid!!:sigh:
Also, I dn't think people are suffering self pity nor whinging for no reason, people ask advise / air their feelings on here cos most ar doing this alone and this should be the one place we can come to get the support needed (in theory!) not to be told we are whinging! Perhaps since you have ben so successful you could offer advise in a more tactful way!
I'm not judging anyone. It's taken me years to find a diet that I've succeeded with. I just wanna reinforce the point that you cannot cheat on this diet. Otherwise you fail! Don't shoot the mesengers!!!
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