Cheating on LT

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asked about possible re-feed for my holiday

I didn't want to cheat I wanted to be able to have a meal with my husband in a controlled manner rather than falling off the wagon completely in an uncontrolled way!

Mrs Bee

:) some advice for you hon, if your off on your hols and you know you can be strong enough to have a few salads and some fish an chicken and get back on LT then go for it hon :) I had a couple of days of for Mr G's birthday as i felt evil not taking him out for a meal, i got straight back on track when i came home so i cant see a problem with it if you plan a refeed it doesnt mean you aren't 100% commited sometimes its needed to keep on track or just because of circumstances

As i just said to princess of power, dont let the few get in the way of you asking for advice :) just come poke me in the SW forum if ya need me ! xx
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Wish this was the last post on this thread of Scazmans, but I have a feeling it wont be?
All cheaters should be fed to the lions, off with their heads, put them in the stocks and throw Big Macs at them and and and:sign0151::rotflmao:

Seeya, Im out of here:help2::bliss:
Ahhhh - a few points to be made...fattothin -you're funny but you're no comedian ;)

Ms Blonde - i absolutely agree that sometimes tough love is absolutely necessary and there should be strong warnings against cheating. No one should take it personally but as Princess of Power says...

"We are food addicts. A lot of us are emotional eaters.

To tell people who are already emotionally battered due to their weight that they are whingers, or moaners and to imply they are failures will only encourage them more to head straight to the fridge.

The forum is a tool for the freedom of speech and that is great, but you need to consider how people interpret your opinions. Not everyone is as strong as you and telling them to get over it wont help them, Ive seen it far too many times to know that kind of 'encouragement' just doesnt work."

There is doling out 'tough love' and then there's just misplaced smugness. Like many I've cheated and also completely fallen of the wagon -wagon drove on -had to catch the next wagon etc... and I absolutely challenge anyone to tell me I've chosen the wrong diet, get out of the kitchen or whinge blah blah f**kin blah!

I understand the spirit with which the thread was started but I do believe a hearty and loud 'wise up and get over yourself' is called for. I've broke and I might again -but to me all that means is that it will take me longer to achieve my goals than others. And it is up to ME to accept that. Lipotrim is NOT solely about commitment it is about endurance and coming back IF and when you wander off the path. It is utterly unrealistic to expect people to defeat their food demons simply because they have decided to do TFR. If people do (and this forum is proof that it CAN be done) then fan bloody tastic! I love hearing about it. Thats not to say that if people blip and stumble before finding their feet they should go find another diet. Lipotrim is NOT for the light hearted My God do I know that,but nor is it for the smug and self righteous.

there. I've had my say. feel all 'RRRAAARRRR' now lol

Now all smug ppl can go suck eggs ;) ;)... (or flapjacks whatever! :D :D)
The forum is a tool for the freedom of speech and that is great,

Correct! However, the cheats corner seem to think that they have a perogative on free speech....

I, and the majority of posters on this thread who have supported my anti cheating posts, have the right to free speech as well.

Others may have claimed the moral high ground and think that by demonising me and my posts that they are justifying their opinions but unfrtunately the message they are portraying is one that cheating on LT is okay. It is not! Not if you seriously want to lose weight.

It is unfortunate that some of those posting in favour of accepting cheating are the one's who are, in the main, just playing at LT to lose a few pounds or a stone. They do not have the same weight issues as those of us who have been, or are, morbidly obese. But they are oh so caring!!! My ass!!! They just seek affirmation for their own opinions!!!

This forum has served many of us well. It has been friendly and humourous but it is seemingly being hijacked by those who don't wanna do LT properly and wanna boast about it. That is unfortuante. Perhaps they would prefer drive away those of us who have had success on this diet as we only exaggerate their own inadequacies? I hope that isn't the case but the hostility towards those of us who advocate doing LT 'by the book' is worrying.

Funnily enough most of those who support the so called tough love approach have had success on LT (some after having fallen but gotten up again). These are the people who have stayed on this forum to help others rather than because they still need help themselves. I, for one, persist with this forum in order to support others. It helped me a great deal in the past but now I'm an old hand with LT and find the regime easy (unlike when I first started out!) I and my friends can emphasise with thoese who struggle to get going on the programme but others resent that fact. I really can't understand why???
I actually agree with you. Cheating is wrong and may influence strugglers to think its ok to. Its not -not only are you playing harmful games with your body but you will NOT succeed on Lt if you cheat. However, cheating and falling away for a while is not necessarily the same. Those who think cheating is a way to make Lt easier are deluded, sad but true. There is no cheating -if you eat you're not dong TFR -simple as. But... if you break and keep trying there's no reason to give up because one day it might just click and you get going properly. No one shouuld 'affirm' or condone cheating, but nor should they discourage ppl who are genuinely, for a variety of reasons, struggling, to just give up and do a different weight loss plan simply because they are struggling or have eaten.

If it seems that the forum is being taken over by cheaters, could it not just be the case that a lot of people are struggling, possibly actually breaking and need encouragement and the support you so generously offer, instead of condemnation. I am of the opinion thatwe can only take the post and threads at face value. If I have any niggling doubts that some ppl are just pi55ing about then that's my prerogative but I will keep it to myself and answer in as postive and encouraging a way as my conscience allows.
Also, everyone has wandered into this forum for the same selfish reason-for help and support whilst losing weight. Its great that you have gotten to a stage where you are comfortable with the diet, it really is and I'm delighted for you. Its also good that you come on to offer your worldy advice and encouragement. In an ideal world we will all one day be in the same situation. Until then I'll keep posting any encouragement I can and I will sure as hell post any struggles and whinges I feel the need to get out of my system and I bloody hope that everyone else will do the same. Sometimes its just nice to know we're not alone. 'Over weight'. 'Obese' Morbidly obese' it doesn't matter.
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I have only just read this thread, i started with the other one with the poll on, wheni saw this on the list - i just had to see what the fuss was about.

please no one take offence, and for the people who take everything personally and assume that every post is directed at them personally, can i just add one thing??

everything is not about you.

sorry guys, i know i will lose favour cause of this, but i really think that scazz was just venting frustration about posts on cheating, i have had moment when i got sick of seeing them and didn't read anyfor a while, then felt guilty for not helping and started trying to help again!

anyway, scazz vented frustration on cheating posts, other vent frustration on not being able to control cheating, others post on other frustrations, hell i have made my fair share of frustration posts and threads, and included everything from my inside leg measurement to my bowel habbits!

just as we can be frustrated about any aspect of this diet, why cant scazz post about being frustrated with people cheating? what is the diff? seemly its because it has made people feel bad, i am sure that was not his intention, he merely wanted people to wake up, smell the vanilla coffee shake and move on and get on with it. may even trying to be helpful?? i think so.

ok - so the guys can be sexist and partonising, of course they can, its the only chance they have on here as they are out of slapping distance from women! lol

but i really dont see why it has been blown out of proportion. I belong to that group so shunned for cheating, it was a mistake, and both the tough love and the soft touches helped me. i totally agree with the statement that cheating is wrong, it is wrong, yeah its human, yeah it happens, yeah we all have 'days' like that, but it is still wrong, it goes against the plan, and makes you feel rotten. its normal to feel rotten about cheating.

that rotten feeling is there for a reason, to teach us a lesson and to teach us discipline. there is not enough discipline in the world, i am sure scazz has seen that with kids and not being able to chuck the chalk at them anymore! ;)

I dont see why it has been taken so personally by some? am I missing something or ignorant of something?

I have cheated on every diet i have been on - including this one! but with this one and the support of here, this is the one i have stuck to the most, and acheived the most. and that was through tough love and hard work.

if someone is nervous about seeking help, then maybe they can pm someone who's posts they agree with? its a start to get talking to someone. or just bite the bullet and post anyway?

I didn't always agree with responses to my posts, i just ignored the ones that didn't work for me. generally speaking, read any post to check this, most people, like 80% of replies to mosts threads are supportive, helpful and understanding, the others are too, or least intended to be, just as tough love! why be afraid to post when you still get roughly an 80% positive response? that takes quite a negative and pessamistic attitude to feel that way, try to be optimistic and see the best that is staring you in the face. see the support and not just the posts that may have been too strong or too close to the bone for you. and with some posts, mainly from men ;) try to see the funny side intended!

if anyone should feel left out and put out its the men, as they are so few on here.

i really dont think any of us should tread on eggshells, and if someone gets a reply they disagree with, try pm'ing the person who sent it with simply 'your posts upset me a little, because...' and i bet you that they explain, apologise, respond to your concerns in someway, cause even the tough lovers are human.

and if 'you know who you are' is reading this thread, it really is not about you personally! honest! ;)

mmm time for bed me thinks :D night all (or should I say morning!) ;)

I agree totally with everything you said I regarding REPLIES being harsh to cheating posts the only bit I was upset about was that he created a proper slap y arse post directed straight at newbies who has posted their confessions. I for one felt so poo for days after my cheat that I really had to confess as I felt I was letting you all down too & I took the kick ass on the chin as I soooo deserved it but the post by scaz was patronising & quite frankly I felt it was saying if you cant do thsi then sod off & I didnt think that was what this board was about? I may be mistaken by my interpretation as I dont 'know' him enough to read between the lines & I do agre that some posts are frustrating there are some I dont read either but couldnt he just ignore them rather than start a whole new thread & it wasnt a thread moaning about teh cheating posts it was directed AT the cheaters.
I was planning on hiding for a while & just reading as I dont wanna not be able to come here but I am 36 & feel the need to stand up for myself at times. If I didnt have an eating problem I wouldnt be on LT & struggling with it does not mean it isnt the right diet for me.
Sorry if I offend anyone & I really wish these posts would just disappera now before peopel feel totally unwelcome here
Good luck everyone & thanks for all your inspiration that has helped me get back on that poor old donkey
It seems to me that the thread itself from Scaz was a tongue in cheek statement from a committed and experienced Lipotrimmer that regular 'cheating' or starting the plan without considering beforehand the up and coming events that will impact upon it is not fully taking on board what a TFR diet is about.

The reality is that this is what your pharmacist tells you and what all the lipotrim information/video makes clear. Lipotrim was developed for those who have large amounts of weight to lose, three stones or more. There are few people who have been successful at losing large amounts of weight on lipotrim that I have come across whether it be on here or in 'real' life that haven't either followed it 100% or learnt quickly from the blips. In fact it really worries me that not used as designed it simply ends up reinforcing yoyo dieting which many of us with serious psychological food issues with have a lot of horrible experience of.

I have been upset by this thread and have not really followed it too closely because it isn't nice to see a forum on minimins that I love and have a massive amount of support from basically turn into something of a war zone. I am hoping it will end soon and I freely admit to not reading the whole of the thread, so my comments may not be well informed.

However we are all adults on here (as far as I know) and I don't think it reasonable that if someone is upset by the tone of a thread or the statements in it (unless it is abusive) that they then have the right to blame that poster for their personal response/reaction to it. I have occasionally read posts that I have thought off or disagreed with during my time on this forum. I select from the range of information/views available that which I find helpful and discard those that I don't.

I think we should remember that nobody posts in here to be unpleasant or to upset people they give their time to post to help people the best way they can, by sharing their experience. I have often found the 'tough love' comments on here helpful and they are an important part of the balance of views on the forum.

Finally I would like to say that I am about week 19 and have 100% stuck to lipotrim. I am proud of this achievement but I don't judge for how they do lipotrim. The reason I am 100% is because it is my third go and I have learnt from previous attempts that I made it very hard for myself if I didn't follow it 100%. The reason I have lasted for this many weeks is because of you lot, ALL you lot, including Gaz and Scaz as newbies may not realise that they have made a massive contribution to support people on here over a sustained period of time. I don't believe that makes a clique, but frankly I don't care cos clique or not I am going to fulfill my dreams by Xmas because of the likes of them and many others including the newbies.

In all this debate please don't assume that the '100% is the way to go' people are smug and arrogant or that if they haven't fallen off the wagon it is because it was easy for them, LT isn't easy for any of us. I think we are firm about this approach being best because we really believe that most people won't succeed without that approach, and we want everybody to succeed.

Finally, as we are falling asleep from the length of this post, I would like to say that the reason why I defend Scaz's right to state a view albeit one that has led to controversy isn't only cos of freedom of speech. It is actually because he has walked the walk and acheived fantastic things on lipotrim so whilst it doesn't make him automatically correct, I think that gives him the right to speak his mind, I don't have to read it, I don't have to agree with it, but he has my respect cos I honestly believe he was sharing his experience to help others (in a ranting kinds way) x
I think cheating is stupid, as once your off the track you'll just roll down the hill, but an intentional calculated deveation of the rules is OK if you stick to your own rules and they're not way out?
Scaz how do you know that those of us that disagree with you are only playing at LT and only have a few pounds to lose? Let me know if you want to hear my story, it might enlighten you somewhat!
Sorry if I offend anyone & I really wish these posts would just disappera now before peopel feel totally unwelcome here

As a very new member i have to say i have had seconds thoughts about staying just because people seem to be mis understood, from both sides i might add. It does scare you off a little if i'm honest. Please don't shout at me!:giveup::sign0144:
I came on this forum and i sat here telling people who slipped up and cheated that they obviously weren't serious so they should look at other diets...since then iv slipped up and i feel like such a hypocrite! We're only human and most of us have had many years were food has been our "friend" so to everyone who hasn't slipped up....good for you but dont come on here and make others feel bad for having a blip, this is probably the hardest thing people have done and i congratulate them even if they do cheat! The fact that they've tried to lose weight is more than some people have done!
I agree totally with everything you said I regarding REPLIES being harsh to cheating posts the only bit I was upset about was that he created a proper slap y arse post directed straight at newbies who has posted their confessions. I for one felt so poo for days after my cheat that I really had to confess as I felt I was letting you all down too & I took the kick ass on the chin as I soooo deserved it but the post by scaz was patronising & quite frankly I felt it was saying if you cant do thsi then sod off & I didnt think that was what this board was about? I may be mistaken by my interpretation as I dont 'know' him enough to read between the lines & I do agre that some posts are frustrating there are some I dont read either but couldnt he just ignore them rather than start a whole new thread & it wasnt a thread moaning about teh cheating posts it was directed AT the cheaters.
I was planning on hiding for a while & just reading as I dont wanna not be able to come here but I am 36 & feel the need to stand up for myself at times. If I didnt have an eating problem I wouldnt be on LT & struggling with it does not mean it isnt the right diet for me.
Sorry if I offend anyone & I really wish these posts would just disappera now before peopel feel totally unwelcome here
Good luck everyone & thanks for all your inspiration that has helped me get back on that poor old donkey

You are right Nik, this forum is not about do it or sod off, we all need support at times, myself included.

I just wanted to point out that all views are valid, even the ones that touch a nerve. and as none of us have to look each other in the eye when we give our opinions, its easier to be more blunt, although i also realise that some people are prob just as blunt in real life too! ;)

I hate to see people upset, and dont want anyone to feel that they have to leave the forum cause of a few posts. i think mostly people are helpful and supportive on here.

I think maybe if we can all take as we find and accept each other for the way we are, support in the best way we can, and not be personally offended by individual posts, then the diversity of this group is a great aid to all of us.

I wish you the greatest success and willpower.

try not to let the views of those you disagree with get you down, i know its easier said than done, there are a couple on here who make me cringe sometimes (men and women) but its all part of the forum.

we are all in the same boat. and we all have the right to stick our 'ore' in ;)

its perhaps best to try and let it ride over you. I remember when i was new i felt like a newbie, but i soon blended in.

good luck!

I thought this was friendly debate not friendly fire!! I've really enjoyed this thread lol I dont know why ppl are upset by it. I dont think anyone should be naive enough to expect all sweetness and light all of the time. Nightmare! If anyone is upset, please please dont be. I for one welcome all posts and all moods because I will probably go through it in a less than 24hrs period lol

I dont think Scaz truly meant to alienate ppl because he knows he can just edit what he reads and who he replies to. We are all serious about losing our weight and we are all trying to help each other and be helped. Sure we're all just wonderful fluffy people! Ok! COME ON PEOPLE!!! Double chins up! ;) ;) :D
Scaz how do you know that those of us that disagree with you are only playing at LT and only have a few pounds to lose? Let me know if you want to hear my story, it might enlighten you somewhat!

That's not what I wrote. Read it again and then apologise.

I'm getting pretty f'd off with being misquoted and having my words manipulated to be frank. I sometimes wonder why I bother as every time I check the forum someone or other is having a pop at me without having the decency to read what I've written in the context of the thread.

But thankfully all the decent people who I've learned to love an respect on this forum seem to understand where I'm coming from and are very supportive. This I will ignore the lunatic element and keep up my crusade!!!

We will overcome!!!
Calm down, Calm down (said in a scoucer accent).

Those of us who know Scaz and Gazza know when they are winding us up and when they mean it. Don't get wound up. Maybe you don't like how Scaz worded his post......he didn't flower it up, but what he said is spot on. There is no point us keep comforting each other when we slip, its better not to cheat at all.
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