Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Sounds cute! Speaking of syn free veggie sausages have you tried the new Linda McCartney red onion and rosemary ones? I love the normal ones think they are much nicer than quorn sausages (though I love most other quorn products) but heard these ones are FREE! Got some delivered in my Asda shop today can't wait to have them for breakfast tomorrow hope they are good :) x

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I prefer Quorn over Linda McCartney stuff, but if they're free I'd be willing to give them a try ;) Will have a look for them! Thank you :)
Monday food:

Lunch: Wholemeal toast (HexB2), 2 sausages (2), beans, 2 boiled eggs, and a waffle (2.5) Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Packet of mac & cheese (2 + HexA1&half of 2 for milk and cheese), 6 Quorn nuggets (3), sweetcorn, carrots, broccoli, and peas.

Snack: Mango and pineapple slices.
Activia fat free with Bear Nibbles (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash.

Syns used: 10.5
Syns left: 4.5
Really looking forward to tomorrow!! We're going to Pizza Hut for tea though, so an evening off for me. Will be good in the day though and I won't be drinking. Don't think my throat could cope with alcohol! But yeah, I'll be having pizza and unlimited pasta. And prob a dessert coz they look amazing :p

Can't wait to see Snow Patrol again :D

Am a carnivore, but I feel the same about quorn sausages... I've reverted back to .5 syn meat ones instead - which is no good for you obv! I shall plonk my self here and await wonderous updates on you, yer dead inspriring Kel x
Hi honey, sorry to see you're poorly, gold star to you for dragging yourself in to work any way and seeing it through. Enjoy your week off. I am dead jealous of you going to see snow patrol too - I bet they are amazing live :)
Hey guys! Well, I've been a bit naughty this week-food wise I must say ;) Not terrible, but not exactly great either :eek: But when I've eaten out this week I've not had any dessert-go me! And the couple of alcoholic drinks I've had were straight whisky, so low syn.....

But I have had a brilliant week!

Snow Patrol were amazing. I was a little disappointed that they didn't play How To Be Dead, but they did do a lot of my other favourites and the new ones were amazing live. Fallen Empires is seriously jaw droppingly epic live! The stage design was very cool too. They had monitors and lights on a snowflake shaped platform that moved apart and around above the stage :D

My tattoo is perfect and I absolutely love it!! He's ended up a little bigger and with more detail than originally planned but once I was there I thought well I might as well just go for it ;)


He's still very sore looking in that pic, but the stardust cloud will be a misty grey and the sprial on his bum will be brown. It's already settling down nicely and healing well. Will take a new pic when he's 'done' :D

Oh and my date went very well!! We were out for 10& a half hours! :eek: We missed the cinema coz we were talking and the only reason it finished when it did was because he had to get his last train home-he's from Wrexham! But we got on really well, he actually seems to like me, I like him, and he's already said he'd like to see me again :eek:

My phone died Friday night (waiting on a new SIM) but since last night I've had to very nice little emails from him-in replacement of texts! I said to him last night that we're going back to the dark ages and that I may send him a letter by pigeon ;)

So yeah. That's my week!

I had a spot on SW day today. Low syns and my Hex's :D

Being in work always helps with my eating and sticking to SW tho.

Breakfast: Porridge (HexB1), raisins (2), skimmed milk (half HexA1), and Splenda.

First break: Half my tub of red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Activia ff.

Lunch: Red onion, peppers, tomatoes, sweetcorn, and Quorn steak strips cooked in Reggae Reggae sauce (1) With wholemeal pasta, salad, and dressing (0.5)
Rest of the fruit.

Tea: 2 jacket spuds, tin of spaghetti hoops, two burgers (1), and low fat cheese (HexA2) And brown sauce (1)

Snack: 2 Alpen Lights (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Vimto. Cadbury's Highlights (2)

Syns used: 7.5
Syns left: 7.5

Exercise: Walking, work, shopping in Asda :p
Tuesday: Run out of wholemeal pasta!! :eek:

Breakfast: Porridge (HexB1), raisins (2), skimmed milk (half HexA1), and Splenda.

First break: Half my tub of red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and pomegranate. Activia ff.

Lunch: Red onion, peppers, tomatoes, sweetcorn, and Quorn steak strips cooked in Reggae Reggae sauce (1) With pasta, salad, and extra light mayo & dressing (1)
Rest of the fruit.

Afternoon snack: Pineapple and Watermelon.

Tea: Portion of chilli from the freezer, packet of Mexican rice, Asda gfy red pepper cottage cheese (will count as 1 as I had the whole 150g :eek:), low fat cheese (HexA2), salad, and dressing (0.5)
Wholemeal bread (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Highlights (2)

Syns used: 5.5
Syns left: 17

Exercise: Walking and work.
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Glad you had a nice week off sounds good! Yay for nice boy and new tattoo :) x

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Wednesday: Urgh!!!! I'm either ill again or my allergies have been really kicked off by the new tumble driers at work :( I can't breathe, my eyes are sore and itchy, and my throat is scratchy :cry:
On the plus side I was on a half day today, went the pictures with Mum, and I've arranged to see date guy again at the weekend :D

So food....had a few too many syns today, but I did have a fair amount saved. I didn't know I was going out this evening till after I'd bought a hot chocolate AND had my lunch :rolleyes:

Breakfast: Porridge (HexB1), raisins (2), skimmed milk (half HexA1), and Splenda.

First break: Small tub of red grapes, raspberries, and pomegranate. Activia ff.

Lunch: 2 Quorn sausages (2), 2 boiled eggs, half a tin of beans, wholemeal toast (HexB1), and tomato sauce (1)

At the cinema: Proper sized bag of Maltesers (9.5?)

Tea: Kiev (4), low fat Supernoodles, carrots, peas, green beans, and a bit of low fat cheese (rest of HexA1)

Drinks: Coke Zero. Coffee. Medium Costa skinny hot choc with sugar free caramel syrup :drool: (3 + HexA2)

Syns used: 21.5
Syns left: 10.5

Exercise. Walking and work.
Thursday food:

Lunch: Wholemeal toast (HexB1), 2 sausages (2), beans, cheesy scrambled eggs (HexA1 for milk & cheese), and a waffle (2.5) Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: 2 jacket spuds, spaghetti hoops, 2 burgers (1), low fat cheese (HexA2), and brown sauce (1)

Snack: 2 Alpen Lights (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Vimto. Highlights (2)

Syns used: 8.5
Syns left: 17

Lunch: Porridge (HexB1), raisins (2), banana, skimmed milk (half HexA1), and Splenda.
Red grapes, raspberries, and cherries with Activia ff.

Tea: A mountain of bolognese: Onion, garlic, tomatoes, red & yellow peppers, mushrooms, and Quorn mince. With wholemeal spaghetti. Low fat cheese (rest of HexA1 & HexA2)

Snack: 2 Alpens (HexB2)
Two Hotel Chocolat chocs (6)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Syns used: 8
Syns left: 25

Exercise: About an hour of house work, cleaning animals, and de-poo'ing the garden.
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Sooooo..... 25 syns saved plus 30 daily food syns (Sat & Sun) for the weekend. 55 syns.... Tomorrow I am going out with my friends for a veggie carvery for lunch. Then back to theirs for films and whisky tasting! They'll prob make snacky food for tea too. Think they wanted to do a veggie breakfast for Sunday too and I doubt very much that they use Frylight :p

And Sunday I am off on a 2nd date-eeeeep! Which will no doubt at least involve eating out.

I will attempt to be sensible with food. But you know what I'm like :whistle::ignore:
I can't be that bad right?! :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.xx