Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

I just want to share something. I wont go in to too much detail as it'd probably be a bit upsetting. But I would like to share and let you all see why I do what I do. And still do it even though it makes NO sense with potential health conditions...

I know you shouldn't have favourite patients, but every so often one gets in and melts your heart completely. It's usually over a weekend shift when you'd spend the most time with them.
This weekend I met a beautiful 6 month old collie called Ollie. He's a very sweet, petite border collie. He was in the hospital over Christmas with a very serious illness and they managed to basically force feed him back to health.
He came back in some time this week with a terrible, terrible skin condition. Not from neglect or an accident or anything, but our vets think it's secondary to a potentially (probable) fatal illness :(
Anyway, when I met him he was in our 'penthouse suite' big kennel - the biggest one we have! But he was cowering at the back and wouldn't look at anyone and shrank away when he was approached or handled. he wouldn't eat or drink and the staff were worried he'd have to be syringe fed.
So over yesterday I spent a lot of time getting his trust. I sat in his kennel with him just talking to him and trying to coax him over to me. This took a few goes and a bit of a drag/carry out to the yard - where he cowered in the corner (bloody collies!)
But throughout the day it got better and he started to come over and put his head on my lap or hide it under my elbow. Later in the day I found some fresh chicken in the fridge and warmed it up for him. He wouldn't eat it from the bowl, but I eventually got him to eat it from my hand. He ate one piece and his tail started going. He scooched a bit closer, plonked his bum down, and took another bit. In the end I tipped it on to his bed (he didn't like the bowl!) and he ate it all :D
The second time I did this it took less hand feeding and he ate the rest from a small plastic bowl. He even drank a little!
I noticed he had a LOT of worms in his poo and the vet said it was a very good call and prescribed him some worming stuff.
The nurse asked for my help to bath him, which I ended up doing mostly by myself. Part of it was leaving a solution on his skin for 5 minutes, so I grabbed a stool and sat with him while he was in the bath. He just leaned over and cuddled in to my shoulder *melts* he let me wash him, dry him, stick him in the yard, and ate some more chicken!!
By the time I was looking at going home he was racing to the kennel when I walked by and I gave him a bowl of food with some tiny bits of chicken in. Ok, he mostly took the chicken out, but it was a start.

So, this morning I get in and he's bouncing round the kennel when he sees me. He'd been eating overnight and looked so much brighter. They'd even taken his drip out because he'd improved so much!!

I went in with him and gave him cuddles and we had a play. I asked him to go for a wee and he ran out of the kennel, and straight thru the kennel door in to the yard :eek:

When I opened the door he trotted back to his kennel looking all smug with himself! The whole day he was wagging at me and even started crying and yelping and howling! He'd been completely silent!

I gave him a bowl of our nicest (lol) dog food and he ate the lot! No hand feeding or coaxing, he literally jumped on it. Someone else had to bath him today, but I made sure to give him cuddles when I saw him.

Later in the day the nurse let him out of his kennel to have a wander round (really naughty!!) and took him in to the prep area to show the vets how well he was doing. She was trying to play with him and get his attention, as was one of the vets, but he kept racing over to me and wiggling round and putting his head against my legs! The vet was massively impressed, the nurse was not ;)

I just can't believe the difference in that dog!!

Even though I know it's likely his outlook isn't very good, I really hope that these two days made some difference to him and he was at least happy the time I spent with him :eek:

Before I left tonight I went in with him for cuddles and a big fuss :)

So yeah, even though I complain a lot and moan and it seems insane to put myself through the hours and the hard work and the physical and mental stress. THAT is why!
Well done on another amazing loss :D
Bye 'eck you had a very, very busy day! I'd say you were up to speed and if your boss expects more she's a slave driver! You did more in one day than most of the staff here do in a week. I hope you got pleanty of rest afterwards.
I know what you mean about get frustrated with the house, I'm the same. I don't expect Ian to do loads but there are things he can do like the pots (sat in his wheelchair) and a bit of tidying, we live in a fully adapted bungalow so there is nowhere he can't go, he just doesn't do it and then complains he's bored. Or worse still he'll say haven't you done the pots yet!!! Doesn't your mum say anything to your sister?
I can see why you do it, seeing that puppy bounding around makes all the hard work worth while. I get that at work when I've been able to make someone's stay special or helped them in difficult times. I had a man stay with us and he checked in straight form being at the hospital with his daughter who had just had a 9 hour op on her brain. I got him a coffee and let him get off his chest some of his worries as he was on his own and no one else to talk to. He wrote in saying how I'd helped him when he needed it most, little things like that make all the cr@p woth while. And I bet more so in your job.
I hope you have a nice rest today x x x
That story about the puppy is sosososo sweet! Sounds like a disney princess making pals with her animal friend (they all have one!) story :D
Must be hearybreaking to think he has a probably fatal illness :( but you certainly helped him get comfortable and healthier by gainig your trust enough to eat! Amazing :)

Fab that you got paid recently- must be such a relief!! Bet it'll go quickly though with all that you've had to skimp on recently? Though svings- brill!

Sorry to hear the weekend shifts wete so physically tough towards that evening :( you did amazing to push through them and it sounds like you did a great job despite all the pain!

Amazig job on the loss!! How cool is that? :D fast days are doing wonders for you- awesome!! I'm attempting one today too, try and 'starve' off some of my insane Dubai gain :/ lol! Reading your diary has made me hungry though ;) hehe.
Hey mate!
Maybe one day I should write a step by step of what I do over a weekend day shift lol! Probably miss out how many times, in my mind, I punched someone ;)
It's probably like your job, unless you've done it you've no idea what it entails. I'm sure people think your job is easy too because they don't understand!

I had a second favourite too, Dexter, a scruffy little nervous terrier. He had a "care" on his kennel, which means he could be aggressive. I managed to get a lead over his head and half drag him to the yard. Before he went down for his x-ray we'd been back to the yard and he'd let me pick him up for cuddles. he was so nervous though, if the wind blew or another dog barked he jumped. nervous wreck! When he was coming round from his anaesthetic he was throwing himself round his kennel, thrashing round, smacking his head, etc (some wake up like that) And I did something a bit naughty, because it is a bit dangerous, I opened his kennel, scooped him on to me knee and wedged his head under my chin and just cuddled him and talked to him till he chilled the f*ck out. Bloody dogs, honestly! He was a sweetheart though, just terrified! We didn't even find what was wrong with him. He had a limpy leg but the x-ray showed nothing, so probably soft tissue injury.

I did have a very sweet moment with a little rat called Tornedo too ;)

Ahem, anyway, enough work stories.....

My Mum sometimes says something to my sister. It was worse when she lived with us more, in a way. But it seems worse now like you can't say anything because they're just in and out. I'm not a f*cking cleaner tho (ignore my job ;)) Grrr!
Yeah it winds me up say they've gone in to the back garden for a smoke and says it smells. Well, it's the dogs toilet and I'm the only one who cleans it and I haven't been able to do it because of the weather/being in work till dark/so cold my hands don't work/etc. Odd how no one else knows how a poo bag works ;)
Or yeah if someone complains the living room or kitchen is cluttered or the carpet is hairy :mad:
A few times Rachelle said we should pay a cleaner. I said it was unrealistic and impossible with the dogs. So I said if they paid me I'd stop complaining about it. Didn't happen oddly enough ;)
Like I said, I'm fine about it most of the time. But it builds up a bit doesn't it and you end up feeling rather stressed and annoyed about it.

Hahahaha Tetris, I love the idea of me as a Disney Princess ;) The animals I make friends with are all sick, nervous, aggressive, etc... Not sure Disney would take that on. Would be hilarious!!

Hehe I'm pretty damn good with my money and budget well, so unless anything happens I'll be ok. The only thing I really need right now is new walking boots, which I wear for work too, but I need GOOD ones and I'm not up to spending £100 on myself just yet. Mine are ok for now, but I will need to replace them this year. But yeah, I don't really need anything for me. Will need some stuff for the animals though!
I am treating myself to pic and mix tonight though so that'll be nice :) But eating at Michelle's instead of eating out.

Oh no mate, it's constantly physical in work from the second you're in there, I just meant after I crashed around 4pm (both days actually) the physical stuff got a zillion times harder and I really slowed down. But by then it wasn't so bad for in patients and stuff.
I'll be f*cking fuming if I get any complaints from staff this weekend. But I think I can guarantee on at least 3 staff members backing me up anyway.
I was lucky it wasn't one of our usual weekends, although Sunday was a bit more 'normal', otherwise I may not have coped so well. But I think I did pretty damn well :eek:

I'm really pleased with the loss. Just annoyed with myself for putting weight back on last week over my birthday! Or I'd be so much closer to my goal now! But, lets see what happens this week. I'm definitely going to be off plan this evening (well, ish) and I think me and Mum are going in to town for lunch one day at the weekend.
My friends have said I should go round for tea one day this week too, but haven't organised it yet. I'm so surprised :rolleyes: So we'll see about that! But will try and still get two fast days in and on plan the rest of the time :D

Hahaha sorry about making you hungry :p

Urgh, had a horrible, horrible dream last night. I was seeing this guy and then didn't hear from him for a little while. Then found out he was killed in a car accident the night I'd seen him. Wtf brain?!!

Had a nice lunch and just watching some tv. Need to go get a shower in a bit and sort myself out for date night with the wife lol. Also need to feed the bunnies before I go too.

Hope everyone's doing ok.xx
People think we just sit and watch TV and go on FB all night :( It annoys me because people say things like "you must get bored" and "do you have a nap in the night?" Like we don't have work to do?? And I must want to punch people (in my head that is) at least a dozen times a night ha ha ha ha.
If I did you job I would end up with a zoo, I'd want to take them all home with me lol.
I hope your "date" night is fun x x x
It is very frustrating and annoying when someone guesses your job and gets it completely wrong. It's why I use the cuddling puppies and kittens line a lot lol. How I would love that job ;) But in reality, no, it's just not like that! Would the veterinary profession have the highest suicide rate if we all sat on rainbows all day hugging puppies and kittens? I think not ;)
I bet you want to punch an awful lot of people LOL!!!

Luckily the only animals available for me to take home is the odd stray. But stray dogs are with us less than 12hrs generally and I can't have a cat. Have had 2 rabbit strays from work, but the others come from other charities. So not a lot of chance to take things home. I do occasionally say "Can't we tell the owner its dead so I can have it?!" ;) Morally outstanding me :p

I had a really good night thank you. Was very naughty and had a small tub of Ben and Jerry's, a little bag of popcorn (not from the cinema tho!), and pic and mix at the cinema :eek: Also had a cheesy swirl thing with my SW carbonara :whistle:

Tetris is always telling me to shake up my metabolism so that should do it, followed by a fast day tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be like "WTF Kelly?!" and give me a good loss lol.

The films were good. That Awkward Moment was way better than I thought it was going to be. Hasn't Zac Efron grown up?! ;) Lol The film was pretty funny, rather enjoyed it.
Dallas Buyers Club was heartbreaking, but absolutely fantastic! Matthew McConaughey was amazing and Jared Leto was incredible. Stunning performances from both. Not the cheeriest film you will ever see, but it really is a must-see.
I'm glad Jared Leto is heading back in to films. I really like him :) Actually just put Requiem For a Dream on as I've not seen it in a very long time. Again, not a cheery film ;)

Looking forward to my fast day tomorrow after all the junk today. Enjoyed that too tho ;) Going to have a lie-in and all I really need to do tomorrow is sort out the bunnies properly tomorrow. Will watch a film or some eps of The Bridge or something while I'm home alone.
Night everyone.xx
Finally just remembered to order some batteries for the digital scales!! They're so expensive in the shops, they're the silly round flat ones. But found a 2 pack on Amazon for 69p with free delivery :D

Also looking for hotels near the NEC. Have got time booked off for Crufts and thought it might be nice to stay somewhere near-ish the NEC, but outside of Birmingham centre so I could just drive us there. Save faffing about with all our crap on the train and stuff. We buy a LOT at Crufts! But no way I want to drive in to an unfamiliar city centre.
Don't suppose anyone has any recommendations? Would need to be near the NEC, but don't mind driving a little way to get there. Would be too expensive to stay on the NEC/airport site anyway I reckon... I dunno, any recommendations welcome anyway :) xx
Wow what busy lives you and Barbette live but still find time to be so caring, having so much stress would wear me out without the rest of it. Nice to hear you have good days as well as the others.

Well done on the weight loss and it is nice to have treats like Ben and Jerry's etc. now and again although I have had too many of them lately. :cry:

About the batteries - I am almost sure they sell them in the pound shops now - I used to moan like mad about them because my scales and other things had them and I bought loads of them in bulk somewhere in Asia and had run out and my OH got them in town - will ask him when he gets up.

Beware of Amazon they are now charging delivery if your order is less than £10 of stuff.

EDIT - batteries - if they are about the size of your thumbnail - they were 4 for £1 - think the number is 20/32 - they fit our digital scales.
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Hey guys!
I stopped looking in the pound shops and Home Bargains coz they didn't have them. My batteries were completely free delivery :) I have Amazon Prime, thanks to a friend letting me use his, but these weren't even in that. Just free delivery :)
Will check the pound shops and stuff next time, thank you.

You know I almost think the stress fuels me at times. Tetris text me while I was in work about adrenaline getting me through it and I honestly think she was probably right! Also the sheer anger at my colleague ;) There are many times I look back at what I do and think "HOW did I do that?!" Lol.
So far I'm coping with being back in work better than I thought. Not looking forward to my first proper crash tho. I mean this weekend I was exhausted and painful in places I'd forgotten could be painful. But not yet had one of those days where I can't move!

Hehe Systema the last half of last year was spent mostly eating crap. I had some good days and weeks SW wise which helped keep my weight lower than it should have been. But I also had weird symptoms of severe cravings and eating through the night without knowing about it - which didn't help! Managed to put on a stone :eek: But seriously could have been a zillion times worse!! Some of it will be down to not being able to exercise, but I know most of it will be down to bad eating for whichever reason :eek: But yeah, treats are good and I planned yesterday evening to be a day off as a reward for making it through my first working weekend. And I'm doing a fast day today anyway, so should balance it out. Well, hopefully ;)

Today will be a lazy day. Have put some washing in and will put that on the airer later. And I do need to sort out the bunnies properly today and not just a quick visit. Will de-poo a bit more of the garden too. Will do as much as my stupid hands will let me!

Will post food later on. Haven't really decided what I want for tea yet. Naughty Kelly not planning a fast day ;) xx
Tuesday: 500cal Fast Day. Caffeine out again, just one cup of 'proper' coffee when I got up :)

Lunch: 2 cheese Crackerbread (38)
1 extra light Laughing Cow (20)
300ml Covent Garden Carrot & Butternut Squash soup (84)
= 142

Tea: 2 Quorn fillets (90)
20g red onion (8)
50g red peppers (13)
60g mange tout (18)
20g spinach (6)
100g broccoli and cauliflower (31)
100g beetroot (26)
6 Frylight squirts (6)
A little over 1tsp of Sriracha (6)
1tsp Italian dressing (4)

Snack: 1 Alpen Light (70)
40g strawberries (13)
8 Raspberries (8)
20 blueberries (16)
= 110

Drinks: Coffee. Water (1.5l) Peppermint & nettle tea. Options hot chocolate made with water (40)

Calories used: 497
Calories left: 3!

A pic of my tea. Not exactly small portions eh?! ;)
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Are you doing 5:2 ? When my Crohns flares - usually about twice a year I do the maple syrup thing - not the Madal Syrup one as it is about £26 a tin - but use any old maple syrup ...Natural Tree Syrup | The Lemon Detox but I never lose any weight doing it it just helps my digestion not to have any food as such. A stone is about what I have gained since September and it has to come off before it gets any worse. I did some walking today then though I would do my Linda Sansone walking DVD but gave up as I was not really up for it - done enough today. Will have to get into it a mile at a time.:D
Our son told us to be careful on Amazon as they were introducing the £10 lower limit on free delivery, maybe it has not started yet.
Yeah doing 5:2 along side SW :) My plan is two fast days, most of the other days SW, but maybe a couple of evenings or a day off plan. Wanted to have a full 100% week last week to kick-start everything as I'd been rather naughty over my birthday week and gained a silly amount :rolleyes:
I'm doing it more for the health benefits than the weightloss, but it's a very nice side effect as my losses are slower than ever. Even before I went a bit off track last year I was losing maybe 1lb a month if I was very lucky.
I've noticed I'm getting more and more IBS-like symptoms, which apparently is very very common with ME/CFS sufferers. So that's a joy to live with on top of everything else! It's why I'm drinking a lot of peppermint tea :p

Amazon are doing this thing where you can get free delivery on small/light items if you add them on to a larger order. But not everything is included and also depends if you're buying from Amazon or a seller. But, I have the use of Prime so can always pick that as a delivery option.

I've worn myself out. Took me 45mins to clean the rabbits and de-poo part of the garden. I'm very painful today and my head and eyes have kicked off now as well. Did my washing too, so can relax a bit now. Just got tea to make later, but don't really know what I want yet. Feel a bit hungry but also a little nauseous, so I dunno...x
I hope you're resting now after tiring yourself out, it doesn't sound as though you've had a lazy day at all. And well done on another fast day, my have to try that myself if this weight doesn't start coming off x x x x
It certainly would. I'm in quite a lot of pain now. General muscle aches all over, my joints are bad, my head's bad, got pressure in my face and my eyes, my eyes are blurry, etc... It would be lovely if I actually got a day off on my day off!!
Just had a nice big fast day tea. Took a pic to show it's not measly portions lol!
Got quite a lot of calories left for a snack in a bit :) Could even have a hot chocolate! Ooooh ;) x
Your tea looks well Cheekychinchilla! x
*well lovely that was meant to say!! :sign0007: