Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Bunnies!! Anya is the white one and Ralph is the ginge ;)


awww! The bunnies are so cute! Sorry you're not feeling well, hope you're a bit better now x
I think Ralph is one of the friendliest rabbits I have ever owned. He's like a little dog :D I have had some lovely bunnies tho!! He was so ill after Ramona died, but his hair has grown back and he is starting to put weight on a bit too. They pine so much when they're alone :(
But they're both very happy now and bouncing over each other and sharing food and being generally very cute :)

I ended up out in the garage/garden for over an hour. I did a full clean on both bunnies houses and then thought I should clean and collapse the dog run Anya had been living in so my friend can have it back. Was like a giant metal, pointy jigsaw lol! I took out the carrier she'd been sleeping in and the base of the run and washed them down with soapy water and rinsed them off. Had to brush the garage floor where loads of sawdust and hay had gone through the bars. Then I de-poo'd the garden - desperate to keep on top of it.

Had a bit of a sit down after doing my lunch dishes and then had to go out to my friends.
Davey was fantastic with the puppy! I knew he's be good, but he is a bit quick tempered (bloody terrier ;)) But he was very tolerant of her, played with her loads, shared toys (he does not share!!), and even got their Greyhound to play with the puppy for the very first time :eek: She played, did a lot of play postures, playful barking and nipping, was amazing to see! Tim was like a proud Dad :D Lulu generally tolerates Mort but doesn't really pay her any attention. So to have them play together was a HUGE big step. Really pleased!

We had pizza, garlic bread, and potato bits for tea and then Tim convinced me to have a Pop Tart lol. Haven't had one in yeeeeaaaaars coz they're like a billion calories lol. It was nice though!
Just generally had a really nice night. I feel a bit "battered" now from being nice and sociable and trying to hide how bad I was feeling. And doggy meetings are damn stressful even when they do go well because you're on alert the whole time. Very difficult to relax when you know your doggy behaviour lol. Very painful and tense, but it was totally worth it :)
Just tough to think that this is what I could be like for ever now. Suffering even from fun stuff :( But, I'll deal with it.

I walked Davey up the road and back before I brought him in and took Ellie out for a quick 5mins too. Both are worn out and pretty happy now :)

Home now and Mum's got Battle LA on :) xx
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will read tomorrow - just going to bed and saw you were here - goodnight - hope you sleep well.
So cute that Dave brought the dogs together more! I love reading your animal stuff :) the bit about Ralph pining when alone made me feel so sad! But then so happy to read that he and Anya are bouncing around together and love the kissy pic ;)

Glad you had a nice time with Tim and Caz after some tension recently! Really sucks that you are struggling even when having fun :( I feel for you dude, must be hard to constantly deal with pain and symptoms :/
Your attitude to food is so cool- wish I could take a chill pill week sometimes knowing that it'll come off another time! We gotta live! I dont trust myself enough, ha!
Never tried a pop tart, what are they like? :)

I hope you get to further your career as you aspire to, can imagine feeling the need to take care of your mum is strong, but hope you can still follow your own path too. X
I am very very impressed with Dave! He told her off a few times, but it was more than deserved. I mean if something bigger than me threw itself off a couch and raced straight at me and jumped on my face I'd be a bit annoyed as well ;) But he did incredibly well and I'm very pleased with him. Michelle said he's the doggy version of super nanny lol!!
I have to admit I do rather like being behaviour consultant to my friends. Maybe I should start charging the £100 an hour professionals get?! ;)

The struggling when having fun is a little like the back-lash I get from depression when I have some good days or fun times. It wears me out and stresses me :rolleyes:
I'm struggling a bit at the moment as well because I am literally getting no alone time with Mum being home from work and needing more help. I know that sounds awful, but hope you know what I mean? Today I dropped her off to meet a friend for coffee and thought I'd be alone until I left for T&C's. But by the time I'd finished with the rabbits Rachelle and John got home. I feel like I need to be "on" all the time, if that makes sense? And it's exhausting!

Pop Tarts are SUPER sweet flaky pastry with fruity filling and icing on. Disgustingly unhealthy! I think they're around 200cals each!!

I don't think it's just my Mum's illnesses any more, but my own too. I need to consider how much I can cope with physically and mentally. The mental stuff is getting more and more difficult to deal with. Cupcake Katie did warn me :eek: Like last night I read Weightloss *****'s blogg and then was just too mentally tired to start a new book!
God help me with these next 6 months of studying! I am actually dreading how ill I could get :( But I need to get through it and once it's done it's done and any future studying will be my own choice and at a much better standard!! I have to try and zoom ahead 6 months and think how awesome it will be when it's all done and I'm a qualified VCA :)

God I have been very stupid tonight. I felt so low and really sorry for myself and just awfully painful and I just couldn't stop eating :( Have had some red wine (one glass = self medication!), some Hotel Chocolat, and a crisp butty. FFS!!
Most definitely doing a fast day tomorrow. The soup is out to defrost so the decision has been made!! I must, must have a good week next week!! I think I just need to get thru this week and this weekend at work and get my head sorted. I always struggle when I have a few off plan things planned in one week and find it difficult to not think "all is lost and we'll start again next week" BUT at least I know I can and will get myself back on track next week :)

Right, going to head to bed.
Night lovely ladies.xx
Hi chuck - firstly, your bunnies are soooooooooo cute!! I'm very jealous! If only I had a garden. I just want to snuggle them, lol!

Secondly, sorry you're feeling a bit worn down. I can totally identify with what you said about being tired after being sociable. I had a massive crash this week. It started when I popped to my friend's for a cuppa on Tues night. I was only meant to be there an hour or so, but it'd been a while and she's a talker so ended up being there nearly 4 hours. Now bear in mind I was just sitting on a comfy sofa with a tea, mainly just listening. And I was STILL exhausted by it, and ended up off work Weds and Thurs. It's amazing how things can tire you out - things you really wouldn't expect. It's not like I was dancing in a bar all night! I'm still learning how best to use my energy and need to break this crash/recover cycle. I have an ME appointment on 6 March so if I learn anything that could help you Kelly, I'll let you know x
Hey Katie!
Thank you for your lovely posts :)
I've had experience with this with my depression before. It's almost like when I have good days my brain goes "going to get you back now for being happy" and I have days of feeling utterly sh*t. Maybe over the last year those days were the start of these ME days? I dunno. But whatever it is it's horrible!
I know I had the dogs to look after and I was "working", but like you I was just sitting in my friends house eating pizza and drinking coffee. I didn't even have to get up much because they were very well behaved and didn't really need much intervention. But I guess I was more switched on than a normal visit.
But I do notice it too when I just go round to a friends for coffee or tea or even when I go to the cinema. Everything is exhausting!! Why are our bodies doing these things to us?! :(

I'm hoping once I do get my referral through that things will start moving. It will be interesting to see what they can do for us, but the research I've done does seem to be a little hopeless. Just learning how to cope I guess.

I didn't get to sleep till past 3 last night and then just couldn't stay asleep! Well, not for as long as I'd like! Really painful again today, particularly my head, neck, and shoulders. And to add insult to injury I got water in my right ear and it's driving me nuts!! And not helping with the ear pain *sigh*
Going to start taking Naproxen today alongside paracetamol so it's in my system for the weekend. Must remember to take it before and after work!! And paracetamol through the day. Even if it only helps take the edge off it'll be helpful.
I checked my work rota and the nurse I'll be working with this weekend is really good. She cleans kennels, put dogs in the yard, helps with washing, etc... She can be rather stressy, but we get on really well and I know we'll work as a team. Nothing like the nurse I was with the last weekend I worked, the complete opposite in fact! So feel a bit better about that knowing we'll help each other and actually work together.

I really need to attempt some course work today. Even if it's just an hour to look at this first aid case study and start to set it up.
I've not heard from my tutor at all about the work I sent her. I don't even know if she's in work because she was off on Tuesday and I've not been in since. I have a feeling she'll bloody well slow me down as she says the only day in work she'll have a chance to do mentor stuff is a Tuesday. Well, what am I supposed to do with that? She was off sick this Tuesday and I'm on stand-down next Tuesday :confused:
I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of this by myself! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the offer of sending me some info Katie, that's really lovely of you :) I might take you up on that if I don't hear anything soon. I have spent a lot of time on the ME/CFS charity sites. They seem pretty good! xx
I really don' know how to manage to function on so little sleep never mind coping with the things happening in your life at the moment. Have a good week-end even though you are working.

I thought Pop Tarts had disappeared years ago - can remember getting a nasty burn on my lip from eating it too hot - do you still put them in the toaster?
I think it's just a case of I have to and I'm really f*cking stubborn ;) I often think I don't know how we cope!

Pop Tarts are still going strong. Lots of lovely new flavours I have to ignore lol. I think Tim did them in the toaster, yeah!

Well I picked up the brief for the assignment I need to start, read it, and thought I just can't do this today. So, I took the dogs out instead ;)
I needed to pick up my prescription anyway so decided to take Dave and we went to the park first and up on the loopline a little bit. We did get a little carried away, but the weather was nice and he hadn't had a park walk in aaaages. We were out for about 35mins, but a few of those were spent at the chemist. Map My Walk said we did 1.58miles! cheekychinchilla's Profile
I came back and got Ellie and within 5mins the weather turned in to Ark weather! We'd just gotten to the park (the closer one for her) and I couldn't just turn her round. Luckily there was only one other crazy out in the torrential rain and we just stayed away from each other so might as well have had the park and loopline to ourselves. Poor Ellie was really struggling by the time we were heading home and we were SOAKED! Well, Ellie was worse of than me. I'd been sensible and put wellies on and also had my Jack Wolfksin on, so only part of my face, my hands, and my thighs got wet. The rain coming off the peak of my hood was like a waterfall! Every now and then Ellie just turned round and glared at me LOL!
We walked for almost 25mins (bit too long for her :eek:) and covered 1.1miles cheekychinchilla's Profile

Seen as I was already cold and wet I sorted out the bunnies when we got back. Cleaned their litter trays and brushed their runs and made sure they had tons of bedding and hay, lots of food, and some fruit and veg. I won't get out again till Sunday night so did a nice big top-up for them :)

Had a lovely HOT shower and just come down with the hair dryer for Ellie. She loved it! Then Dave got jealous so I had to dry him even though he didn't get wet :rolleyes:

Going to sort out my lunches for the weekend now - best I can. Will just have salad and fruit to sort tomorrow night for Sunday. Bit torturous doing meals on a fast day, but needs must!
My fast day has been abandoned. Just couldn't do it today :eek:

Whilst sorting out my work lunches I just broke. Made a make-shift free chilli and had it with Mexican rice, cheese, and a salad with beetroot and cucumber. Some low cal dressing too.
The chilli was Quorn mince, red onion, mushrooms, courgette, red & green peppers, sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes, baked beans, and passata. I ended up making this for my work lunch for Sunday and it looked so good I made a bigger one for tonight and a spare portion :)

So today is a half fast day - had 200cals for lunch. And then an almost free SW tea. Just going to carry on today as if it was SW if I want something else.
Feel a bit bad for giving up, but I think it's safe to say this week is lost lol. Next week will be a good one :)

Going to set up tomorrow's food diary now before I forget what I have...
Saturday: 8-6:30 in work.

Breakfast: Banana and an Alpen Light (half HexB1)

First break: Alpen Light (rest of HexB1)
Half a tub of fruit - red grapes, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries
An Activia.

Lunch: Quorn chicken and pepperoni with shallots, mushrooms, red & green peppers, courgette, spinach, cherry tomatoes, chopped tomatoes, bit of passata, and sweetcorn.
Pasta Shells
Cheese (half HexA1)
Salad, cucumber, baby beetroots, and low cal dressing.
Rest of the fruit for dessert

Afternoon break:

Tea: Takeaway at Martin's. Don't know what we're having yet.

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Coke.
Hi! Sorry to hear your week is such a struggle physically and mentally, I can relate completely unfortunately. I can honestly say there's not a part of me not hurting this week, and when you were describing your depression it was like it was me talking, how on earth you're managing to get to work, look after mum, and study I just don't know and I take my hat off to you. I can't remember my kids date of birth, let alone what shopping I need.

Katie I totally understand the crash/burn cycle I seem stuck in it too, not helping as I'm struggling to do simple things ie walk to the bathroom, and come bed time I'm literally suicidal with pain. And then you can't sleep and on it goes.

Symstema, all I really remember about pop tarts is burning my lip and roof of my mouth when at a friend's for lunch as she was opposite our secondary school about 25 years ago, oh now that makes me feel old!!

I hope cheekychinchilla you can have a good working weekend, I'm planning on staying in bed more again as I've got a bell week coming up. Xxx
Just a quick one to let y'all know I'm alive :)
Will do a proper post tomorrow, just got into bed. I am not a fan of pre-midnight bedtimes!
Literally praying to the Gods of sleep tonight as last night was awful and I had these weird dreams that were very busy and honestly felt like years, but I woke up every hour or so :\
Night all.xx
Hi Kelly - you've had a tough time whilst I've been away. I'm so sorry about your chinny - losing pets is so sad.

I wonder if you've come across something called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) - you certainly have some of the symptoms. It's been in some of the papers recently because of someone with it having a food blog. Whilst the articles are really a plug for a forthcoming book it still makes interesting reading. If you google Ella Woodward you'll find the links. Mind you, she ate absolute rubbish before so it's not surprising that she feels so much better for adopting a good vegan diet!

Hope you got a good night's sleep.