Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Also, watching a programme about kids with severe health issues from bad diets - obese, bad teeth, etc... As I assumed would happen, the parents are making me SO angry!!
A complete lack of responsibility and wanting a quick fix. These people are willing to let their childrens teeth rot so much they have to have quite drastic dental surgery. A few of these kids are the 2nd child in the family to have dental surgery :/
And others are even willing to put their kids through extreme gastric surgery, removing 90% of their stomachs, rather than working on a healthy diet and exercise and supporting them. WTF is wrong with these people?!

And you know what a lot of them are saying? "I just want my kids to be happy. So I buy them whatever food and drink they want". The f*ck!!

Going to bed now.....
Bad, bad day. I think my head might actually explode at some point!
But a bad day means I get to watch a LOT of Grey's Anatomy. I have had to do a few things, but not too mush today. And some things I'm ignoring completely ;)

Got a lovely email back from the lady who is running the Scentworks stuff. Just need to work out how to pay without putting myself in a position with no emergency money! But I also need to remember that I get paid once before the rest of the Tenerife deposit needs to be paid and twice before Oslo :)
My current idea is to borrow the money from my ISA and add a little extra each month to what I usually put in it to make it up.

Right, more Grey's! x
Thursday food - EE day. Only half a HexA today because I didn't plan ahead. And I have no fake milk to have a hot chocolate *woe*

Tuna pasta salad
Tuna, red onion, peppers, gherkins, pasta, and extra light mayo (1)
Rocket & baby leaf salad, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, posh beetroot, feta (half HexA), dressing (0.5)

Tea: Think I'll make a curry
Quorn fillets sliced up, red onion, mushrooms, peppers, peas, spinach, new potatoes, bit of tomato puree, chickpea dahl, and spicy stuffs.
Pilua rice pouch (1)

Crumbled Alpen & Benefit Lights (HexB) with kiwi, red grapes, bluberries, 1/2tsp of honey (0.5), and an Activia 0%
A mini Malteser Bunny & mini Caramel Egg (6)

Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 9
Syns saved: 20.5

Quick bunny visit
Hoovered the living room
Emptied the bin and recycling
Cleaned the kitchen a bit & did some dishes
Emptied two clothes airers and put clothes away
And very quickly washed my hair!
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Sorry you're having another bad day but glad to see you're taking it easier than you normally do.

Well done on getting you and Dave on that course, I'm sure you'll both have loads of fun :D Fingers crossed you sort out your finances for the scentworks course, I think all the stuff you have planned for yourself is keeping you motivated and keeps you going when you're having bad days. You should be so proud of yourself doing so much and not giving in to the ME and using it as a cop out.

I read an article in the paper the other month about obese children in this country, last year 180 children under 10 were over 20 stone in this country and some of them were taken into care as it was deemed as child abuse and I think they're right. If you've had repeated warnings about the junk you feed your kids and refuse to help them become a healthy weight and don't start saying no to them they should be taken into care for their own good. I think it comes down to parents being too soft with their kids in general, they don't know how to say no. I also think the parents should be made to go on a nutrition course so they know how to feed their kids properly and not just takeaways and ding ding meals.
I see women bringing their kids to group and they are huge, you can tell they've fed the kids the same rubbish they have eaten but they are not doing anything to help the kids. They sit in group eating sweets and crisps and you would think these women would realise they can't feed their kids junk and expect them to be healthy. It really annoys me as well, as a nation we've become lazy relying on ready meals and takeaways instead of cooking healthy food from scratch.
Sorry for ranting :(

Hope you get some sleep tonight and start to feel a little better x x x
I think Barbette has summed up your attitude to life and ME very well. I'm not surprised your therapist was impressed. You do more than many healthy people do: you work in a job that's both mentally and physically difficult (even without having your allergies!), you're a carer for your mother, you take two dogs on separate walks, care for the bunnies, do your own shopping and cooking and loads of other things besides despite often being really poorly. In short - you're awesome, so keep telling yourself that!

I liked your post above about enrolling you and Davey on a TTouch course because your enthusiasm shines through. Obviously, I don't like the bit about your eyes bothering you.

You are doing well with your food at the moment - that's quite a few good days over the last few weeks.
Friday food: Green day

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy scrambled eggs with mushrooms and red peppers (half HexA1)
Fried cherry tomatoes
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Quorn Turk'y burgers topped with shallots, red peppers, and cheese (rest of HexA1)
Mediterranean veg Pasta N Sauce
Veg bag - broccoli, carrots, and sweetcorn
Extra light mayo & dressing (1)

Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Coffee, Coke Zero, Options made with unsweetend Almond milk (2 + half HexA2), Matcha made with orange juice (1)
Costa soy milk Caffe Caramella with sugar free syrup (rest of HexA2 + 1)

Syns used: 6
Syns saved: 29.5

Loads of time at the shops!
Big bunny clean.
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Saturday Food: Working 9:30-8. A much needed Green Day ;)

Oats So Simple Multigrain Porridge (HexB) with un-sweetened almond milk (part HexA1), banana, 1/2 tsp of Honey (0.5), and raisins (2)

First break (about 12):
Fruit tub - strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, and blueberries
Activia 0%

Lunch (about 3):
Quorn mince, shallots, mushrooms, peppers, posh cherry tomatoes, courgette, spinach, with veggie ravioli (2)
Cheese (Rest of HexA1)
Salad bag - rocket & babyleaf salad, spicy beetroot, dressing (0.5)

Afternoon break:
Toffee Crisp biscuit (5)

2 Quorn southern fried burgers (5) topped with gherkins & cheese (HexA2)
Low fat Supernoodles
Salad, beetroot, and dressing (0.5)
Extra light Mayo & sauces (1.5)
Wholemeal bun (HexB2)

Mini Dreamy & Mini Creme Egg (6)

Coffee, Coke Zero, squash, Matcha made with orange juice (1)

Syns used: 24
Syns saved: 20.5

10.5 hour work shift. Lets see if this alone beats the Fitbit daily steps challenge ;)
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Sunday food:

Oats So Simple Multigrain Porridge (HexB) with un-sweetened almond milk (part HexA1), banana, 1/2 tsp of Honey (0.5), and raisins (2)

First break (about 12):
Fruit tub - strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, and blueberries
Activia 0%

Portion of dahl from the other night
Uncle Ben's biryani rice pouch (3.5)

Afternoon break:
Bag of mini Cadbury's Fingers (5)


End of week treat:

Coffee, Coke Zero, squash, matcho with orange juice (1)

Syns used:
Syns left this week:

Another very long day at work.
Hey guys!
What a hellish weekend. i could rant on and on, but I will spare you from it. Working with the two people I dislike most was very hard work in itself, but to add to the issues I also had to work with two locum vets, a locum nurse, and a rubbish auxiliary Sat evening and it was beyond a joke. Complete and utter lack of communication and people flapping and panicking. We're an emergency service, we're not there to f*cking panic!
To cut a long story short and to give you an idea of how I felt yesterday. One of the worst things that happened was me telling these lovely, lovely people that their beautiful dog had been put to sleep without them. Because that's what I was lead to believe and I was sent in to speak to them about cremation options. It hadn't been put to sleep..... i mean it was going to be, but WITH the owners. I was absolutely mortified. I couldn't believe it and I felt so, so awful :(
When I got home last night I was absolutely fuming!
Today was a little better, but this evening went crazy again. Luckily we had the good staff in so even tho it was crazy busy, we were all on it and everything was under control. I managed to escape just as they were opening up an emergency c-section! Usually I would be more than happy to be given a squishy puppy to revive, but I just needed to get out and go home.
I sorted the bunnies, had a lovely shower, had a nice tea, and now I have chocolate and I'll be going to bed soon. Just half watched the total Recall "remake" and 12 Monkeys has just come on. That'll do!

Thank you to Barbette and Patty for the lovely, lovely posts the other day. I got all teary and everything *blush*
I'm really glad to think you don't see me as using the ME as a cop out. I can't stand it when people "abuse" a disability - if you know what I mean? I like to think I am sensible with it, but will also push it. And as my therapist said this week, some things are worth the payback!!

The children obesity thing gets me so angry. But not because of fat kids or fat parents, but because of the ones who don't see themselves as having any responsibility or involvement in it. Like it just magically happens and that the food companies/school/takeaways are to blame!
It's a difficult one for me because me and Rachelle both ended up as obese teens. I think what happened was when We were old enough for Mum to go to a full time job and we suddenly had money it was a way of rewarding us and almost making up for lost time. We were incredibly poor, and I do mean poor lol!! We still are ;) But nowhere near the way we were growing up. And food was a reward, because stuff like cake and biscuits and chocolate were a complete and utter luxury or things that we got when visiting friends or family. We just couldn't afford them!
And then of course when I started earning my own money (Rachelle was the same) it stepped up a gear because we suddenly had SO much freedom with our food. And we made terrible, terrible choices ;) That we are both still paying for massively! But we learnt!
So it is a touchy subject for me, but definitely more so when parents and stuff are in complete denial that it is their fault! 20st kids should never, ever be a thing. And I do agree that at that level it is child abuse, just as bad as starving a kid!

Haha Patty I forget about my allergies until a flare-up happened. Like today, after handling a long-haired cat I'd not met before. I wanted to take my eyes out and wash them!! An allergy flare-up is rare-ish because of the insane amount of meds I have to take! But yes, it's definitely an added issue for my job....

I can't wait to do the TTouch course with Davey! And I am going to sort my pennies out and book the Scentworks course. Going to sign up for both days :)

Totally blushing at you saying I am awesome :)

Food today has mostly been on plan. I did have some oven chips with my tea and I've probably had a little bit too much chocolate. But I still had 20 syns saved and todays on top, so I don't think it will be too bad.

My Fitbit says that on Sat I walked 8,776 steps/3.7miles which was about 95% at work! And today I am up to 8338/3.5miles. It says I am burning well over my calories too, which I know I should take no notice of, but it is nice to see - even if it is super inaccurate ;)
I thought my steps would be more than that, but I was on the front and being in the back is much more physical. Will be interesting to see the difference when I'm next in the back on a weekend.

Right, cheerio and see y'all tomorrow.xx
Forgot to say! I got weighed yesterday and finally, finally back down to my restart weight of 82kg!! How insane is that?!
I really need to stick to the EE days I think and keep making a good effort. And I like EE days now that I've done a few and it keeps things interesting. Even doing a few days of EE a week seems to make a big difference :) x
What a horrific weekend, especially Saturday.

Haha - yes, it's Betty's you're looking for!

I know where you're coming from with the child obesity issue. I watched a programme a few years ago about faddy eaters, which included some young children, some of whom were pre-schoolers, who would eat only takeaway meals - mostly KFC and MaccyDs - and the parents were saying 'What can we do?' What!!! You're the parents - make the children eat what YOU want them to eat. If a parent can't exercise any authority over young children then what chance have they got when the child is older? I know food is an emotive issue and a very successful bargaining tool for little ones, but really! DD was very faddy - she didn't grow out of it until she was around 14 - and I did cook her some different things or just give her a sandwich, but I would never have caved in to the extent of feeding her takeaways.

Well done on the weigh-in; it's interesting that EE is having a good result for you.

Did you catch this: BBC News - Distinct stages to chronic fatigue syndrome identified
Hey Patty!

This weekend was awful, just awful! I was so exhausted, but I do think more mentally and emotionally :( You know I was in bed last night for 13hrs!! I've got my Fitbit set to record sleeping patterns for someone with sleep issues (so it's more sensitive) and it says from the 13hrs I had just under 9hrs of actual sleep. A lot of it I was awake or very restless for. I know 9hrs probably sounds like an awful lot to most people, but 9 out of 13 isn't very much. And Fri and Sat I had about 4hrs each :/

I think the child weight thing is such a huge issue - no pun intended ;) There's such a lack of education and responsibility for EVERYTHING in this country. So many people just go "Not my fault". Grrrrrr!
My Sister was very fussy as a child too. Wouldn't believe that now she is a full on veggie lol!

I think I lost almost 3lbs. Which is incredible! I will no doubt ruin it this week with two days in York ;) But I am going to do EE days until we go to at least help.

I've just read the article. Still doesn't seem like there's much proof of stages. But I do believe there are stages, plus flare-ups for various reasons. It sounds like the clinical trial I was invited too, they wanted to do blood tests and muscle biopsies and see how they compared to healthy people. So maybe there'll be more evidence and results in a couple of years from the UK too. At least there are people putting effort in and trying to learn more about it.

I was asked to do a night shift tomorrow, but by the time I sorted it out and thought about it I missed out by a few minutes. Sort of on standby for Sunday night, but as a last resort. Shame really, could have done with the extra money now that I've lost an extra weekend. And I would have gotten a lot of lieu time. But, never mind.

We're looking at staying an extra night in York now. Just waiting to hear from my friend to see if she can watch the dogs for an extra night. We were gonna do Friday but the rooms are ridiculously expensive, even though everyone has empty rooms. Not paying £100 a room tho!! Nope!!

Off to training with Pinta soon. By myself!! I thought Mum was gonna come with me, but she doesn't feel up to it. I don't feel great, but she missed last week with being spayed and I don''t want her to miss too many. First time she'll have been out since her surgery tho, so I expect total insanity ;)

Monday food: EE day

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy scrambled eggs with mushrooms and red peppers (half HexA)
1 slice of wholemeal toast (half HexB)
Tomato sauce (1)

Home made ratatouille.
Shallots, mushrooms, carrots, courgette, peppers, spinach, chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, and herbs & garlic.
Quorn meatballs
Salad, beetroot, and dressing (0.5)
Cheese (rest of HexA)

Small bowl of crumbled Benefit Light (rest of HexB), strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, 1/2tsp of honey (0.5), and an Activia 0%
2 Hotel Chocolat chocs (6)

Coffee, Coke Zero, squash.

Syns used: 8
Syns saved: 7

A very quick walk with Pinta - less than 10mins.
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Pinta's class got rained off just as we got there! I have never seen a dog look quite so disappointed :/ I nipped in to the shop to buy some treats, food, and a new clicker (mine have vanished!), and I gave her a tripe stick for the ride back. She left it on the seat and didn't touch it!!
We stopped at the park near my house and we did a quick walk and a few training bits on the side the street lights cover. It was freezing tho and started raining again. So less than 10mins.
Mum took Dave out while I was out, but they caught caught in the bad weather. It was raining, hail stones, and really strong wind! Crazy.