Claire_R - time to give my head a shake!


Full Member
Hi there everyone.

I joined SW in April 2012 when I was at my heaviest ever. I got my head straight into it and had lost 2 stone by Christmas 2012 and I was really pleased with that. Since then i was kind of 'hovering' putting the same couple of lbs on and then losing them again.

Although I was still a stone above my target, I was a lot happier than I had been previously so I didn't really mind maintaining as long as I wasn't gaining. Then a couple of months ago after having kept at the same weight for about 10 months I decided to quit SW, save myself a fiver a week, and go it alone - famous last words.

So, over the last couple of months I've gained 7.5lbs. I don't want to give in and go back to group just yet, but I've decided to start a thread of my own on here. Hopefully get a bit of support and tips. I've had a small break, and it was nice but it's time to knuckle down again and get to a healthy weight.
I had a reasonable weekend this weekend. Not amazing but not as bad as some of the previous ones

Yesterday I was good:

Breakfast: Porridge with skimmed milk (hxa and hxb)

Lunch: mug shot

Dinner: SW style KFC chicken, SW chips and salad

Syns: Glass of red wine