** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Aww hey hun n Ty!!! Just about to have a mim with strawbs n cream with a creamy coffee - in bed. The sun's out here so will then decide what to do.

Hope ur having a good day?
ooh yum breakfast in bad lovely :)
yes sun i shining here too :)
B. MiM with lil splash almond essence for a change - v.nice, with strawbs n cream. Creamy coffee.

Just contemplating what to do today. Want to get my Xmas prezzie pics up in my kitchen. Not sure if it's poss tho.

Will msg pierce today re the diary section.
thanks Claire.
Oh whats pics?
Well my real dad who I don't see too often lives in Leicester n a couple yrs ago I asked for some pictures for my kitchen as a Xmas present. I've used bright accessories in my kitchen to brighten up the room. I don't have an external window but have double height ceilings with open beams throughout. My microwave is red, toaster blue etc...

My dad went round Leicester n too photos of good graffiti then cut em out n made big pictures. I really liked them so asked for some more this last Xmas. My Walls are huge so take some filling. Ive got a huge step ladder left from some work on my roof windows in the spare room. Only thing is I'm not sure I can move it myself. I'm also scared of heights. So hmm it's a mission.
Graffiti, now that's different Claire
Sounds nice Claire, post some pics I'd love to see it. Making spaghetti Bol without the spaghetti today just some braised leeks instead weird and wonderful!
they sound fab claire. cant wait to see pics :)

Got stuck in traffic on the way home after buying some hooks etc to hang them up. So project delayed a little while.

D. Corned beef. Few peanuts.

Really need to do some washing up. God i hate washing up. Darn boiler is still knackered so cba even more with boiling the kettle to do it. Hopefully the engineer will come tmoz and i can sort my flat out then.

Just done a strange marinade type thing for belly pork which is sat doing it's thing in the fridge atm till cooking later. Worc sauce, sf maple syrup, spring onions, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, little bit of low carb tommy k. Mixed up then the pork plonked in. Will see what it's like later. Will have with little gem lettuce, cucumber n mayo.
ooh let us know what your concotion is like xx
or your diary has been deleted ;)
pmsl!!! our diaries have moved but yours hasnt LOL