Classes certificates

Consultants pay for awards certificates, however stickers are free. So I am assuming this is why you are only getting stickers and that makes me sad :( I personally love my award certificates, I buy myself a bouquet of flowers to match each one I get. It is part of the C's job to make sure you are getting the encouragement and praise that you need. It is one of the SW promises to you. You absolutely should be getting an award certificate when you reach that stone or half stone. There are Cs out there that would be horrified to hear you are missing out on this large part of Image Therapy.

If you didn't get your certificate one week don't be embarrassed to ask for it! You should be proud you've lost that weight. Its a big achievement. If you aren't getting certificates and want to then you should mention it to your C in a nice, positive way. They should take what you are saying on board.

Edit: Oh dear found this thread through google and didn't realize it was quite so old. Sorry for dragging up old topics!
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I love my certificates because during past attempts at weight loss if I told certain family members I had lost 'x' amount of pounds all I got in response was a sarcastic "where'd you lose them, out of your wallet?" and similar comments like "Doesn't look like it". Not very nice I know but I know it's through their own jealousy - even so it always knocked my confidence and made me feel like, "what's the point?" and give up.

Most recently when met with these comments I was able to produce my certificates and wave them in the offending family members face, smiling this time round that I am able to prove my weight loss! :)
Our Consultant always gives out stickers, certificates and even makes individual "special" ones on occasions. I love receiving them and proudly stick them on my book! It's a good record of your efforts.
We get stickers but no certificate for every 1/2 stone and stone, and a sticker and certificate for SoTW. We don't get slimmer of the month awards; my C just doesnt do it for some reason. I got Woman of the Year last week which was flowers and a sash but no certificate. I'd love to have certificates of all my achievements; I wish it was more uniform across the board.
My first C gave the certs out, or posted them to you if you couldn't stay to IT. My 3 stone never turned up though, then the 3.5 I got at my last group never arrived either :/ I liked having them as motivation around the place, I'm hoping when I hit my 4st with new C I'll get the certificate as well as the sticker!