Clean and Green? what is it


Full Member
I've been at the same weight now for three weeks since losing 12 pounds in my induction..(fluctuating 2-4 pounds due to the TotMonth)... I know I'm doing something wrong with my food as I'm exercising like a nutcase (even with my bad knees!)... so i want to cut out cream, cheeses etc and concentrate on portion control.. but I'd like to know exactly what is meant by "clean and green'.. where can I get ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner for this ?.... I'm really sick of tuna/mayo with salad for lunch.. (and actually sometimes for breakfast too)...

I really want to start losing again.. and I don't want to have to stick to a shake for breakie and lunch... but i will if it means losing again..

thanks guys..
Kizzie hun I answered on your diary thread - it means strict induction, no extras, no sugar free stuff, no shakes or bars.
I go by strict induction and have shakes
I feel your pain. I think I'll join you on Thursday after wi. Good luck :)
Oh right, I've never heard of Clean & Green. I just stick to around 20g, but have 2 shakes within that
What do you put in the shakes? I've not had them on Atkins
3 level scoops of power and about 300-350ml water. I have 2 of those a day (with an A-Z vit with minerals), and my food in the evening
Ah! Protein shakes! How are they working out for you?