Clothes to slim into

I bought a real nice shirt 3 months ago and was rare to find anything expensive in a xxl(usually sold out). I can now get in it but want a couple more inches really.
the size 18 jeans i'm sitting in now. am totally chuffed i can get them on but they aren't very flattering to say the least, ha. but they are on. so i want to be in them in the next fortnight if possible!!

abz xx
the size 18 jeans i'm sitting in now. am totally chuffed i can get them on but they aren't very flattering to say the least, ha. but they are on. so i want to be in them in the next fortnight if possible!!

abz xx

Yeah, you know they are still a little tight when you take them off and theres a indentation from the tight waistband around your tum, a friend told me, i know nothing about such things :p
This is gonna sound blokey, but I have a guiness tshirt which i loved when i was about 17st (ahhh the memories !!) and i associate that with being slimmer, so too me that is it....a white, tatty guiness t shirt,

Yeah, sounds like a nice tshirt though, howeve tatty it may be lol

What plan are you following?
I bought a real nice shirt 3 months ago and was rare to find anything expensive in a xxl(usually sold out). I can now get in it but want a couple more inches really.

I am sure it won't be long for some more inches off, your doing really well, what plan you following?