comfort eating

You just have to remember why you want to be thin, it's a struggle for everyone, but you could also find alternatives to eating junk etc.
It's all about making choices, such as to grab a satsuma not raid the crisps.
I know you'd still be comfort eating, but after a while you can wean yourself off that too, once you start seeing results.
I'm very much a comfort eater too. I also will eat just to have something to do with my hands. I can quite happily get through a packet of biscuits during Eastenders.

I have however recenty taken up crochet. It gives me something to do when I'm in danger of over snacking.

I recommend finding something to do instead of eating. Crochet is my thing at the minute. It could be anything though.
I agree! I took up knitting for that exact same reason.. because I would find that after supper (even if I had eaten a big meal) I would end up being 'hungry' which was only down to bordem eating! As soon as I got my hands and brain busy... BAM! I forgot about the food issue. :)

Same at work.. If I am busy then I dont think about food. As soon as I get bored then I start reaching for the junk... Not good.