competitive personalities


Full Member
Does anyone else have a competitive personality?

I am awful, to the point that my friends and family won't play monopoly etc against me. If I win, I'm very gracious and don't gloat, but if I lose, I sulk and get very angry and feel like a failure.

Last time I joined SW I thought I'd enjoy beating people and getting SOTW. However, I never lost enough, and each week I got more and more jealous and annoyed.

This time I'm joining with two friends from work. I'm terrified that they'll do really well and I'll fail in comparison, and start to regret going with them.

How does anyone else who is over-competitive manage?
I'm competitive but i focus it inward(which can get quite self destructive if i'm honest) and use it that way. The only other person i get really competitive with is my hubby but atm we are currently doing the same degree module sooo its me against he each essay. lol. Thing is learn to take yourself a little less seriously. If you let the jealous feelings and envy over take you are NOT going to enjoy your sw experience.
I'm wondering if I should try and be in competition with the last time I went to SW, rather than the others, and give myself my own reward for beating how I did last time.

The girls I am going with will def lose quicker than me as I have pcos and hypothyroid, and dont really like veg.